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ceafin /
Created January 13, 2016 21:05
I wanted to pull down the Spanish and English daily comic of Calvin and Hobbes from This tiny script will pull down the GIF images, use ImageMagick to stack them, and then set the new graphic as the background wallpaper. I use gsettings for the Cinnamon DE for setting the background.
# Script to pull comic and set as background each morning/login.
GRABES=`curl -s | grep -oP "http://assets\.amuniversal[^\"]*\" width=\"600\"" | awk -F\" '{print $1}'`
GRABEN=`curl -s | grep -oP "http://assets\.amuniversal[^\"]*\" width=\"600\"" | awk -F\" '{print $1}'`
wget -O /home/<USER>/Pictures/newComicBGes.gif $GRABES
wget -O /home/<USER>/Pictures/newComicBGen.gif $GRABEN
convert /home/<USER>/Pictures/newComicBGes.gif /home/<USER>/Pictures/newComicBGen.gif -append /home/<USER>/Pictures/newComicBG.gif

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