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Last active April 19, 2023 09:21
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pretty output for `pandoc lua`

We don't get pretty output by default with pandoc lua like we do with --to native

 pandoc -f markdown -t native
![My Image](local/img/jpg)
[ Figure
    ( "" , [] , [] )
       Nothing [ Plain [ Str "My" , Space , Str "Image" ] ])
    [ Plain
        [ Image
            ( "" , [] , [] )
            [ Str "My" , Space , Str "Image" ]
            ( "local/img/jpg" , "" )
 pandoc lua -i
Lua 5.4.4  Copyright (C) 1994-2022, PUC-Rio
Embedded in pandoc 3.1.2
> pandoc.Figure( pandoc.Image( {}, 'local/img.jpg'),  { 'My image' })
Figure ("",[],[]) (Caption Nothing [Plain [Str "My",Space,Str "image"]]) [Plain [Image ("",[],[]) [] ("local/img.jpg","")]] 

We can use the pretty.lua filter to get pretty output

pandoc lua -l pretty -i
local debug = require 'debug'
debug.getmetatable(pandoc.Space()).__tostring = function (inln)
return pandoc.write(pandoc.Pandoc(inln), 'native')
debug.getmetatable(pandoc.Plain{}).__tostring = function (blk)
return pandoc.write(pandoc.Pandoc(blk), 'native')
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