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Created December 4, 2015 17:49
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import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
Capture cam; //Set up the camera reader = new;
int WIDTH = 640;
int HEIGHT = 480;
PImage cover; //This will have the cover image
String lastISBNAcquired = ""; //This is the last ISBN we acquired
// Grabs the image file
void setup() {
size(640, 480);
cam = new Capture(this, WIDTH, HEIGHT);
void draw() {
if (cam.available() == true) {;
image(cam, 0,0);
try {
// Now test to see if it has a QR code embedded in it
LuminanceSource source = new BufferedImageLuminanceSource((BufferedImage)cam.getNative()); // getImage()
BinaryBitmap bitmap = new BinaryBitmap(new HybridBinarizer(source));
Result result = reader.decode(bitmap);
//Once we get the results, we can do some display
if (result.getText() != null) {
ResultPoint[] points = result.getResultPoints();
//Draw some ellipses on at the control points
for (int i = 0; i < points.length; i++) {
ellipse(points[i].getX(), points[i].getY(), 20,20);
//Now fetch the book cover, if it is found
if (!result.getText().equals(lastISBNAcquired)) { // 9780596510510
String url = result.getText();
try {
cover = loadImage(url,"gif");
lastISBNAcquired = result.getText();
} catch (Exception e) {
cover = null;
//Superimpose the cover on the image
if (cover != null) {
image(cover, points[1].getX(), points[1].getY());
} catch (Exception e) {
// println(e.toString());
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