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Last active September 26, 2019 19:15
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Isomorphic Async Proposal
// UserStore.ts
// This is the code you write and is executed on the Node.js server side.
// The decorators can be used to automatically turn it into Express routes.
// Pretty much already exists using `routing-controllers` NPM
export class UserStore {
public static async getAll() {
return db.users.find();
public static async add(user) {
const newUser = db.users.add(user);
return newUser;
public static async doAnything() {
// Do some random async task to sync user data.
// UserStore.ts
// A transformer like TypeScript, Babel, or Webpack will transform the "real" UserStore.ts into:
export class UserStore {
public static async getAll() {
return await axios.get('/api/users');
public static async add(user) {
return await'/api/users', user);
public static async doAnything() {
return await axios.get('/api/anything');
// Isomorphic React Component that can be re-used server and browser side:
export class UsersPage extends React.Component {
// Executed server side by next.js to populate initial data:
static async getInitialProps({ req }) {
const users = await UserStore.getAll();
return { users: users };
constructor(props: any) {
this.state = {
users: props.users
render() {
return (
{ => (
<li key={}>{}</li>
<button onClick={this.onClick}>Add random user</button>
onClick = async () => {
// calls the frontend version of
await UserStore.add({
name: randomNamePicker()
users: [...users, user]
// Server.ts
// Inspired by `routing-controllers`
import { useExpressServer } from 'isomorphic-async';
import { UserStore } from './UserStore';
const app = express();
useExpressServer(app, {
routes: [UserStore],
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