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Created July 11, 2019 14:53
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starter pack: merkle-patricia-trie proof verifier

Building on the Stateless MPT-based token script for Scout.


  1. use smtp-proof-generator.js to generate a test vector for a basic merkle-patricia-trie proof verifier.
  2. paste the test vector into verify-branch.js


  • verify-branch.js only verifies a single proof (i.e. a single merkle branch)
  • a more complex verifier would verify a multi-proof (see the turbo-geth docs for an example of a multi-proof)
  • verify-branch.js is self-contained, so we can see everything we'd need to port (with the exception of keccak256) for a new implementation, e.g. in AssemblyScript
// code here is from
// added a console.log to print a single proof, for use as a test vector
const assert = require('assert')
const { promisify } = require('util')
const BN = require('bn.js')
const Trie = require('merkle-patricia-tree')
const Account = require('ethereumjs-account').default
const StateManager = require('ethereumjs-vm/dist/state/stateManager').default
const PStateManager = require('ethereumjs-vm/dist/state/promisified').default
const { keccak256, ecsign, stripZeros } = require('ethereumjs-util')
const { encode } = require('rlp')
const Wallet = require('ethereumjs-wallet')
const yaml = require('js-yaml')
const fs = require('fs')
const prove = promisify(Trie.prove)
const verifyProof = promisify(Trie.verifyProof)
async function main () {
const testSuite = {
'beacon_state': {
'execution_scripts': [
'shard_pre_state': {
'exec_env_states': [
'shard_blocks': [
'shard_post_state': {
'exec_env_states': [
const rawState = new StateManager()
const state = new PStateManager(rawState)
// Generate random accounts
let accounts = await generateAccounts(state, 5000)
let root = await state.getStateRoot()
// Generate txes
let [txes, proofNodes, simulationData] = await generateTxes(state, accounts, 70)
// Serialize witnesses and tx data
const blockData = encode([txes, proofNodes])
console.log(`block data length: ${blockData.length}`)
'env': 0,
'data': blockData.toString('hex')
// Apply txes on top of trie to compute post state root
for (tx of simulationData) {
await transfer(state, tx)
root = await state.getStateRoot()
//const serializedTestSuite = yaml.safeDump(testSuite)
//fs.writeFileSync('smpt.yaml', serializedTestSuite)
function proofBuffersToHex(proof) {
return => elem.toString('hex'))
async function generateTxes (state, accounts, count=50) {
let txes = []
let simulationData = []
let proofNodes = {}
const root = await state.getStateRoot()
let totalNodes = 0
for (let i = 0; i < count; i++) {
const from = accounts[i].address
const to = accounts[i + 1].address
const value = new BN('00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000ff', 16)
const nonce = new BN('0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000', 16)
simulationData.push({ from, to, value, nonce })
const fromAccount = await state.getAccount(from)
const fromWitness = await prove(state._wrapped._trie, keccak256(from))
// just print the first proof
if (i === 0) {
const proofData = {
fromWitness: proofBuffersToHex(fromWitness),
root: root.toString('hex'),
fromAddress: from.toString('hex'),
fromAccountLeaf: fromAccount.serialize().toString('hex')
// use this proof (i.e. a single merkle branch) as a test vector
console.log('proofData:', JSON.stringify(proofData))
let val = await verifyProof(root, keccak256(from), fromWitness)
assert(val.equals(fromAccount.serialize()), "valid from witness")
for (item of fromWitness) {
proofNodes[keccak256(item).toString('hex')] = item
const toAccount = await state.getAccount(to)
const toWitness = await prove(state._wrapped._trie, keccak256(to))
val = await verifyProof(root, keccak256(to), toWitness)
assert(val.equals(toAccount.serialize()), "valid to witness")
for (item of toWitness) {
proofNodes[keccak256(item).toString('hex')] = item
const txRlp = encode([to, stripZeros(value.toBuffer('be', 32)), stripZeros(nonce.toBuffer('be', 32))])
const txHash = keccak256(txRlp)
const txSig = ecsign(txHash, accounts[i].privateKey)
txes.push([to, stripZeros(value.toBuffer('be', 32)), stripZeros(nonce.toBuffer('be', 32)), [stripZeros(txSig.r), stripZeros(txSig.s), txSig.v]])
console.log(`Deduplicated ${totalNodes} total proof nodes down to ${Object.values(proofNodes).length} nodes`)
return [txes, Object.values(proofNodes), simulationData]
async function transfer (state, tx) {
