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Created February 10, 2021 20:16
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The payment delegate for Beamable 0.9.0
using Beamable.Common;
using Debug = UnityEngine.Debug;
using System;
using Beamable.Api;
using Beamable.Coroutines;
using Beamable.Platform.SDK;
using Beamable.Api.Payments;
using Beamable.Service;
using Beamable.Spew;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Purchasing;
public class PaymentDelegateUnityIAP : MonoBehaviour
private static IStoreController m_StoreController; // The Unity Purchasing system.
private static IExtensionProvider m_StoreExtensionProvider; // The store-specific Purchasing subsystems.
public void Awake()
if (!ServiceManager.Exists<PaymentDelegate>())
Debug.Log("Registering UnityIAP Payment Delegate");
ServiceManager.ProvideWithDefaultContainer<PaymentDelegate>(new PaymentDelegateImpl());
private class PaymentDelegateImpl : IStoreListener, PaymentDelegate, IServiceResolver<PaymentDelegate>
static readonly int[] RETRY_DELAYS = { 1, 2, 5, 10, 20 };
private long _txid;
private Action<CompletedTransaction> _success;
private Action<ErrorCode> _fail;
private Action _cancelled;
private Promise<Unit> _initPromise = new Promise<Unit>();
/* Time, in seconds, when initialization started */
private float _initTime;
public Promise<Unit> Initialize()
var platform = ServiceManager.Resolve<PlatformService>();
platform.Payments.GetSKUs().Then(rsp =>
var builder = ConfigurationBuilder.Instance(StandardPurchasingModule.Instance());
foreach (var sku in rsp.skus.definitions)
builder.AddProduct(, ProductType.Consumable, new IDs()
{ sku.productIds.itunes, AppleAppStore.Name },
{ sku.productIds.googleplay, GooglePlay.Name },
_initTime = Time.time;
// Kick off the remainder of the set-up with an asynchrounous call, passing the configuration
// and this class' instance. Expect a response either in OnInitialized or OnInitializeFailed.
UnityPurchasing.Initialize(this, builder);
return _initPromise;
private void ClearCallbacks()
_success = null;
_fail = null;
_cancelled = null;
_txid = 0;
public string GetLocalizedPrice(string skuSymbol)
var product = m_StoreController?.products.WithID(skuSymbol);
return product?.metadata.localizedPriceString ?? "???";
public void startPurchase(
string listingSymbol,
string skuSymbol,
Action<CompletedTransaction> success,
Action<ErrorCode> fail,
Action cancelled
StartPurchase(listingSymbol, skuSymbol)
.Then(tx => success?.Invoke(tx))
.Error(err => fail?.Invoke(err as ErrorCode));
if (cancelled != null) _cancelled += cancelled;
public Promise<CompletedTransaction> StartPurchase(string listingSymbol, string skuSymbol)
var result = new Promise<CompletedTransaction>();
_txid = 0;
_success = result.CompleteSuccess;
_fail = result.CompleteError;
if (_cancelled == null) _cancelled = () =>
{ result.CompleteError(
new ErrorCode(400, GameSystem.GAME_CLIENT, "Purchase Cancelled"));
ServiceManager.Resolve<PlatformService>().Payments.BeginPurchase(listingSymbol).Then(rsp =>
_txid = rsp.txid;
m_StoreController.InitiatePurchase(skuSymbol, _txid.ToString());
}).Error(err =>
Debug.LogError($"There was an exception making the begin purchase request: {err}");
_fail?.Invoke(err as ErrorCode);
return result;
// Restore purchases previously made by this customer. Some platforms automatically restore purchases, like Google.
// Apple currently requires explicit purchase restoration for IAP, conditionally displaying a password prompt.
public void RestorePurchases()
// If we are running on an Apple device ...
if (Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.IPhonePlayer ||
Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.OSXPlayer)
// ... begin restoring purchases
InAppPurchaseLogger.Log("RestorePurchases started ...");
// Fetch the Apple store-specific subsystem.
var apple = m_StoreExtensionProvider.GetExtension<IAppleExtensions>();
// Begin the asynchronous process of restoring purchases. Expect a confirmation response in
// the Action<bool> below, and ProcessPurchase if there are previously purchased products to restore.
apple.RestoreTransactions(result => {
// The first phase of restoration. If no more responses are received on ProcessPurchase then
// no purchases are available to be restored.
InAppPurchaseLogger.Log("RestorePurchases continuing: " + result + ". If no further messages, no purchases available to restore.");
// Otherwise ...
