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Last active June 10, 2023 16:28
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  • Save ceccillia/27724a76815ca55380e12902484d96fe to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save ceccillia/27724a76815ca55380e12902484d96fe to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.


Command Description
 curl -h cURL help menu
 curl Basic GET request
 curl -s -O Download file
 curl -k Skip HTTPS (SSL) certificate validation
 curl -v Print full HTTP request/response details
 curl -I Send HEAD request (only prints response headers)
 curl -i Print response headers and response body
 curl -A 'Mozilla/5.0' Set User-Agent header
 curl -u admin:admin http://<SERVER_IP>:<PORT>/ Set HTTP basic authorization credentials
 curl http://admin:admin@<SERVER_IP>:<PORT>/ Pass HTTP basic authorization credentials in the URL
 curl -H 'Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46YWRtaW4=' http://<SERVER_IP>:<PORT>/ Set request header
 curl 'http://<SERVER_IP>:<PORT>/search.php?search=le' Pass GET parameters
 curl -X POST -d 'username=admin&password=admin' http://<SERVER_IP>:<PORT>/ Send POST request with POST data
 curl -b 'PHPSESSID=c1nsa6op7vtk7kdis7bcnbadf1' http://<SERVER_IP>:<PORT>/ Set request cookies
 curl -X POST -d '{"search":"london"}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' http://<SERVER_IP>:<PORT>/search.php Send POST request with JSON data
 curl -L Let redirect


Command Description
 curl http://<SERVER_IP>:<PORT>/api.php/city/london Read entry
 curl -s http://<SERVER_IP>:<PORT>/api.php/city/ | jq Read all entries
 curl -X POST http://<SERVER_IP>:<PORT>/api.php/city/ -d '{"city_name":"HTB_City", "country_name":"HTB"}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' Create (add) entry
 curl -X PUT http://<SERVER_IP>:<PORT>/api.php/city/london -d '{"city_name":"New_HTB_City", "country_name":"HTB"}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' Update (modify) entry
 curl -X DELETE http://<SERVER_IP>:<PORT>/api.php/city/New_HTB_City Delete entry

Browser DevTools

Shortcut Description
 [CTRL+SHIFT+I] or [F12] Show devtools
 [CTRL+SHIFT+E] Show Network tab
 [CTRL+SHIFT+K] Show Console tab
Its really cool to copy and paste requests as cURL etc and send it through JS Console
Copy link

Really useful 👍

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