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Last active August 27, 2021 05:27
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Using the Writer monad for log messages
object WriterExample extends App {
import scalaz._
// DList has constant time append, which is nice for logging
// for simplicity we will just use String for logs, but you could
// get fancier and have a model with Error, Warn, Info, Debug, etc.
type Logged[A] = Writer[DList[String], A]
def log(msg: String): Logged[Unit] = WriterT.tell(DList(msg))
val r = for {
_ <- log("start")
first = 1
_ <- log(s"initialized first: $first")
second = 2
_ <- log(s"initialized second: $second")
_ <- log("finish")
} yield first + second
val (logs, sum) =
logs.toList.foreach(println) // print the logs
println(s"sum: $sum") // print the result
// this app prints the following output:
// start
// initialized first: 1
// initialized second: 2
// finish
// sum: 3
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