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Created June 14, 2013 14:55
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  • Save cdimartino/5782503 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save cdimartino/5782503 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
TODAY=`date +"%Y%m%d"`
# now lets tar up our data files. these are huge, so lets be nice
for idx in `find $DATADIR -mindepth 5 -maxdepth 5 -type d -wholename '*/indices/*'`; do
indexname=`echo $idx | awk 'BEGIN {FS="/"};{print $NF}'`
mkdir -p $BACKUPDIR/
# create mapping file with index settings. this metadata is required by ES to use index file data
echo "Backing up metadata..."
curl -XGET "http://localhost:9200/$indexname/_settings?pretty=true" 2>/dev/null | sed '1,2d' | sed '$d' | sed '$d' > $BACKUPDIR/settings.$indexname
curl -XGET "http://localhost:9200/$indexname/_mapping?pretty=true" 2>/dev/null | sed '1,2d' | sed '$d' | sed '$d' > $BACKUPDIR/mappings.$indexname
echo "Creating restore script"
# time to create our restore script! oh god scripts creating scripts, this never ends well…
cat << EOF > $BACKUPDIR/$
# this script requires $indexname.tar and will restore it into elasticsearch
# it is ESSENTIAL that the index you are restoring does NOT exist in ES. delete it
# if it does BEFORE trying to restore data.
# create index and mapping
echo "Creating index and mappings… "
curl -XPUT 'http://localhost:9200/$indexname' -d '{`cat $BACKUPDIR/settings.$indexname`,"mappings":{`cat $BACKUPDIR/mappings.$indexname`}}'
# extract our data files into place
echo "Restoring index (this may take a while)..."
tar xvf $indexname.tar -C $DATADIR --strip-components=4
rm $BACKUPDIR/settings.$indexname
rm $BACKUPDIR/mappings.$indexname
echo "Flushing index $indexname"
curl -XPOST "http://localhost:9200/$indexname/_flush"
echo "Disabling flush of transaction logs for $indexname"
curl -XPUT "http://localhost:9200/$indexname/_settings?pretty=true" -d '{"index":{"translog":{"disable_flush":"true"}}}'
echo "Backing up data files for $indexname"
nice -n 19 tar cf $BACKUPDIR/$indexname.tar -C $DATADIR $idx
echo "Enabling flush of transaction logs for $indexname"
curl -XPUT "http://localhost:9200/$indexname/_settings?pretty=true" -d '{"index":{"translog":{"disable_flush":"false"}}}'
echo "Don't forget to restart ES after restoring indexes."
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