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Last active August 13, 2021 11:58
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1 EIP Purpose and Guidelines
2 Homestead Hard-fork Changes
3 Addition of CALLDEPTH opcode
4 EIP Classification
5 Gas Usage for `RETURN` and `CALL*`
6 Renaming SUICIDE opcode
8 devp2p Forward Compatibility Requirements for Homestead
20 ERC-20 Token Standard
55 Mixed-case checksum address encoding
86 Abstraction of transaction origin and signature
100 Change difficulty adjustment to target mean block time including uncles
101 Serenity Currency and Crypto Abstraction
107 safe "eth_sendTransaction" authorization via html popup
137 Ethereum Domain Name Service - Specification
140 REVERT instruction
141 Designated invalid EVM instruction
145 Bitwise shifting instructions in EVM
150 Gas cost changes for IO-heavy operations
152 Add BLAKE2 compression function `F` precompile
155 Simple replay attack protection
158 State clearing
160 EXP cost increase
161 State trie clearing (invariant-preserving alternative)
162 Initial ENS Hash Registrar
165 ERC-165 Standard Interface Detection
170 Contract code size limit
173 Contract Ownership Standard
181 ENS support for reverse resolution of Ethereum addresses
190 Ethereum Smart Contract Packaging Standard
191 Signed Data Standard
196 Precompiled contracts for addition and scalar multiplication on the elliptic curve alt_bn128
197 Precompiled contracts for optimal ate pairing check on the elliptic curve alt_bn128
198 Big integer modular exponentiation
205 ENS support for contract ABIs
210 Blockhash refactoring
214 New opcode STATICCALL
225 Clique proof-of-authority consensus protocol
233 Formal process of hard forks 1679 Istanbul"
234 Add `blockHash` to JSON-RPC filter options.
600 Ethereum purpose allocation for Deterministic Wallets
601 Ethereum hierarchy for deterministic wallets
606 Homestead"
607 Spurious Dragon"
608 Tangerine Whistle"
609 Byzantium"
615 Subroutines and Static Jumps for the EVM
616 SIMD Operations for the EVM
627 Whisper Specification
634 Storage of text records in ENS
649 Metropolis Difficulty Bomb Delay and Block Reward Reduction
658 Embedding transaction status code in receipts
663 Unlimited SWAP and DUP instructions
665 Add precompiled contract for Ed25519 signature verification
681 URL Format for Transaction Requests
689 Address Collision of Contract Address Causes Exceptional Halt
695 Create `eth_chainId` method for JSON-RPC
706 DEVp2p snappy compression
712 Ethereum typed structured data hashing and signing
721 ERC-721 Non-Fungible Token Standard
725 ERC-725 Smart Contract Based Account
747 Add wallet_watchAsset to Provider
758 Subscriptions and filters for completed transactions
777 ERC777 Token Standard
778 Ethereum Node Records (ENR)
779 DAO Fork"
801 ERC-801 Canary Standard
820 Pseudo-introspection Registry Contract
823 Token Exchange Standard
831 URI Format for Ethereum
858 Reduce block reward and delay difficulty bomb
867 Standardized Ethereum Recovery Proposals
868 Node Discovery v4 ENR Extension
875 Simpler NFT standard with batching and native atomic swaps
884 DGCL Token
897 ERC DelegateProxy
900 Simple Staking Interface
902 Token Validation
908 Reward clients for a sustainable network
918 Mineable Token Standard
926 Address metadata registry
927 Generalised authorisations
969 Modifications to ethash to invalidate existing dedicated hardware implementations
998 ERC-998 Composable Non-Fungible Token Standard