let { from, to, value, nonce } = tx
const fromAcc = await state.getAccount(from)
const toAcc = await state.getAccount(to)
assert(new BN(fromAcc.balance).gte(value))
assert(new BN(fromAcc.nonce).eq(nonce))
const newFromBalance = new BN(fromAcc.balance).sub(value)
fromAcc.balance = newFromBalance.toBuffer()
fromAcc.nonce = nonce.addn(1).toBuffer()
const newToBalance = new BN(toAcc.balance).add(value)
toAcc.balance = newToBalance.toBuffer()
await state.putAccount(from, fromAcc)
await state.putAccount(to, toAcc)
async function generateAccounts (state, count=500) {
let accounts = []
for (let i = 0; i < count; i++) {
let wallet = Wallet.generate()
let address = wallet.getAddress()
let privateKey = wallet.getPrivateKey()
let account = new Account()
account.balance = new BN('ffffff', 16).toBuffer()
await state.putAccount(address, account)
return accounts
main().then(() => {}).catch((e) => console.log(e))
* this is a self-contained file with everything needed to verify a merkle-patricia-trie proof
* functions were copy/pasted from the require() dependencies
* the only imported dependency is keccak256
* code is mostly from the verifyProof function in
const assert = require('assert')
//const rlp = require('rlp');
//const ethUtil = require('ethereumjs-util');
//const Trie = require('merkle-patricia-tree')
// imported deps:
// ethUtil.toBuffer
// ethUtil.sha3
// ethUtil.rlp.decode
const { keccak256 } = require('ethereumjs-util')
const proofData = {
function TrieNode(type, key, value) {
if (Array.isArray(type)) {
// parse raw node
} else {
this.type = type;
if (type === 'branch') {
var values = key;
this.raw = Array.apply(null, Array(17));
if (values) {
values.forEach(function (keyVal) {
this.set.apply(this, keyVal);
} else {
this.raw = Array(2);
TrieNode.isRawNode = isRawNode;
TrieNode.addHexPrefix = addHexPrefix;
TrieNode.removeHexPrefix = removeHexPrefix;
TrieNode.isTerminator = isTerminator;
TrieNode.stringToNibbles = stringToNibbles;
TrieNode.nibblesToBuffer = nibblesToBuffer;
TrieNode.getNodeType = getNodeType;
Object.defineProperty(TrieNode.prototype, 'value', {
get: function get() {
return this.getValue();
set: function set(v) {
Object.defineProperty(TrieNode.prototype, 'key', {
get: function get() {
return this.getKey();
set: function set(k) {
}); // parses a raw node
TrieNode.prototype.parseNode = function (rawNode) {
this.raw = rawNode;
this.type = getNodeType(rawNode);
}; // sets the value of the node
TrieNode.prototype.setValue = function (key, value) {
if (this.type !== 'branch') {
this.raw[1] = key;
} else {
if (arguments.length === 1) {
value = key;
key = 16;
this.raw[key] = value;
TrieNode.prototype.getValue = function (key) {
if (this.type === 'branch') {
if (arguments.length === 0) {
key = 16;
var val = this.raw[key];
if (val !== null && val !== undefined && val.length !== 0) {
return val;
} else {
return this.raw[1];
TrieNode.prototype.setKey = function (key) {
if (this.type !== 'branch') {
if (Buffer.isBuffer(key)) {
key = stringToNibbles(key);
} else {
key = key.slice(0); // copy the key
key = addHexPrefix(key, this.type === 'leaf');
this.raw[0] = nibblesToBuffer(key);
}; // returns the key as a nibble
TrieNode.prototype.getKey = function () {
if (this.type !== 'branch') {
var key = this.raw[0];
key = removeHexPrefix(stringToNibbles(key));
return key;
TrieNode.prototype.serialize = function () {
return rlpEncode(this.raw);
TrieNode.prototype.hash = function () {
return keccak256(this.serialize());
TrieNode.prototype.toString = function () {
var out = this.type;
out += ': [';
this.raw.forEach(function (el) {
if (Buffer.isBuffer(el)) {
out += el.toString('hex') + ', ';
} else if (el) {
out += 'object, ';
} else {
out += 'empty, ';
out = out.slice(0, -2);
out += ']';
return out;
TrieNode.prototype.getChildren = function () {
var children = [];
switch (this.type) {
case 'leaf':
// no children
case 'extention':
// one child
children.push([this.key, this.getValue()]);
case 'branch':
for (var index = 0, end = 16; index < end; index++) {
var value = this.getValue(index);
if (value) {
children.push([[index], value]);
return children;
* @method addHexPrefix
* @param {Array} dataArr
* @returns {Buffer} - returns buffer of encoded data
function addHexPrefix(key, terminator) {
// odd
if (key.length % 2) {
} else {
// even
if (terminator) {
key[0] += 2;
return key;
function removeHexPrefix(val) {
if (val[0] % 2) {
val = val.slice(1);
} else {
val = val.slice(2);
return val;
* Determines if a key has Arnold Schwarzenegger in it.
