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Last active April 27, 2022 07:02
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# One Dark by Giuseppe Cesarano,
# This work is licensed under the terms of the GPL-2.0 license.
# For a copy, see
# Colors
foreground #979eab
background #282c34
color0 #282c34
color1 #e06c75
color2 #98c379
color3 #e5c07b
color4 #61afef
color5 #be5046
color6 #56b6c2
color7 #979eab
color8 #393e48
color9 #d19a66
color10 #56b6c2
color11 #e5c07b
color12 #61afef
color13 #be5046
color14 #56b6c2
color15 #abb2bf
# Tab Bar
active_tab_foreground #282c34
active_tab_background #979eab
inactive_tab_foreground #abb2bf
inactive_tab_background #282c34
# Windows decorations
hide_window_decorations yes
# Font
font_family JetBrainsMono Nerd Font
bold_font auto
italic_font auto
bold_italic_font auto
font_size 15.0
adjust_line_height 120%
adjust_column_width 0
disable_ligatures no
# Background
background_opacity 1.00
dim_opacity 0.75
window_padding_width 13
draw_minimal_borders yes
# Terminal bell
enable_audio_bell no
# Split layout
enabled_layouts splits:split_axis=horizontal
map F4 launch --location=split
map F5 launch --location=hsplit
map F6 launch --location=vsplit
# resize windows (need to add shift, because ctrl+left/right/up/down already used in mac)
map ctrl+shift+left resize_window narrower
map ctrl+shift+right resize_window wider
map ctrl+shift+up resize_window taller
map ctrl+shift+down resize_window shorter 3
# reset all windows in the tab to default sizes
map ctrl+home resize_window reset
# change windows focus
map ctrl+alt+left neighboring_window left
map ctrl+alt+right neighboring_window right
map ctrl+alt+up neighboring_window up
map ctrl+alt+down neighboring_window down
# move windows
map shift+up move_window up
map shift+left move_window left
map shift+right move_window right
map shift+down move_window down
# One Dark
include current-theme.conf
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