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Created September 26, 2023 09:42
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Hierarchical linear growth
# Multiple subjects -- correlated intercept and slope ---------------------
N <- 50
times <- seq(0,10,1)
interceptmu <- 4 #intercept / starting point
slopemu <- .3 #slope / growth rate
interceptsd <- 2 #sd of individual differences in intercept
slopesd <- .1 #sd of random differences in slope
interceptsloperegression <- -.1 #effect between the two
errorsd <- .2 #random / measurement error
#creating correlated data for the individual intercepts / slopes
intercepts <- rnorm(N,interceptmu,interceptsd)
slopes <- rnorm(N, slopemu, slopesd) + #proportion of new, slope specific info
(intercepts-interceptmu)*interceptsloperegression #plus proportion of info from intercepts
#check the subject specific parameters have the right characteristics
#increase N temporarily (eg 10000) to improve precision of these checks
cor(slopes, intercepts)
#now generate the data
dat <- data.frame( #create data.frame to store our data
id= rep(1:N,each=length(times)), #make sure each subject has a row in the dataframe for each time of observation
time= rep(times, N), #repeat the time sequence N subjects times.
y=NA #fill in a blank observation variable that we fill using a loop later
head(dat) #view the first rows of the data.frame
for(i in 1:nrow(dat)){
id <- dat$id[i] #set a temporary id variable so we can refer to each subjects intercept / slope easily
dat$y[i] <- intercepts[id] + slopes[id] * dat$time[i]
dat$y <- dat$y + rnorm(length(dat$y),0,errorsd) #include random error
dat$id <- factor(dat$id) #so that R knows that id is a categorical variable
geom_line() #different plotting styles are possible
fit <- lmer(y~time + (time|id),dat) #random slope (with random intercept by default)
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