999 Restore Contract Code at 0x863DF6BFa4469f3ead0bE8f9F2AAE51c91A907b4
1010 Uniformity Between 0xAb5801a7D398351b8bE11C439e05C5B3259aeC9B and 0x15E55EF43efA8348dDaeAa455F16C43B64917e3c
1011 Hybrid Casper FFG
1013 Constantinople"
1014 Skinny CREATE2
1015 Configurable On Chain Issuance
1046 ERC20 Metadata Extension
1051 Overflow checking for the EVM
1052 EXTCODEHASH opcode
1056 Ethereum Lightweight Identity
1057 ProgPoW, a Programmatic Proof-of-Work
1062 Formalize IPFS hash into ENS(Ethereum Name Service) resolver
1066 Status Codes
1077 Gas relay for contract calls
1078 Universal login / signup using ENS subdomains
1080 Recoverable Token
1081 Standard Bounties
1087 Net gas metering for SSTORE operations
1102 Opt-in account exposure
1108 Reduce alt_bn128 precompile gas costs
1109 PRECOMPILEDCALL opcode (Remove CALL costs for precompiled contracts)
1123 Revised Ethereum Smart Contract Packaging Standard
1129 Standardised DAPP announcements
1132 Extending ERC20 with token locking capability
1153 Transient storage opcodes
1154 Oracle Interface
1155 ERC-1155 Multi Token Standard
1167 Minimal Proxy Contract
1175 Wallet & shop standard for all tokens (erc20)
1178 Multi-class Token Standard
1185 Storage of DNS Records in ENS
1186 RPC-Method to get Merkle Proofs - eth_getProof
1191 Add chain id to mixed-case checksum address encoding
1193 Ethereum Provider JavaScript API
1202 Voting Standard
1203 ERC-1203 Multi-Class Token Standard (ERC-20 Extension)
1207 DAuth Access Delegation Standard
1227 Defuse Difficulty Bomb and Reset Block Reward
1234 Constantinople Difficulty Bomb Delay and Block Reward Adjustment
1240 Remove Difficulty Bomb
1261 Membership Verification Token (MVT)
1271 Standard Signature Validation Method for Contracts
1276 Eliminate Difficulty Bomb and Adjust Block Reward on Constantinople Shift
1283 Net gas metering for SSTORE without dirty maps
1285 Increase Gcallstipend gas in the CALL opcode
1295 Modify Ethereum PoW Incentive Structure and Delay Difficulty Bomb
1319 Smart Contract Package Registry Interface
1328 WalletConnect Standard URI Format
1337 Subscriptions on the blockchain
1344 ChainID opcode
1352 Specify restricted address range for precompiles/system contracts
1355 Ethash 1a
1363 ERC-1363 Payable Token
1380 Reduced gas cost for call to self
1386 Attestation management contract
1387 Merkle Tree Attestations with Privacy enabled
1388 Attestation Issuers Management List
1417 Poll Standard
1418 Blockchain Storage Rent Payment
1438 dApp Components (avatar) & Universal Wallet
1444 Localized Messaging with Signal-to-Text
1450 ERC-1450 A compatible security token for issuing and trading SEC-compliant securities
1459 Node Discovery via DNS
1462 Base Security Token
1470 Smart Contract Weakness Classification (SWC)
1474 Remote procedure call specification
1482 Define a maximum block timestamp drift
1484 Digital Identity Aggregator
1485 TEthashV1
1491 Human Cost Accounting Standard (Like Gas but for humans)
1504 ERC-1504 Upgradable Smart Contract
1523 Standard for Insurance Policies as ERC-721 Non Fungible Tokens
1538 Transparent Contract Standard
1559 Fee market change for ETH 1.0 chain
1571 EthereumStratum/2.0.0
1577 contenthash field for ENS
1581 Non-wallet usage of keys derived from BIP-32 trees
1588 Ethereum ProgPoW"
1592 Address and ERC20-compliant transfer rules
1613 Gas stations network
1616 ERC-1616 Attribute Registry Standard
1620 ERC-1620 Money Streaming
1633 Re-Fungible Token Standard (RFT)
1679 Istanbul"
1681 Temporal Replay Protection
1682 Storage Rent
