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Created November 18, 2015 21:15
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Add-Type -Path C:\Scripts\Modules\SimpleDb\SimpleDb.Esent.dll
# Data Model
$episodeClass = @"
using System;
public class Episode
public string Series { get; set; }
public int Id { get; set; }
public int SeriesId { get; set; }
public DateTime? FirstAired { get; set; }
public int? SeasonNumber { get; set; }
public string EpisodeName { get; set; }
public int? PreviousTime { get; set; }
Add-Type -TypeDefinition $episodeClass -Language CSharp
$apikey = 'abc123'
# Separate the mirrors using the typemask field, as documented for mirrors.xml.
# 1 xml files
# 2 banner files
# 4 zip files
# Select a random mirror from each array (denoted as <mirrorpath_xml>, <mirrorpath_banners>, and <mirrorpath_zip> for rest of example.
$mirrors = irm "$apikey/mirrors.xml"
$mirrorpath = $mirrors.Mirrors.Mirror | ? { $_.typemask -band 1 } | Get-Random | select -ExpandProperty mirrorpath
$languages = irm "$mirrorpath/api/$apikey/languages.xml"
$english = $languages.Languages.Language | ? name -eq English
$currenttime = irm ""
$series = [ordered] @{
"Alpha House" = 77666
"The Amazing Race" = 269008
"The Walking Dead" = 153021
"Almost Human" = 267702
"Survivor" = 76733
"Revolution" = 258823
$db = New-Object SimpleDb.SimpleDatabase
foreach ($s in $series.keys.GetEnumerator())
$episodes = irm "$mirrorpath/api/$apikey/series/$($series[$s])/all/$($english.abbreviation).xml" | select -expandproperty Data
#$episodes.Episode | select @{l="Series";e={$s}}, @{l="FirstAired";e={Get-Date $_.FirstAired}}, SeasonNumber, EpisodeName | Write-Output
foreach ($e in $episodes.Episode)
$episodeObject = New-Object Episode
$episodeObject.Series = $s
$episodeObject.Id = $
$episodeObject.SeriesId = $series[$s]
try { $episodeObject.FirstAired = Get-Date $e.FirstAired } catch { $null }
$episodeObject.SeasonNumber = $e.SeasonNumber
$episodeObject.EpisodeName = $e.EpisodeName
$episodeObject.PreviousTime = $currenttime.Items.Time
$episodeObject | Write-Output
# True if the key already existed. False if a new key was inserted.
$newKey = $db.Put($, $episodeObject)
Write-Warning "Could not access details for $s"
# Get by Episode ID
# $idById = $db.GetType().GetMethod("Get").MakeGenericMethod([Episode])
# $idById.invoke($db, 4808568)
# Gets all objects that contain an SeasonNumber field
# $fieldSearch = $db.GetType().GetMethod("ListByName").MakeGenericMethod([Episode])
# $fieldSearch.invoke($db, "SeasonNumber")
# Search by Episode ID, same as above basically
# $idSearch = $db.GetType().GetMethod("ListByNameFiltered").MakeGenericMethod([Episode],[int])
# $idSearch.Invoke($db, @("Id", [predicate[int]]{ param([int]$num); $num -eq 4808568 }))
# Search by Series Name
# $seriesSearch = $db.GetType().GetMethod("ListByNameFiltered").MakeGenericMethod([Episode],[string])
# $seriesSearch.Invoke($db, @("Series", [predicate[string]]{ param([string]$str); $str -eq 'Revolution' }))
# Number of records
# $db.KeyCount
# Available Fields
# $db.ListNames()
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