* @method isTerminator
* @private
* @param {Array} key - an hexprefixed array of nibbles
function isTerminator(key) {
return key[0] > 1;
* Converts a string OR a buffer to a nibble array.
* @method stringToNibbles
* @private
* @param {Buffer| String} key
function stringToNibbles(key) {
var bkey = Buffer.from(key);
var nibbles = [];
for (var i = 0; i < bkey.length; i++) {
var q = i * 2;
nibbles[q] = bkey[i] >> 4;
nibbles[q] = bkey[i] % 16;
return nibbles;
* Converts a nibble array into a buffer.
* @method nibblesToBuffer
* @private
* @param arr
function nibblesToBuffer(arr) {
var buf = Buffer.alloc(arr.length / 2);
for (var i = 0; i < buf.length; i++) {
var q = i * 2;
buf[i] = (arr[q] << 4) + arr[++q];
return buf;
* Determines the node type.
* @private
* @returns {String} - the node type
* - leaf - if the node is a leaf
* - branch - if the node is a branch
* - extention - if the node is an extention
* - unknown - if something else got borked
function getNodeType(node) {
if (node.length === 17) {
return 'branch';
} else if (node.length === 2) {
var key = stringToNibbles(node[0]);
if (isTerminator(key)) {
return 'leaf';
return 'extention';
function isRawNode(node) {
return Array.isArray(node) && !Buffer.isBuffer(node);
* Returns the number of in order matching nibbles of two give nibble arrays
* @method matchingNibbleLength
* @private
* @param {Array} nib1
* @param {Array} nib2
function matchingNibbleLength(nib1, nib2) {
var i = 0;
while (nib1[i] === nib2[i] && nib1.length > i) {
return i;
* Is the string a hex string.
* @method check if string is hex string of specific length
* @param {String} value
* @param {Number} length
* @returns {Boolean} output the string is a hex string
function isHexString(value, length) {
if (typeof(value) !== 'string' || !value.match(/^0x[0-9A-Fa-f]*$/)) {
return false;
if (length && value.length !== 2 + 2 * length) { return false; }
return true;
* Returns a `Boolean` on whether or not the a `String` starts with '0x'
* @param {String} str the string input value
* @return {Boolean} a boolean if it is or is not hex prefixed
* @throws if the str input is not a string
function isHexPrefixed(str) {
if (typeof str !== 'string') {
throw new Error("[is-hex-prefixed] value must be type 'string', is currently type " + (typeof str) + ", while checking isHexPrefixed.");
return str.slice(0, 2) === '0x';
* Removes '0x' from a given `String` if present
* @param {String} str the string value
* @return {String|Optional} a string by pass if necessary
function stripHexPrefix(str) {
if (typeof str !== 'string') {
return str;
return isHexPrefixed(str) ? str.slice(2) : str;
* Converts a `Number` into a hex `String`
* @param {Number} i
* @return {String}
function intToHex(i) {
var hex = i.toString(16); // eslint-disable-line
return `0x${hex}`;
* Converts an `Number` to a `Buffer`
* @param {Number} i
* @return {Buffer}
function intToBuffer(i) {
const hex = intToHex(i);
return Buffer.from(padToEven(hex.slice(2)), 'hex');
* Pads a `String` to have an even length
* @param {String} value
* @return {String} output
function padToEven(value) {
var a = value; // eslint-disable-line
if (typeof a !== 'string') {
throw new Error(`[ethjs-util] while padding to even, value must be string, is currently ${typeof a}, while padToEven.`);
if (a.length % 2) {
a = `0${a}`;
return a;
* Attempts to turn a value into a `Buffer`. As input it supports `Buffer`, `String`, `Number`, null/undefined, `BN` and other objects with a `toArray()` method.