1702 Generalized Account Versioning Scheme
1706 Disable SSTORE with gasleft lower than call stipend
1710 URL Format for Web3 Browsers
1716 Petersburg"
1753 Smart Contract Interface for Licences
1761 ERC-1761 Scoped Approval Interface
1767 GraphQL interface to Ethereum node data
1775 App Keys, application specific wallet accounts
1803 Rename opcodes for clarity
1812 Ethereum Verifiable Claims
1820 Pseudo-introspection Registry Contract
1822 Universal Upgradeable Proxy Standard (UUPS)
1829 Precompile for Elliptic Curve Linear Combinations
1844 ENS Interface Discovery
1872 Ethereum Network Upgrade Windows
1884 Repricing for trie-size-dependent opcodes
1890 Commitment to Sustainable Ecosystem Funding
1895 Support for an Elliptic Curve Cycle
1898 Add `blockHash` to JSON-RPC methods which accept a default block parameter.
1900 dType - Decentralized Type System for EVM
1901 Add OpenRPC Service Discovery To JSON-RPC Services
1921 dType Functions Extension
1922 zk-SNARK Verifier Standard
1923 zk-SNARK Verifier Registry Standard
1930 CALLs with strict gas semantic. Revert if not enough gas available.
1948 Non-fungible Data Token
1959 New Opcode to check if a chainID is part of the history of chainIDs
1962 EC arithmetic and pairings with runtime definitions
1965 Method to check if a chainID is valid at a specific block Number
1967 Standard Proxy Storage Slots
1973 Scalable Rewards
1985 Sane limits for certain EVM parameters
1996 Holdable Token
2003 EVMC modules for implementations of precompiled contracts
2009 Compliance Service
2014 Extended State Oracle
2015 Wallet Update Ethereum Chain RPC Method (`wallet_updateEthereumChain`)
2018 Clearable Token
2019 Fundable Token
2020 E-Money Standard Token
2021 Payoutable Token
2025 Block Rewards Proposal for funding Eth1.x
2026 State Rent H - Fixed Prepayment for accounts
2027 State Rent C - Net contract size accounting
2028 Transaction data gas cost reduction
2029 State Rent A - State counters contract
2031 State Rent B - Net transaction counter
2035 Stateless Clients - Repricing SLOAD and SSTORE to pay for block proofs
2045 Particle gas costs for EVM opcodes
2046 Reduced gas cost for static calls made to precompiles
2069 Recommendation for using YAML ABI in ERCs/EIPs
2070 Berlin"
2098 Compact Signature Representation
2124 Fork identifier for chain compatibility checks
2135 Consumable Interface
2157 dType Storage Extension - Decentralized Type System for EVM
2159 Common Prometheus Metrics Names for Clients
2193 dType Alias Extension - Decentralized Type System
2200 Structured Definitions for Net Gas Metering
2228 Canonicalize the name of network ID 1 and chain ID 1
2242 Transaction Postdata
2255 Wallet Permissions System
2256 wallet_getOwnedAssets JSON-RPC Method
2266 Atomic Swap-based American Call Option Contract Standard
2304 Multichain address resolution for ENS
2309 ERC-721 Consecutive Transfer Extension
2315 Simple Subroutines for the EVM
2327 BEGINDATA opcode
2330 EXTSLOAD opcode
2333 BLS12-381 Key Generation
2334 BLS12-381 Deterministic Account Hierarchy
2335 BLS12-381 Keystore
2364 forkid-extended protocol handshake"
2378 EIPs Eligible for Inclusion
2384 Muir Glacier Difficulty Bomb Delay
2386 Ethereum 2 Hierarchical Deterministic Walletstore
2387 Muir Glacier"
2390 Geo-ENS
2400 URL Format for Transaction Receipts
2458 Updates and Updated-by Header
2464 transaction announcements and retrievals"
2470 Singleton Factory
2474 Coinbase calls
2477 Token Metadata Integrity
2481 request identifier"
