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Last active February 9, 2024 22:47
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Save cdwfs/11240678 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Python script to track changes to a user's list of Twitter followers
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Usage:
# 1) Install the Python Twitter Tools (PTT) from
# (or just "easy_install twitter").
# 2) Run "twitter-follow -o blahblahblah" and follow the instructions to set up
# OAuth. This gives the twitter-follow script read-only access to your account.
# Technically, it doesn't even need to be *your* account that you authorize,
# since the script is only querying public follower information.
# 3) Modify the value of "my_handle" to the username of the Twitter user whose
# followers you'd like to track.
# 4) Run "python" to generate the initial list of followers,
# which will be written to a file called "followers.txt".
# 5) Thereafter, run "python" to print a summary of changes to
# your follower list to stdout, including follows, unfollows, and renames.
# Personally, I added an hourly cron job to run "python >> log.txt"
# to keep a running log of all follower changes.
import os.path
import subprocess
import sys
import time
my_handle = "@YourHandleHere"
followers_path = "followers.txt"
if sys.version_info.major == 3:
import urllib.request
my_urlopen = urllib.request.urlopen
MyHttpError = urllib.error.HTTPError
elif sys.version_info.major == 2:
import urllib2
my_urlopen = urllib2.urlopen
MyHttpError = urllib2.HTTPError
def does_user_exist(user):
page = my_urlopen("" % user)
except MyHttpError:
return False
return True
new_dict = {}
if len(sys.argv) == 2:
# fake an update by passing a previously-generated follower list
# mainly useful when I was converting from a flat follower list to
# this script.
timestamp = time.gmtime(os.path.getmtime(sys.argv[1]))
new_file = open(sys.argv[1], "r")
for line in new_file:
userid,handle = line.strip().split('\t')
new_dict[int(userid)] = handle
# Retrieve list of current followers
timestamp = time.localtime()
new_list = subprocess.check_output(["twitter-follow", "-o", "-r", "-i", my_handle]).decode("utf-8").strip().split('\n')
for line in new_list:
userid,handle = line.strip().split('\t')
new_dict[int(userid)] = handle
new_userid_set = frozenset(list(new_dict.keys()))
if not os.path.exists(followers_path):
sys.stderr.write("WARNING: %s not found; generating new list from scratch.\n" % followers_path)
# Read previous list of followers
old_file = open(followers_path, "r")
old_dict = {}
for line in old_file:
userid,handle = line.strip().split('\t')
old_dict[int(userid)] = handle
old_userid_set = frozenset(list(old_dict.keys()))
# Compare old list to new and generate stats
log_lines = []
lost = []
gained = []
renamed = []
for userid in old_userid_set - new_userid_set:
lost.append( tuple([userid,old_dict[userid]]) )
for userid in new_userid_set - old_userid_set:
gained.append( tuple([userid,new_dict[userid]]) )
for userid in old_userid_set & new_userid_set:
if new_dict[userid] != old_dict[userid]:
renamed.append( tuple([userid,old_dict[userid],new_dict[userid]]) )
if lost or gained or renamed:
log_lines.append("-------- %s:" % time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %Z", timestamp))
if lost:
log_lines.append("%d follower(s) lost:" % len(lost))
for userid,handle in sorted(lost):
reason = ""
if not does_user_exist(handle):
reason = "[account deleted]"
log_lines.append("\t%10d %s %s" % (userid,handle,reason))
if gained:
log_lines.append("%d follower(s) gained:" % len(gained))
for userid,handle in sorted(gained):
log_lines.append("\t%10d %s" % (userid,handle))
if renamed:
log_lines.append("%d follower(s) renamed:" % len(renamed))
for userid,old_name,new_name in sorted(renamed):
log_lines.append("\t%10d %s -> %s" % (userid,old_name,new_name))
for line in log_lines:
# Write new followers list, sorted by userid
new_file = open(followers_path, "w")
for userid in sorted(new_userid_set):
new_file.write("%d\t%s\n" % (userid,new_dict[userid]))
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