// We are not running on an Apple device. No work is necessary to restore purchases.
InAppPurchaseLogger.Log("RestorePurchases FAIL. Not supported on this platform. Current = " + Application.platform);
// --- IStoreListener
public void OnInitialized(IStoreController controller, IExtensionProvider extensions)
// Purchasing has succeeded initializing. Collect our Purchasing references.
InAppPurchaseLogger.Log("OnInitialized: PASS");
// Overall Purchasing system, configured with products for this application.
m_StoreController = controller;
// Store specific subsystem, for accessing device-specific store features.
m_StoreExtensionProvider = extensions;
var elapsed = Time.time - _initTime;
InAppPurchaseLogger.LogFormat("Initialization complete, after {0:#,0.000} seconds.", elapsed);
public void OnInitializeFailed(InitializationFailureReason error)
// Purchasing set-up has not succeeded. Check error for reason. Consider sharing this reason with the user.
InAppPurchaseLogger.Log("OnInitializeFailed InitializationFailureReason:" + error);
public PurchaseProcessingResult ProcessPurchase(PurchaseEventArgs args)
string rawReceipt;
if (args.purchasedProduct.hasReceipt)
var receipt = JsonUtility.FromJson<UnityPurchaseReceipt>(args.purchasedProduct.receipt);
rawReceipt = receipt.Payload;
InAppPurchaseLogger.Log($"UnityIAP Payload: {receipt.Payload}");
InAppPurchaseLogger.Log($"UnityIAP Raw Receipt: {args.purchasedProduct.receipt}");
rawReceipt = args.purchasedProduct.receipt;
var transaction = new CompletedTransaction(
FulfillTransaction(transaction, args.purchasedProduct);
return PurchaseProcessingResult.Pending;
private void FulfillTransaction(CompletedTransaction transaction, Product purchasedProduct)
ServiceManager.Resolve<PlatformService>().Payments.CompletePurchase(transaction).Then(_ =>
}).Error(ex =>
Debug.LogError($"There was an exception making the complete purchase request: {ex}");
var err = ex as ErrorCode;
if (err == null)
var retryable = err.Code >= 500 || err.Code == 429 || err.Code == 0; // Server error or rate limiting or network error
if (retryable)
ServiceManager.Resolve<CoroutineService>().StartCoroutine(RetryTransaction(transaction, purchasedProduct));
// Copied from TransactionManager.cs
private System.Collections.IEnumerator RetryTransaction(CompletedTransaction transaction, Product purchasedProduct)
// This block should only be hit when the error returned from the request is retryable. This lives down here
// because C# doesn't allow you to yield return from inside a try..catch block.
var waitTime = RETRY_DELAYS[Math.Min(transaction.Retries, RETRY_DELAYS.Length - 1)];
InAppPurchaseLogger.Log($"Got a retryable error from platform. Retrying complete purchase request in {waitTime} seconds.");
// Avoid incrementing the backoff if the device is definitely not connected to the network at all.
// This is narrow, and would still increment if the device is connected, but the internet has other problems
if (Application.internetReachability != NetworkReachability.NotReachable)
transaction.Retries += 1;
yield return new WaitForSeconds(waitTime);
FulfillTransaction(transaction, purchasedProduct);
public void OnPurchaseFailed(Product product, PurchaseFailureReason failureReason)
// A product purchase attempt did not succeed. Check failureReason for more detail. Consider sharing
// this reason with the user to guide their troubleshooting actions.
InAppPurchaseLogger.Log(string.Format("OnPurchaseFailed: FAIL. Product: '{0}', PurchaseFailureReason: {1}", product.definition.storeSpecificId, failureReason));
var platform = ServiceManager.Resolve<PlatformService>();
var reasonInt = (int) failureReason;
if (failureReason == PurchaseFailureReason.UserCancelled)
platform.Payments.FailPurchase(_txid, product.definition.storeSpecificId + ":" + failureReason);
var errorCode = new ErrorCode(reasonInt, GameSystem.GAME_CLIENT, failureReason.ToString() + $" ({product.definition.storeSpecificId})");
#region ServiceResolver
void IServiceResolver.OnTeardown()
m_StoreController = null;
m_StoreExtensionProvider = null;
bool IServiceResolver<PaymentDelegate>.CanResolve() => true;
bool IServiceResolver<PaymentDelegate>.Exists() => true;
PaymentDelegate IServiceResolver<PaymentDelegate>.Resolve() => this;
public class UnityPurchaseReceipt
public string Store;
public string TransactionID;
public string Payload;
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