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Last active December 19, 2015 01:59
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TODO: Fill in the problem statement

// This can be used in lieu of changing the metaclass in the constructor,
// but affects _all_ classes, which can be a big overhead
// ExpandoMetaClass.enableGlobally()
class RobotDog {
String name
RobotDog() {
// Make the metaclass an expando so that we can cache behavior better
def mc = new ExpandoMetaClass(RobotDog,false,true)
this.metaClass = mc
def jump() {
println "$name jumps"
def jump(howHigh) {
println "$name jumps $howHigh feet into the air"
def jump(howHigh, times) {
println "$name jumps $howHigh feet into the air $times times"
def fetch(somethingToFetch) {
println "$name fetches the $somethingToFetch"
def chew(somethingToChewOn) {
println "$name chews on the $somethingToChewOn"
def chew(somethingToChewOn, howToChew) {
println "$name chews on the $somethingToChewOn in a $howToChew way"
def bark() {
println "$name barks"
def methodMissing(String commandName, args) {
// Create the method we'll call on subsequent commands
def cachedMethod = { Object[] cmArgs ->
// This is the default behavior when we don't know how to do something
println "$name stares at you blankly"
// Add it to the class so that it'll be called next time instead of doing all this
RobotDog.metaClass."$commandName" = cachedMethod // Adds it to the Class
metaClass."$commandName" = cachedMethod // Adds it to the object
// Call it, since that's what we were asked to do
return cachedMethod(args)
// Some instructions
def input = '''jump
jump 5 2
fetch ball
fetch shoe
chew leg hard
// Look, a new doggy!
def rob = new RobotDog(name: "Rob the Dog")
// Let's see what he can do...
input.eachLine {line ->
// Break the line into a list of pieces
def instruction = line.tokenize()
// Execute the line as a cons pair: Command at the head, followed by parameters
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