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Forked from joeshaw/
Created August 23, 2022 06:15
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super-hacky flask proxy
# coding:utf-8
# Copyright 2011 litl, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
import httplib
import re
import urllib
import urlparse
from flask import Blueprint, request, Response, url_for
from werkzeug.datastructures import Headers
from werkzeug.exceptions import NotFound
from jiffy.admin.login import check_login
proxy = Blueprint('proxy', __name__)
HTML_REGEX = re.compile(r'((?:src|action|href)=["\'])/')
JQUERY_REGEX = re.compile(r'(\$\.(?:get|post)\(["\'])/')
JS_LOCATION_REGEX = re.compile(r'((?:window|document)\.location.*=.*["\'])/')
CSS_REGEX = re.compile(r'(url\(["\']?)/')
def iterform(multidict):
for key in multidict.keys():
for value in multidict.getlist(key):
yield (key.encode("utf8"), value.encode("utf8"))
def parse_host_port(h):
"""Parses strings in the form host[:port]"""
host_port = h.split(":", 1)
if len(host_port) == 1:
return (h, 80)
host_port[1] = int(host_port[1])
return host_port
@proxy.route('/proxy/<host>/', methods=["GET", "POST"])
@proxy.route('/proxy/<host>/<path:file>', methods=["GET", "POST"])
def proxy_request(host, file=""):
hostname, port = parse_host_port(host)
# Whitelist a few headers to pass on
request_headers = {}
for h in ["Cookie", "Referer", "X-Csrf-Token"]:
if h in request.headers:
request_headers[h] = request.headers[h]
if request.query_string:
path = "/%s?%s" % (file, request.query_string)
path = "/" + file
if request.method == "POST":
form_data = list(iterform(request.form))
form_data = urllib.urlencode(form_data)
request_headers["Content-Length"] = len(form_data)
form_data = None
conn = httplib.HTTPConnection(hostname, port)
conn.request(request.method, path, body=form_data, headers=request_headers)
resp = conn.getresponse()
# Clean up response headers for forwarding
response_headers = Headers()
for key, value in resp.getheaders():
if key in ["content-length", "connection", "content-type"]:
if key == "set-cookie":
cookies = value.split(",")
[response_headers.add(key, c) for c in cookies]
response_headers.add(key, value)
# If this is a redirect, munge the Location URL
if "location" in response_headers:
redirect = response_headers["location"]
parsed = urlparse.urlparse(request.url)
redirect_parsed = urlparse.urlparse(redirect)
redirect_host = redirect_parsed.netloc
if not redirect_host:
redirect_host = "%s:%d" % (hostname, port)
redirect_path = redirect_parsed.path
if redirect_parsed.query:
redirect_path += "?" + redirect_parsed.query
munged_path = url_for(".proxy_request",
url = "%s://%s%s" % (parsed.scheme, parsed.netloc, munged_path)
response_headers["location"] = url
# Rewrite URLs in the content to point to our URL scheme instead.
# Ugly, but seems to mostly work.
root = url_for(".proxy_request", host=host)
contents =
for regex in REGEXES:
contents = regex.sub(r'\1%s' % root, contents)
flask_response = Response(response=contents,
return flask_response
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