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Chaos Bag simulator for Arkham Horror: The Card Game
#!/usr/bin/env python3
help Print this message
print Print chaos bag contents and relevant odds
add [<token> ...] Add the listed token(s) to the chaos bag
remove [<token> ...] Remove the listed token(s) from the chaos bag
set <token> <modifier> Sets the modifier value for the provided token
reset Reset the bag to its default state (empty)
load Load the bag state from a backup file (WIP)
exit Quits
Token name | default value | notes
ES | +1 | elder sign (star)
SK | 0 | skull
TA | 0 | tablet
CU | 0 | cultist
EL | 0 | elder thing
WI | -9 | MISTER WIGGLES (tentacles (auto-fail))
+1 | +1 |
0 | 0 |
-1 | -1 |
-2 | -2 |
-3 | -3 |
-4 | -4 |
-5 | -5 |
-6 | -6 |
-7 | -7 |
-8 | -8 |
import pathlib
import pickle
import re
import sys
BACKUP_FILENAME = pathlib.Path.home() / ".chaosbag"
ADD_RE = re.compile(r"^add\s+(?P<tokens>.+)$")
REMOVE_RE = re.compile(r"^add\s+(?P<tokens>.+)$")
SET_RE = re.compile(r"^set\s+(?P<token>ES|SK|TA|CU|EL|WI)\s+(?P<value>[+-]?\d+)$")
VALID_TOKENS = ["ES", "SK", "TA", "CU", "EL", "WI", "+1", "+0", "-1", "-2", "-3", "-4", "-5", "-6", "-7", "-8"]
def print_bag(bag, token_values):
token_count = len(bag)
# General per token odds
tokens_for_value = {}
for token in bag:
v = token_values[token]
if v not in tokens_for_value:
tokens_for_value[v] = []
sorted_values = list(tokens_for_value.keys())
above_count = 0
for v in sorted_values:
bucket_count = len(tokens_for_value[v])
equal_percent = 100.0 * float(bucket_count) / token_count
above_percent = 100.0 * float(bucket_count+above_count) / token_count
below_percent = 100.0 * float(token_count-above_count) / token_count
print("%3d: ==%3.0f%% | >=%3.0f%% | <=%3.0f%% | %s" % (v, equal_percent, above_percent, below_percent, ", ".join(tokens_for_value[v])))
above_count += bucket_count
# Odds of SK,CU,TA,EL for Ritual Candles, etc.
bad_count = bag.count("SK") + bag.count("CU") + bag.count("CU") + bag.count("TA") + bag.count("EL")
bad_percent = 100.0 * float(bad_count) / token_count
print("SK/CU/TA/EL: %3.0f%%" % bad_percent)
# Odds of SK,CU,TA,EL,WI for Mists of R'lyeh etc.
really_bad_count = bad_count + bag.count("WI")
really_bad_percent = 100.0 * float(really_bad_count) / token_count
print("SK/CU/TA/EL/WI: %3.0f%%" % really_bad_percent)
# Odds of ES, +1, 0 for Clairvoyance, Azure Flame, etc.
good_count = bag.count("ES") + bag.count("+1") + bag.count("+0")
good_percent = 100.0 * float(good_count) / token_count
print("ES/+1/+0: %3.0f%%" % good_percent)
# Even/odd/symbol odds for Prescient
even_count = bag.count("+0") + bag.count("-2") + bag.count("-4") + bag.count("-6") + bag.count("-8")
odd_count = bag.count("+1") + bag.count("-1") + bag.count("-3") + bag.count("-5") + bag.count("-7")
symbol_count = token_count - (even_count + odd_count)
even_percent = 100.0 * float(even_count) / token_count
odd_percent = 100.0 * float(odd_count) / token_count
symbol_percent = 100.0 * float(symbol_count) / token_count
print("Even: %3.0f%% | Odd: %3.0f%% | Symbol: %3.0f%%" % (even_percent, odd_percent, symbol_percent))
# - something something Olive McBride
def normalize_token(token):
if token in ["0"]:
return "+0"
elif token in ["1"]:
return "+1"
# TODO: additional aliases
return token
def add_tokens_to_bag(bag, tokens):
for token in tokens:
token = normalize_token(token)
if token in VALID_TOKENS:
print("ERROR: Unrecognized token '%s' must be one of [%s]" % (token, ", ".join(VALID_TOKENS)))
return True
def remove_tokens_from_bag(bag, tokens):
for token in tokens:
token = normalize_token(token)
if token in VALID_TOKENS:
except ValueError:
print("ERROR: skipping '%s' because there's none of them in the bag" % token)
print("ERROR: Unrecognized token '%s' must be one of [%s]" % (token, ", ".join(VALID_TOKENS)))
return True
def save_bag_to_file(bag, token_values):
pickle.dump((bag,token_values), open(BACKUP_FILENAME, "wb"))
# returns (bag, token_values) tuple
def load_bag_from_file():
bag, token_values = pickle.load(open(BACKUP_FILENAME, "rb"))
return (bag, token_values)
if __name__ == "__main__":
token_values = DEFAULT_TOKEN_VALUES.copy()
bag = []
while True:
# Read a new command & see what commands it matches
cmd = input("> ")
add_match =
remove_match =
set_match =
if cmd in ["help", "?"]:
elif cmd in ["quit", "exit"]:
elif cmd in ["print"]:
print_bag(bag, token_values)
elif cmd in ["reset", "clear"]:
bag = []
token_values = DEFAULT_TOKEN_VALUES.copy()
elif cmd == "load":
bag, tokens = load_bag_from_file()
print_bag(bag, token_values)
elif add_match is not None:
if add_tokens_to_bag(bag,'tokens').split()):
save_bag_to_file(bag, token_values)
print_bag(bag, token_values)
elif remove_match is not None:
if remove_tokens_from_bag(bag,'tokens').split()):
save_bag_to_file(bag, token_values)
print_bag(bag, token_values)
elif set_match is not None:
token ='token')
value = int('value'))
token = normalize_token(token)
token_values[token] = value
save_bag_to_file(bag, token_values)
print_bag(bag, token_values)
print("Unrecognized command. Usage:")
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