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Created March 12, 2015 19:19
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import csv
import urllib
import re
from nyc_geoclient import Geoclient
from sys import argv
from sys import exit
script, infile, outfile = argv
g = Geoclient('9cd0a15f', '54dc84bcaca9ff4877da771750033275')
def parse_response(data):
parses a dictionary response returned by the nyc_geoclient
bbl = None
if type(data) == type({}):
return data.get('bbl')
except AttributeError:
return None
def clean_bldg_no(num):
m ='(?P<streetnumber>\d+)(\s+)?(?P<letter>(A-Z))?', num)
if m:
return num
def ping_geoclient(number, street, code):
ping the nyc geoclient api and then parse the response
response = g.address(number, street, code)
return parse_response(response)
def try_addresses(addresses, boro):
try first address, if an error is returned try second, then third
first = addresses[0]
second = addresses[1]
third = addresses[2]
attempt_one = ping_geoclient(clean_bldg_no(first[0]), first[1], boro)
if attempt_one == None or 'error' in attempt_one:
attempt_two = ping_geoclient(clean_bldg_no(second[0]), second[1], boro)
elif attempt_one and 'error' not in attempt_one:
return attempt_one
if attempt_two == None or 'error' in attempt_two:
attempt_three = ping_geoclient(clean_bldg_no(third[0]), third[1], boro)
elif attempt_two and 'error' not in attempt_two:
return attempt_two
if attempt_three == None or 'error' in attempt_three:
return 'null'
elif attempt_three and 'error' not in attempt_three:
return attempt_three
def read_csv(infile, outfile):
iterates over an input csv file containing fields for building number,
street name, street suffix, boro code, and zipcode
with open(infile, 'rb') as f:
with open(outfile, 'wb') as w:
reader = csv.reader(f)
writer = csv.writer(w)
header = next(reader, None) # skip CSV header
writer.writerow(header) # write the header to the outfile
for row in reader:
# reference values for each column
bldgno = row[1]
street = row[3]
suffix = row[4]
bldgno2 = row[6]
street2 = row[8]
suffix2 = row[9]
bldgno3 = row[11]
street3 = row[13]
suffix3 = row[14]
boro_code = row[-3]
zipcode = row[-2]
# url encode street name with suffix
full_street1 = urllib.quote_plus(street + ' ' + suffix)
full_street2 = urllib.quote_plus(street2 + ' ' + suffix2)
full_street3 = urllib.quote_plus(street3 + ' ' + suffix3)
addresses = [
[bldgno, full_street1],
[bldgno2, full_street2],
[bldgno3, full_street3]
# print addresses[0][0], addresses[0][1]
# print addresses[1][0], addresses[1][1]
# print addresses[2][0], addresses[2][1]
print 'bbl: ', try_addresses(addresses, boro_code)
row[-1] = try_addresses(addresses, boro_code)
except csv.Error as e:
# todo - append to a csv file; goal is to have a csv of entries that failed.
print 'CSV Parse Error:'
print 'file %s, line %d: %s' % (infile, reader.line_num, e)
print '===\n\n\n'
except Exception, e:
# todo - append to a csv file; goal is to have a csv of entries that failed.
print 'Exception: '
print e
print row
print '====\n\n'
if __name__ == '__main__':
if len(argv) == 3:
read_csv(infile, outfile)
Should be called with a file name for CSV input and filename for CSV output data
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