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Created February 12, 2018 12:11
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A simple todo list smart contract in Solidity
pragma solidity ^0.4.0;
contract TodosContract {
address private _owner ;
struct Todo {
string title;
bool completed;
mapping (address => Todo[]) public todos;
event TodoCreated(address owner, uint todoId, string title);
event TodoToggled(address owner, uint todoId, bool completed);
function Todos() public {
_owner = msg.sender;
function addTodo(string _title) public {
require(bytes(_title).length != 0);
uint id = todos[msg.sender].push(Todo(_title, false)) - 1;
TodoCreated(msg.sender, id, _title);
function toggleTodo(uint _todoId) external {
require(_todoId < todos[msg.sender].length);
Todo storage todo = todos[msg.sender][_todoId];
todo.completed = !todo.completed;
TodoToggled(msg.sender, _todoId, todo.completed);
function getTodosCount() public constant returns (uint){
return todos[msg.sender].length;
function getTodos() public constant returns (Todo[]){
return todos[msg.sender];
function getTodo(uint _todoId) public constant returns (Todo) {
require(_todoId < todos[msg.sender].length);
return todos[msg.sender][_todoId];
function getTodoTitle(uint _todoId) public constant returns (string) {
Todo memory todo = getTodo(_todoId);
return todo.title;
function getTodoCompleted(uint _todoId) public constant returns (bool) {
Todo memory todo = getTodo(_todoId);
return todo.completed;
function deleteContract() external {
require(msg.sender == _owner);
function () public {}
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