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Last active March 7, 2017 20:47
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// CDZIdioms.h
// Created by Chris Dzombak on 3/21/15.
// Copyright (c) 2015 Chris Dzombak. All rights reserved.
#ifndef CDZIdioms_h
#define CDZIdioms_h
#define iflet(LHS, RHS) \
for (id obj_ = (RHS); obj_ != nil;) \
for (LHS = (obj_ ?: (RHS)); obj_ != nil; obj_ = nil)
#define as_checked(EXPR, KLASS) ({ id _obj = EXPR; NSCAssert([_obj isKindOfClass:[KLASS class]], @"Cannot cast %@ to %@", NSStringFromClass([_obj class]), NSStringFromClass([KLASS class])); _obj; })
#define as_option(EXPR, KLASS) ({ id _obj = EXPR; if (![_obj isKindOfClass:[KLASS class]]) _obj = nil; _obj; })
#define lazy_get(TYPE, NAME, VALUE) \
@synthesize NAME = _##NAME; \
- (TYPE)NAME { if (!_##NAME) _##NAME = (VALUE); return _##NAME; }
// FINAL added 2016-01-08; see:
#define FINAL __attribute__((objc_subclassing_restricted))
// let added 2016-02-24; see:
#define let const
// nob_defer added 2016-01-09; see:
// some helper declarations
#define _nob_macro_concat(a, b) a##b
#define nob_macro_concat(a, b) _nob_macro_concat(a, b)
typedef void(^nob_defer_block_t)();
NS_INLINE void nob_deferFunc(__strong nob_defer_block_t *blockRef)
nob_defer_block_t actualBlock = *blockRef;
// the core macro:
#define nob_defer(deferBlock) \
__strong nob_defer_block_t nob_macro_concat(__nob_stack_defer_block_, __LINE__) __attribute__((cleanup(nob_deferFunc), unused)) = deferBlock
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