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utilities to bind phylogenetic networks, aka add or graft a subnetwork onto a larger network
to use the functions in this file, read it within julia with:
but replace 'path/to/' by the actual path to this file on your machine.
The main functions defined in this file are:
try # install package PhyloNetworks, if not already installed, and load it
using PhyloNetworks
@info "need PhyloNetworks package: will add & use it"
import Pkg; Pkg.add("PhyloNetworks"); using PhyloNetworks
Add (graft or bind) to network `net` the subnetwork `subnet`, attaching it
to `node`, which should be a node in `net`.
`net` is modified. `subnet` is not.
- If `edgelength` is not provided, then `node` is replaced by the root of `subnet`.
- If `edgelength` is provided, an edge of length `edgelength` is created to form
the stem of the subnetwork, from `node` to the root of `subnet`.
If `edgelength=-1.0`, the stem edge length is interpreted as missing.
If `verbose` is true, then a warning will appear in case `edgelength` is
negative other than -1.
output: crown node of subnetwork in full network `net`.
# examples
julia> newick = "((S2c:3,(S1:1)#H1),(#H1,S4));"; net = readTopology(newick);
julia> subnet2 = readTopology("(S2a,S2b);"); # we want this clade to be sister to S2c
julia> leaf_S2c = net.node[findfirst(n -> == "S2c", net.node)];
julia> edge_to_S2c = getparentedge(leaf_S2c)
attached to 2 node(s) (parent first): -3 1
julia> newnode, newedge = PhyloNetworks.breakedge!(edge_to_S2c, net);
julia> (newedge.length, edge_to_S2c.length)
(1.5, 1.5)
julia> crown = addnetwork_at!(net, newnode, subnet2);
julia> writeTopology(net) # polytomy of three S2 taxa
julia> net = readTopology(newick); leaf_S2c = net.node[1]; # re-do, but without a polytomy
julia> newnode, _ = PhyloNetworks.breakedge!(getparentedge(leaf_S2c), net);
julia> crown = addnetwork_at!(net, newnode, subnet2, 0.5);
julia> writeTopology(net) # resolved: S2c | S2a,S2b
function addnetwork_at!(
subnet = deepcopy(subnet) # to leave input subnetwork unchanged
crown = subnet.node[subnet.root] # extract the crown node
deleteat!(subnet.node, subnet.root) # all other nodes will transfer
# re-number subnetwork nodes and edges, to make them unique in full network
nextnum = maximum(n.number for n in net.node) + 1
for n in subnet.node
n.number = nextnum
nextnum += 1
nextnum = maximum(e.number for e in net.edge) + 1
for e in subnet.edge
e.number = nextnum
nextnum +=1
# if node was a leaf originally, then won't be any more
if node.leaf && !isempty(crown.edge)
deleteat!(net.leaf, findfirst(isequal(node), net.leaf))
node.leaf = false
net.numTaxa -= 1
for ee in crown.edge # detacth each edge adjacent to crown, attach to `node` instead
PhyloNetworks.removeNode!(crown, ee)
PhyloNetworks.setNode!(ee, node) # node comes 2nd in ee now, so isChild1 most likely wrong
PhyloNetworks.setEdge!(node, ee)
# append to net.{node,edge} all subnetworks's nodes and edges, except for crown
for n in subnet.node PhyloNetworks.pushNode!(net, n); end
for e in subnet.edge PhyloNetworks.pushEdge!(net, e); end
directEdges!(net) # correct isChild1
# cleanup, to help garbage collection
empty!(crown.edge); empty!(subnet.node); empty!(subnet.edge);
empty!(subnet.names); empty!(subnet.hybrid); empty!(subnet.leaf)
return node
function addnetwork_at!(
verbose && edgelength < 0 && edgelength != -1 &&
@warn "stem of negative length: $edgelength"
crownname = * "_subnetwork_crown"
newleaf = PhyloNetworks.addleaf!(net, node, crownname, edgelength)
return addnetwork_at!(net, newleaf, subnet)
Replace a leaf node `n` in `net` by the subnetwork `subnet`.
`n` is `leaf` if it's a node.
If `leaf` is a string then `n` is the (first) leaf node named `leaf`.
As `leaf` becomes internal, and often times the subnetwork may have a taxon of
the same name, this node is renamed by appending "_subnetwork_crown" to its
original name.
`edgelength` controls how the length of the external (or pendent) edge to the
leaf is modified. After the leaf replacement, this edge is the subnetwork's stem.
- if `edgelength` is a number, then the edge to the original leaf is given
length `edgelength` (with -1 interpreted as missing).
If `verbose` is true, then a warning will appear in case `edgelength` is
negative other than -1.
- if `edgelength=nothing`, then the edge to the original leaf is suppressed.
This may result in a polytomy in case `subnet` does not already have a stem
edge (has a bifurcation root instead)
Uses `addnetwork_at!`.
# examples
julia> newick = "((S2,(S1:1)#H1),(#H1,S4));"
julia> subnet1 = readTopology("(S1a,S1b);"); # we want to replace S1 by this clade
julia> net = readTopology(newick);
julia> addnetwork_atleaf!(net, "S1", subnet1, 0.3); writeTopology(net)
julia> net = readTopology(newick); # re-do, but keep original length for the stem
julia> crown = addnetwork_atleaf!(net, "S1", subnet1, nothing; crownname="");
julia> writeTopology(net)
julia> stemedge = getparentedge(crown)
julia> PhyloNetworks.shrinkedge!(net, stemedge); # shrink the stem, if desired
julia> writeTopology(net) # here we get a polytomy below H1
In this other example, we have 2 networks: one large, one small. We do this below:
1. check that these two networks share exactly 2 leaves, one to be interpreted
as an outgroup, the other to be swapped by the small network in large network.
2. delete the outgroup from the small network
3. add the small network to the large network, at their shared leaf.
julia> largenet = readTopology("(((S2a:3,(S1:1)#H1),(#H1,S4)),(O1,O2));");
julia> smallnet = readTopology("((S2a,S2b),O1);");
julia> sharedtiplabels = intersect(tipLabels(largenet), tipLabels(smallnet))
2-element Vector{String}:
julia> deleteleaf!(smallnet, "O1") # delete outgroup from small network
julia> sharedtiplabels = intersect(tipLabels(largenet), tipLabels(smallnet))
1-element Vector{String}:
julia> if length(sharedtiplabels) != 1 error("oops, I wanted a single shared leaf"); end
julia> leafname = sharedtiplabels[1]
julia> addnetwork_atleaf!(largenet, leafname, smallnet, nothing; crownname="smallnet_crown");
julia> writeTopology(largenet)
function addnetwork_atleaf!(n::HybridNetwork, leaf::String, args...; kwargs...)
i = findfirst(x -> == leaf, n.node)
isnothing(i) && error("no node named $leaf to replace by a subnetwork")
return addnetwork_atleaf!(n, n.node[i], args...; kwargs...)
function addnetwork_atleaf!(
crownname = * "_subnetwork_crown",
leaf.hybrid &&
error("node $( number $(leaf.number) is a hybrid. use addnetwork_at! instead?")
leaf.leaf ||
@error("node $( number $(leaf.number) is not a leaf")
pe = getparentedge(leaf) = crownname
if !isnothing(edgelength)
verbose && edgelength < 0 && edgelength != -1 &&
@warn "stem of negative length: $edgelength"
pe.length = edgelength
return addnetwork_at!(net, leaf, subnet)
Done reading file. Function "addnetwork_atleaf!" requires PhyloNetworks v0.16.4.
To get help, type ? then addnetwork_atleaf!""")
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