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Cameron Walters (cee-dub) cee-dub

View GitHub Profile
Come taste some fine forties, cheetos, and various stank and non-stank bitches
on the sickest corner in SoMA! We're starting early so you can drop by
before heading to your midnight destinations.
Jessie at 6th St, in front of the chain link fence
# Template which configures a generic Rails app with Shoulda, Factory Girl,
# HAML, etc while commiting each step into git.
# Make sure you have Rails 2.3rc1 or greater installed and run:
# rails -d mysql -m
# Helper methods
# Modified version of the "gem" method which places the "config.gem..." lines
# after the examples in config/environment.rb.
for dir in `find . -empty -type d -maxdepth $1`; do
if [ not `ls -A $dir` ]; then
echo "$dir"
require 'www/mechanize'
# Patches WWW::Mechanize for Cucumber + Webrat
module WWW
class Mechanize
def self.log_disabled
@@log ||=
require 'strscan'
require 'set'
class SqlQuery <, :where, :order)
def to_json
[table, where, order].to_json
class SqlScanner
cee-dub /
Created September 18, 2015 01:23

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am cee-dub on github.
  • I am ceedub ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key whose fingerprint is 4FE7 0A9E F882 8393 C2F3 802D 8080 0A91 52B3 77B9

To claim this, I am signing this object:

# Usage: spec payment.rb
# Depends on Ruby and Rspec.
# Modify this code to compute the correct fee amount for a given payment amount.
# Add additional tests to cover any behavior you introduce.
class Payment
def should_be_a_subset(superset, records_selected_by_scope, &condition)
flunk "Your superset is empty" if superset.empty?
flunk "Your scope did not select any records" if records_selected_by_scope.empty?
records_selected_by_block, records_excluded_by_block = superset.partition(&condition)
flunk "Your test condition did not select any records" if records_selected_by_block.empty?
flunk "Your test condition did not exclude any records" if records_excluded_by_block.empty? =~

##YC-backed startup, looking for extremely talented Obj-C/Rails engineer for first technical hire##

We're building a new platform for mobile commerce--an elegant, gorgeous experience for buying and selling. The founding team consists of two people with extensive experience in user acquisition, product design, and development. We've raised money from some of the valley's top investors, and have a ton of support from the most brilliant product minds in SF.

If you're a hacker with interest in an early position at a YC-backed startup, we'd love to talk. We're looking for a hardcore generalist, which means you should:

  • understand undocumented libraries and code bases quickly
  • have a strong understanding of technologies up and down the stack: PostgreSQL, UIWebViews, and everything in between (Rails!)
  • understand what it means to work in an intense startup environment
  • learn quickly, we value raw intelligence pretty highly
cee-dub /
Created January 10, 2012 07:24
Installing Ruby 1.9.3 & gem dependencies on Mac OS X Lion
# Install Xcode from the Mac App Store
open /Applications/Install\ # complete the installation
# Install homebrew
/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
# Install RVM
bash -s stable < <(curl -s
# Install some libraries to link ruby and gems against