* @param v the value
function toBuffer(v) {
if (!Buffer.isBuffer(v)) {
if (Array.isArray(v)) {
v = Buffer.from(v);
else if (typeof v === 'string') {
if (isHexString(v)) {
v = Buffer.from(padToEven(stripHexPrefix(v)), 'hex');
else {
v = Buffer.from(v);
else if (typeof v === 'number') {
v = intToBuffer(v);
else if (v === null || v === undefined) {
v = Buffer.allocUnsafe(0);
// not importing BN
else if (BN.isBN(v)) {
v = v.toArrayLike(Buffer);
else if (v.toArray) {
// converts a BN to a Buffer
v = Buffer.from(v.toArray());
else {
throw new Error('invalid type');
return v;
* Parse integers. Check if there is no leading zeros
* @param v The value to parse
* @param base The base to parse the integer into
function safeParseInt(v, base) {
if (v.slice(0, 2) === '00') {
throw new Error('invalid RLP: extra zeros');
return parseInt(v, base);
function encodeLength(len, offset) {
if (len < 56) {
return Buffer.from([len + offset]);
else {
var hexLength = intToHex(len);
var lLength = hexLength.length / 2;
var firstByte = intToHex(offset + 55 + lLength);
return Buffer.from(firstByte + hexLength, 'hex');
* RLP Encoding based on:
* This function takes in a data, convert it to buffer if not, and a length for recursion
* @param input - will be converted to buffer
* @returns returns buffer of encoded data
function rlpEncode(input) {
if (Array.isArray(input)) {
var output = [];
for (var i = 0; i < input.length; i++) {
var buf = Buffer.concat(output);
return Buffer.concat([encodeLength(buf.length, 192), buf]);
else {
var inputBuf = toBuffer(input);
return inputBuf.length === 1 && inputBuf[0] < 128
? inputBuf
: Buffer.concat([encodeLength(inputBuf.length, 128), inputBuf]);
function rlpDecode(input, stream) {
if (stream === void 0) { stream = false; }
if (!input || input.length === 0) {
return Buffer.from([]);
var inputBuffer = toBuffer(input);
var decoded = _decode(inputBuffer);
if (stream) {
return decoded;
if (decoded.remainder.length !== 0) {
throw new Error('invalid remainder');
/** Decode an input with RLP */
function _decode(input) {
var length, llength, data, innerRemainder, d;
var decoded = [];
var firstByte = input[0];
if (firstByte <= 0x7f) {
// a single byte whose value is in the [0x00, 0x7f] range, that byte is its own RLP encoding.
