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Created March 6, 2019 18:56
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# TOR Setup Script
# Author: Nick Busey
# This file is meant to get SSH access via Tor to an Ubuntu server in one command.
# Quick Usage (as root): $ bash <(curl -s
# Usage for the paranoid:
# $ wget
# $ less # Verify the script contains the same script as you see below
# $ sudo bash
# Client Config Example
# In order to connect to the hostnames output by this file, you should have the TOR browser running
# and your ~/.ssh/config should contain the following 2 lines:
# Host *.onion
# ProxyCommand /usr/bin/nc -xlocalhost:9150 -X5 %h %p
# Now once you get a hostname back from the script (e.g.: tmxybgr6e7kpenoq.onion)
# you can connect to it like a normal host.
# Example: `ssh vagrant@tmxybgr6e7kpenoq.onion`
# Install Tor
apt-get update && apt-get install -y tor
# Append the hidden service configuration to the Torrc file
echo -e "HiddenServiceDir /var/lib/tor/onion-ssh/\nHiddenServicePort 22" > /etc/tor/torrc
# Remove the bogus tor service Ubuntu installs by default (
rm /lib/systemd/system/tor.service
# Ensure the changes are recognized
systemctl daemon-reload
# Restart Tor to generate the new configuration
/etc/init.d/tor restart
# Wait 30 seconds for the configuration to generate
echo "Wait 30 seconds for Tor to start and generate the hostname" && sleep 30
# Output the Hostname file contents.
echo "You can now SSH to: " && cat /var/lib/tor/onion-ssh/hostname
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