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Last active February 10, 2021 20:02
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A tool to aid in Beamable package migration
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEditor.VersionControl;
using UnityEngine;
public class BeamableMigrationHelper : EditorWindow
"Window/Beamable/Migration Tool",
priority = 0)]
public static void RunTool(){
Debug.Log($"Starting migration tool.... {BEAMABLE_FOLDER}");
private static readonly string DISRUPTOR_ENGINE_FOLDER = Path.Combine(Application.dataPath, "DisruptorEngine");
private static readonly string BEAMABLE_FOLDER = Path.Combine(Application.dataPath, "Beamable");
private static readonly ContentGuidFixData[] GuidFixes = new[]
new ContentGuidFixData
Name = "Item",
NewGuid = "4e65df06d8f8e499788b3ed5b359d54a",
OldGuid = "6e27788e2a314236a140dc4a409b9249"
new ContentGuidFixData
Name = "Currency",
NewGuid = "7071e886d4789435d9ad361e916b2207",
OldGuid = "5531181e6a08e4d6882d1e0bf64aeb5e"
new ContentGuidFixData
Name = "Announcements",
NewGuid = "8b8612187b1a246e5b691c90486deb34",
OldGuid = "ec1a162a275224c81b4dc66174e0abfb"
new ContentGuidFixData
Name = "Calendars",
NewGuid = "0c222bf6b195348e5be37e5cf0169f08",
OldGuid = "485745a1357640d0999ad440992934fb"
new ContentGuidFixData
Name = "Listings",
NewGuid = "fd68497a79b464de0b4e09ab2d5a5bbf",
OldGuid = "840eefedb06f44a35ba9ffd558ba8840"
new ContentGuidFixData
Name = "SKU",
NewGuid = "b5bfeeca7cf3246b3a89418e98719de7",
OldGuid = "8813c741626bd459797986cbf75812db"
new ContentGuidFixData
Name = "Store",
NewGuid = "a658558ea86c749979b310e828e3892e",
OldGuid = "4e4344ba97e6d4cbeb1a7d24ad6f778b"
new ContentGuidFixData
Name = "Leaderboard",
NewGuid = "ebf776d7c945048daab1e231d27dcdeb",
OldGuid = "7bd5890ede5a415ba93437f0d0ce7914"
new ContentGuidFixData
Name = "Tournaments",
NewGuid = "6da5f82a5df104fd4b67a842fafa5c5a",
OldGuid = "1d36333db684547d09c3cbbfff05d3e1"
new ContentGuidFixData
Name = "Events",
NewGuid = "11f962489e5a44d7c877b4a5b71f4d0e",
OldGuid = "e62f0767b71f47740b2ab2b9a03aa03f"
new ContentGuidFixData
Name = "GameType",
NewGuid = "404f8a85a397642f5b56ce1f2d8cebea",
OldGuid = "3e764f5e52bc4814ad80326864ba4aff"
new ContentGuidFixData
Name = "Email",
NewGuid = "b5d38e7e955cc47f9933ec9a3a1e2c5a",
OldGuid = "3b9f329a7c08143f19cad1d65673e105"
static void RenameDisruptorEngineToBeamable()
if (!Directory.Exists(DISRUPTOR_ENGINE_FOLDER))
Debug.Log("folder already renamed");
Debug.Log("renaming folder...");
catch (Exception ex)
Debug.LogError($"migration failed at rename folder step. error=[{ex.Message}] stack=[{ex.StackTrace}]");
static void FixContentScriptGuids()
Debug.Log("checking content files");
var filePaths = Directory.GetFiles(BEAMABLE_FOLDER, "*.asset", SearchOption.AllDirectories);
Debug.Log($"found {filePaths.Length} content files");
var modifiedFiles = 0;
foreach (var filePath in filePaths)
var text = File.ReadAllText(filePath);
var modifications = new HashSet<string>();
foreach (var fix in GuidFixes)
if (text.Contains(fix.OldGuid))
text = text.Replace(fix.OldGuid, fix.NewGuid);
if (modifications.Count > 0)
File.WriteAllText(filePath, text);
Debug.Log($"Fixed content file fixes=[{string.Join(",",modifications)}] file=[{filePath}]");
Debug.Log($"modified {modifiedFiles} files");
struct ContentGuidFixData
public string Name,OldGuid, NewGuid;
private static void DirectoryCopy(string sourceDirName, string destDirName, bool copySubDirs)
// Get the subdirectories for the specified directory.
DirectoryInfo dir = new DirectoryInfo(sourceDirName);
if (!dir.Exists)
throw new DirectoryNotFoundException(
"Source directory does not exist or could not be found: "
+ sourceDirName);
DirectoryInfo[] dirs = dir.GetDirectories();
// If the destination directory doesn't exist, create it.
// Get the files in the directory and copy them to the new location.
FileInfo[] files = dir.GetFiles();
foreach (FileInfo file in files)
string tempPath = Path.Combine(destDirName, file.Name);
var isUsingVersionControl = Provider.enabled && Provider.isActive;
if (isUsingVersionControl)
var checkoutTargetFileTask = Provider.Checkout(tempPath, CheckoutMode.Both);
if (checkoutTargetFileTask.success)
Debug.LogWarning($"Unable to checkout file {tempPath}");
var checkoutSourceFileTask = Provider.Checkout(file.Name, CheckoutMode.Both);
if (checkoutSourceFileTask.success)
Debug.LogWarning($"Unable to checkout file {file.Name}");
file.CopyTo(tempPath, true);
// If copying subdirectories, copy them and their contents to new location.
if (copySubDirs)
foreach (DirectoryInfo subdir in dirs)
string tempPath = Path.Combine(destDirName, subdir.Name);
DirectoryCopy(subdir.FullName, tempPath, copySubDirs);
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