return {
data: input.slice(0, 1),
remainder: input.slice(1),
else if (firstByte <= 0xb7) {
// string is 0-55 bytes long. A single byte with value 0x80 plus the length of the string followed by the string
// The range of the first byte is [0x80, 0xb7]
length = firstByte - 0x7f;
// set 0x80 null to 0
if (firstByte === 0x80) {
data = Buffer.from([]);
else {
data = input.slice(1, length);
if (length === 2 && data[0] < 0x80) {
throw new Error('invalid rlp encoding: byte must be less 0x80');
return {
data: data,
remainder: input.slice(length),
else if (firstByte <= 0xbf) {
llength = firstByte - 0xb6;
length = safeParseInt(input.slice(1, llength).toString('hex'), 16);
data = input.slice(llength, length + llength);
if (data.length < length) {
throw new Error('invalid RLP');
return {
data: data,
remainder: input.slice(length + llength),
else if (firstByte <= 0xf7) {
// a list between 0-55 bytes long
length = firstByte - 0xbf;
innerRemainder = input.slice(1, length);
while (innerRemainder.length) {
d = _decode(innerRemainder);
innerRemainder = d.remainder;
return {
data: decoded,
remainder: input.slice(length),
else {
// a list over 55 bytes long
llength = firstByte - 0xf6;
length = safeParseInt(input.slice(1, llength).toString('hex'), 16);
var totalLength = llength + length;
if (totalLength > input.length) {
throw new Error('invalid rlp: total length is larger than the data');
innerRemainder = input.slice(llength, totalLength);
if (innerRemainder.length === 0) {
throw new Error('invalid rlp, List has a invalid length');
while (innerRemainder.length) {
d = _decode(innerRemainder);
innerRemainder = d.remainder;
return {
data: decoded,
remainder: input.slice(totalLength),
* Verifies a merkle proof for a given key
* @method verifyProof
* @param {Buffer} rootHash
* @param {String} key
* @param {Array.<TrieNode>} proof
* @param {Function} cb A callback `Function` (arguments {Error} `err`, {String} `val`)
function verifyProof (rootHash, key, proof, cb) {
key = stringToNibbles(key);
var wantHash = toBuffer(rootHash);
console.log('verifyProof proof array length:', proof.length)
console.log('verifyProof rootHash:', rootHash.toString('hex'))
for (var i = 0; i < proof.length; i++) {
var p = toBuffer(proof[i]);
var hash = keccak256(proof[i]);
console.log('verify proof doing elem i: ' + i + ' (size: ' + proof[i].length + ')')
console.log('wantHash:', wantHash.toString('hex'))
console.log('hash of elem i:', hash.toString('hex'))
if (, wantHash)) {
throw new Error('Bad proof node ' + i + ': hash mismatch');
//console.log('calling new TrieNode...')
var node = new TrieNode(rlpDecode(p));
console.log('proof elem i='+i+' is node type:', node.type)
var cld;
if (node.type === 'branch') {
if (key.length === 0) {
if (i !== proof.length - 1) {
throw new Error('Additional nodes at end of proof (branch)');
return node.value;
cld = node.raw[key[0]];
key = key.slice(1);
if (cld.length === 2) {
var embeddedNode = new TrieNode(cld);
if (i !== proof.length - 1) {
throw new Error('Additional nodes at end of proof (embeddedNode)');
if (matchingNibbleLength(embeddedNode.key, key) !== embeddedNode.key.length) {
throw new Error('Key length does not match with the proof one (embeddedNode)');
key = key.slice(embeddedNode.key.length);
if (key.length !== 0) {
throw new Error('Key does not match with the proof one (embeddedNode)');
return embeddedNode.value;
} else {
wantHash = cld;
} else if (node.type === 'extention' || node.type === 'leaf') {
if (matchingNibbleLength(node.key, key) !== node.key.length) {
throw new Error('Key does not match with the proof one (extention|leaf)');
cld = node.value;
key = key.slice(node.key.length);
if (key.length === 0 || cld.length === 17 && key.length === 1) {
// The value is in an embedded branch. Extract it.
if (cld.length === 17) {
cld = cld[key[0]][1];
key = key.slice(1);
if (i !== proof.length - 1) {
throw new Error('Additional nodes at end of proof (extention|leaf)');
return cld;
} else {
wantHash = cld;
} else {
throw new Error('Invalid node type');
throw new Error('Unexpected end of proof');
let root = Buffer.from(proofData.root, 'hex')
let fromWitness = => Buffer.from(elem, 'hex'))
let fromAddress = Buffer.from(proofData.fromAddress, 'hex')
let fromAccountLeaf = Buffer.from(proofData.fromAccountLeaf, 'hex')
console.log('verifying proof...')
let val = verifyProof(root, keccak256(fromAddress), fromWitness)
console.log('verifyProof returned val:', val.toString('hex'))
console.log('fromAccountLeaf:', proofData.fromAccountLeaf)
assert(val.equals(fromAccountLeaf), "valid from witness")
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