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Last active August 7, 2023 09:50
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Python script for determining the total time you've spent watching movies and TV shows based on your IMDb ratings.
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import urllib2
user_id = {{USER_ID_HERE}}
ratings_url = "" + user_id + "/ratings"
total_runtime = 0
def get_ratings_page(url):
print("fetching: " + url)
response = urllib2.urlopen(url)
html =
return html
def get_movies(page):
soup = BeautifulSoup(page, 'html.parser')
items = 0
time = 0
# find all list elements
for movie in soup.find_all("div", { "class" : "list_item" }):
# find the description element within each list item
desc_element = movie.find("div", { "class" : "item_description" })
if desc_element:
# increase the count of found items
items += 1
# find the span element that contains the runtime (in minutes)
min_element = desc_element.find("span")
if min_element:
# parse out the actual minutes
min_text = min_element.string.replace("(", "").replace(" mins.)", "")
# convert the string into an int
minutes = int(min_text)
# ignore TV shows (less than 60 min)
if (minutes > 60):
time += minutes
# no items found
if items == 0:
return 0
# add the time for the page to the total_runtime var
global total_runtime
total_runtime += time
return items
def get_all_movies(url):
num_items = 0
# loop until no more pages
while (True):
page_url = url + "?start=" + str(num_items)
page_html = get_ratings_page(page_url)
items_found = get_movies(page_html)
if items_found == 0:
num_items += items_found + 1
# calculate hours and minutes
global total_runtime
hours = total_runtime / 60
minutes = total_runtime % 60
# calculate days (!!!)
if hours > 24:
days = hours / 24
hours = hours % 24
print("\ntotal running time = {}d {}h {}m".format(days, hours, minutes))
print("\ntotal running time = {}h {}m".format(hours, minutes))
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I signed up to Github to thank you and ask if you could explain how to run it.

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cdtinney commented Feb 8, 2022

Hey! I doubt this is working anymore, but youd update USER_ID on Line 4 and then run it from the command line.

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I have zero knowledge of coding/programming.
I created an account here just to post this.
Can somebody explain me how to use this (explain me like I'm 5)

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