2488 Deprecate the CALLCODE opcode
2494 Baby Jubjub Elliptic Curve
2515 Implement Difficulty Freeze
2520 Multiple contenthash records for ENS
2525 ENSLogin
2535 Diamonds, Multi-Facet Proxy
2537 Precompile for BLS12-381 curve operations
2539 BLS12-377 curve operations
2544 ENS Wildcard Resolution
2565 ModExp Gas Cost
2566 Human Readable Parameters for Contract Function Execution
2569 Saving and Displaying Image Onchain for Universal Tokens
2583 Penalty for account trie misses
2584 Trie format transition with overlay trees
2593 Escalator fee market change for ETH 1.0 chain
2612 permit – 712-signed approvals
2615 Non-Fungible Token with mortgage and rental functions
2645 Hierarchical Deterministic Wallet for Layer-2
2657 Ephemeral Testnet Yolo
2666 Repricing of precompiles and Keccak256 function
2677 Limit size of `initcode`
2678 Revised Ethereum Smart Contract Packaging Standard (EthPM v3)
2680 Ethereum 2 wallet layout
2681 Limit account nonce to 2^64-1
2696 JavaScript `request` method RPC transport
2700 JavaScript Provider Event Emitter
2711 Sponsored, expiring and batch transactions.
2718 Typed Transaction Envelope
2733 Transaction Package
2746 Rules Engine Standard
2767 Contract Ownership Governance
2770 Meta-Transactions Forwarder Contract
2771 Secure Protocol for Native Meta Transactions
2780 Reduce intrinsic transaction gas
2786 Ethereum Provider Connect/Disconnect Events
2803 Rich Transactions
2831 Transaction Replacement Message Type
2844 Add DID related methods to the JSON-RPC
2848 My Own Messages (MOM)
2876 Deposit contract and address standard
2917 Staking Reward Calculation
2926 Chunk-Based Code Merkleization
2929 Gas cost increases for state access opcodes
2930 Optional access lists
2935 Save historical block hashes in state
2936 EXTCLEAR Opcode For SELFDESTRUCTed contracts
2938 Account Abstraction
2942 EthPM URI Specification
2970 IS_STATIC opcode
2972 Wrapped Legacy Transactions
2976 'Typed Transactions over Gossip'
2980 Swiss Compliant Asset Token
2981 NFT Royalty Standard
2982 Serenity Phase 0
3000 Optimistic enactment governance standard
3005 Batched meta transactions
3009 Transfer With Authorization
3014 `eth_symbol` JSON-RPC method
3026 BW6-761 curve operations
3030 BLS Remote Signer HTTP API
3041 Adds `baseFee` to `eth_getBlockByHash`
3044 Adds `baseFee` to `eth_getBlockByNumber`
3045 Adds `baseFee` to `eth_getUncleByBlockHashAndIndex`
3046 Adds `baseFee` to `eth_getUncleByBlockNumberAndIndex`
3068 Precompile for BN256 HashToCurve Algorithms
3074 AUTH and AUTHCALL opcodes
3076 Slashing Protection Interchange Format
3085 Wallet Add Ethereum Chain RPC Method (`wallet_addEthereumChain`)
3091 Block Explorer API Routes
3102 Binary trie structure
3135 Exclusive Claimable Token
3143 Increase block rewards to 5 ETH
3155 EVM trace specification
3156 Flash Loans
3198 BASEFEE opcode
3220 Crosschain Identifier Specification
3224 Described Data and Described Transactions
3234 Batch Flash Loans
3238 Difficulty Bomb Delay to Q2/2022
3267 Giving Ethereum fees to Future Salaries
3298 Removal of refunds
3300 Phase out refunds
3322 Account gas storage opcodes
3326 Wallet Switch Ethereum Chain RPC Method (`wallet_switchEthereumChain`)
3336 Paged memory allocation for the EVM
3337 Frame pointer support for memory load and store operations
3338 Limit account nonce to 2^52
3368 Increase block rewards to 3 ETH, with 2 Year Decay to 1 ETH Scheduled
3372 5 FNV primes for ethash
3374 Predictable Proof-of-Work (POW) Sunsetting
3382 Hardcoded Block Gas Limit
3386 ERC-721 and ERC-1155 to ERC-20 Wrapper
3403 Partial removal of refunds
3416 Median Gas Premium
3436 Expanded Clique Block Choice Rule
3440 ERC-721 Editions Standard
3448 Meta Proxy Factory
3450 Standardized Shamir Secret Sharing Scheme for BIP-39 Mnemonics
3475 Multiple Callable Bonds
3508 Transaction Data Opcodes
3520 Transaction Destination Opcode
3521 Reduce access list cost
3529 Reduction in refunds
3534 Restricted Chain Context Type Transactions
3540 EVM Object Format (EOF) v1
3541 Reject new contract code starting with the 0xEF byte
3554 Difficulty Bomb Delay to December 2021
3561 Trust Minimized Upgradeability Proxy
3569 Sealed NFT Metadata Standard
3584 Block Access List
3589 Assemble assets into NFTs
3607 Reject transactions from senders with deployed code
3651 Warm COINBASE
3668 Secure offchain data retrieval"
3670 EOF - Code Validation
3675 Upgrade consensus to Proof-of-Stake
3690 EOF - JUMPDEST Table
# on linux
# make sure to adjust path to eip-index
function eip () {
(cat ~/.config/zsh/functions/eip-index) |
fzf --prompt 'Ethereum Improvement Proposal (EIP) >' \
--preview='echo {}' --preview-window=down,3,wrap \
--layout=reverse --height=80% | \
awk '{ print $1 }' | \
xargs -I '{}' brave "{}.md" > /dev/null
# on OS X
# make sure to adjust path to eip-index
#function eip () {
# (cat ~/.zsh/functions/eip-index) |
# fzf --prompt 'Ethereum Improvement Proposal (EIP) >' \
# --preview='echo {}' --preview-window=down:3:wrap \
# --layout=reverse --height=80% | \
# awk '{ print $1 }' | \
# xargs -I '{}' open -a "Google Chrome" "{}.md" > /dev/null
#vi: ft=zsh
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