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Created July 2, 2022 02:21
Between Haskell2010 and GHC2021
{-# LANGUAGE DerivingVia #-}
module Phantoms where
import Data.Typeable
class C a where
cmethod :: Proxy a -> ()
class (Show a, Typeable a) => S a where
smethod :: a -> Int
newtype UsingD a = UsingD { getUsingD :: a }
newtype D a = D { getD :: Int }
deriving (Show) via UsingD (D a)
instance (C a,Typeable a) => S (D a) where smethod = undefined
instance (C a,Typeable a) => Show (UsingD a) where showsPrec = undefined
instance (C a) => C (D a) where cmethod _ = undefined
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