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Created April 8, 2016 08:21
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namespace Vendor\InfraBundle\Controller;
use Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\Configuration\Method;
use Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\Configuration\Route;
use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Console\Application;
use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\Controller;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\ArrayInput;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Output\BufferedOutput;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response;
* Executes migrations when the CLI is not in reach.
* @Route("/_endpoint/migrations", service="vendor_infra.migration.migrationcontroller")
* @package Vendor\InfraBundle\Controller
class MigrationController extends Controller
* Shows the current status of migrations applied
* @Route("/")
* @Method("GET")
* @return Response
public function statusAction()
$application = $this->getConsoleApplication();
$input = new ArrayInput(
'command' => 'doctrine:migrations:status',
// You can use NullOutput() if you don't need the output
$output = new BufferedOutput();
$application->run($input, $output);
// return the output, don't use if you used NullOutput()
$content = $output->fetch();
// return new Response(""), if you used NullOutput()
return new Response($content);
* Migrates the database
* @Method("POST")
* @Route("/migrate")
* @return Response
* @throws \Exception
public function migrateAction()
$application = $this->getConsoleApplication();
$input = new ArrayInput(
'command' => 'doctrine:migrations:migrate',
// You can use NullOutput() if you don't need the output
$output = new BufferedOutput();
$application->run($input, $output);
// return the output, don't use if you used NullOutput()
$content = $output->fetch();
// return new Response(""), if you used NullOutput()
return new Response($content);
* @return Application
private function getConsoleApplication()
$kernel = $this->get('kernel');
$application = new Application($kernel);
return $application;
namespace Vendor\InfraBundle\Tests\Controller;
use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Test\WebTestCase;
* @package Vendor\InfraBundle\Tests\Controller
class MigrationControllerTest extends WebTestCase
* Health indicator requests from the platform should
* result in a HTTP Status 200
* @covers Vendor\InfraBundle\Controller\MigrationController::statusAction
public function testMigrationStatusResponse()
$client = static::createClient();
/** @noinspection PhpUnusedLocalVariableInspection */
$crawler = $client->request('GET', '/_endpoint/migrations/');
$this->assertContains('Database Driver', $client->getResponse()->getContent());
$this->assertEquals(200, $client->getResponse()->getStatusCode());
* The application should be able to migrate te database from a HTTP Request
* @covers Vendor\InfraBundle\Controller\MigrationController::migrateAction
public function testMigrationMigrateRequest()
$client = static::createClient();
/** @noinspection PhpUnusedLocalVariableInspection */
$crawler = $client->request('POST', '/_endpoint/migrations/migrate');
'Error Migration can only be executed safely on \'mysql\'',
$this->assertEquals(200, $client->getResponse()->getStatusCode());
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