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Last active July 13, 2017 09:24
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Fixed FormRecordSearcher (Umbraco.Forms) so used methods are public
using System;
using Umbraco.Core;
using Umbraco.Forms.Core;
using Umbraco.Forms.Web.BusinessLogic;
using Umbraco.Forms.Web.Models.Backoffice;
namespace MyNamespace
public class CustomExportType : ExportType
public CustomExportType()
Name = "...";
Description = "...";
Id = new Guid("...");
FileExtension = "xml";
Icon = "icon-file";
public override string ExportRecords(RecordExportFilter filter)
EntrySearchResultCollection model = FormRecordSearcherPublic.QueryDataBase(filter, ApplicationContext.Current.DatabaseContext);
return "...";
using Examine;
using Examine.LuceneEngine.SearchCriteria;
using Examine.Providers;
using Examine.SearchCriteria;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Linq;
using Umbraco.Core;
using Umbraco.Core.Models;
using Umbraco.Core.Persistence;
using Umbraco.Core.Services;
using Umbraco.Forms.Core;
using Umbraco.Forms.Core.Enums;
using Umbraco.Forms.Data.Storage;
using Umbraco.Forms.Web.Models.Backoffice;
namespace Umbraco.Forms.Web.BusinessLogic
public class FormRecordSearcherPublic
internal static ISearchCriteria BuildLuceneQuery(RecordFilter model, BaseSearchProvider searcher)
if (model.StartIndex == 0)
model.StartIndex = 0;
if (model.Length == 0)
model.Length = 50;
DateTime startDate = model.StartDate;
DateTime now = new DateTime();
if (startDate == now)
now = DateTime.Now;
model.StartDate = now.Subtract(TimeSpan.FromDays(2));
DateTime endDate = model.EndDate;
now = new DateTime();
if (endDate == now)
model.EndDate = DateTime.Now;
if (model.States == null)
model.States = new List<FormState>()
IBooleanOperation booleanOperation = searcher.CreateSearchCriteria().Field("__IndexType", "formrecord").And().Range("Created", model.StartDate, model.EndDate);
if (model.Form != Guid.Empty)
IQuery query = booleanOperation.And();
Guid form = model.Form;
booleanOperation = query.Field("Form", form.ToString());
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.Filter))
booleanOperation = booleanOperation.And().Field("Blob", LuceneSearchExtensions.MultipleCharacterWildcard(model.Filter));
return booleanOperation.Compile();
internal static Sql BuildSqlQuery(RecordFilter model, string select = "")
object[] startDate;
if (model.StartIndex == 0)
model.StartIndex = 0;
if (model.Length == 0)
model.Length = 50;
DateTime dateTime = model.StartDate;
DateTime now = new DateTime();
if (dateTime == now)
now = DateTime.Now;
model.StartDate = now.Subtract(TimeSpan.FromDays(2000));
DateTime endDate = model.EndDate;
now = new DateTime();
if (endDate == now)
model.EndDate = DateTime.Now;
if (model.States == null)
model.States = new List<FormState>()
Sql sql = new Sql();
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(select))
startDate = new object[] { select };
sql = sql.Select(startDate);
sql = PetaPocoSqlExtensions.From<Record>(sql);
startDate = new object[] { model.StartDate, null };
now = model.EndDate;
startDate[1] = now.AddDays(1);
sql.Where("Created >= @0 AND Created <= @1", startDate);
if (model.Form != Guid.Empty)
startDate = new object[] { model.Form.ToString() };
sql = sql.Where("Form = @0", startDate);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.Filter))
startDate = new object[] { string.Concat("%", model.Filter, "%") };
sql = sql.Where("RecordData LIKE @0", startDate);
if (model.States.Any<FormState>())
Sql sql1 = sql;
startDate = new object[] { new { states = (
from state in model.States
select state.ToString()).ToList<string>() } };
sql = sql1.Where("State in (@states)", startDate);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.SortBy))
if (model.SortOrder != Sorting.@descending)
startDate = new object[] { model.SortBy };
sql = sql.OrderBy(startDate);
startDate = new object[] { model.SortBy };
sql = PetaPocoSqlExtensions.OrderByDescending(sql, startDate);
return sql;
public static BaseSearchProvider Current()
return ExamineManager.Instance.SearchProviderCollection["FormsSearcher"];
public static EntrySearchResultCollection QueryDataBase(RecordFilter model, DatabaseContext databaseContext)
EntrySearchResultCollection entrySearchResultCollection;
IMemberService memberService = ApplicationContext.Current.Services.MemberService;
FormStorage formStorage = new FormStorage();
Form form = formStorage.GetForm(model.Form);
Sql sql = BuildSqlQuery(model, "");
Page<Record> page = databaseContext.Database.Page<Record>((long)model.StartIndex, (long)model.Length, sql);
EntrySearchResultCollection entrySearchResultCollection1 = new EntrySearchResultCollection()
TotalNumberOfResults = page.TotalItems,
TotalNumberOfPages = page.TotalPages
bool flag = (!Configuration.IsTrial ? false : !Core.Licensing.IsLocalBrowserRequest());
List<EntrySearchResult> entrySearchResults = new List<EntrySearchResult>();
if (form != null)
List<EntrySearchResultSchema> entrySearchResultSchemas = new List<EntrySearchResultSchema>();
foreach (Field allField in form.AllFields)
if (allField.FieldType.StoresData)
EntrySearchResultSchema entrySearchResultSchema = new EntrySearchResultSchema()
Name = allField.Caption,
Id = allField.Id.ToString(),
View = allField.FieldType.RenderView
EntrySearchResultSchema entrySearchResultSchema1 = new EntrySearchResultSchema()
Id = "member",
View = "member",
Name = "Member"
EntrySearchResultSchema entrySearchResultSchema2 = new EntrySearchResultSchema()
Id = "state",
View = "text",
Name = "State"
EntrySearchResultSchema entrySearchResultSchema3 = new EntrySearchResultSchema()
Id = "created",
View = "date",
Name = "Created"
EntrySearchResultSchema entrySearchResultSchema4 = new EntrySearchResultSchema()
Id = "updated",
View = "date",
Name = "Updated"
entrySearchResultCollection1.schema = entrySearchResultSchemas;
foreach (Record item in page.Items)
EntrySearchResult entrySearchResult = new EntrySearchResult()
Id = item.Id,
Form = item.Form.ToString(),
State = item.StateAsString
int localTimeOffset = -model.LocalTimeOffset;
TimeSpan offset = DateTimeOffset.Now.Offset;
int num = localTimeOffset - Convert.ToInt32(offset.TotalMinutes);
DateTime created = item.Created;
entrySearchResult.Created = created.AddMinutes((double)num);
created = item.Updated;
entrySearchResult.Updated = created.AddMinutes((double)num);
entrySearchResult.UniqueId = item.UniqueId;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.MemberKey))
IMember byId = memberService.GetById(Convert.ToInt32(item.MemberKey));
if (byId != null)
entrySearchResult.Member = byId;
if ((form == null ? false : !string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.RecordData)))
Dictionary<string, string> strs = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Dictionary<string, string>>(item.RecordData);
List<object> objs = new List<object>();
foreach (EntrySearchResultSchema entrySearchResultSchema5 in entrySearchResultCollection1.schema.Take<EntrySearchResultSchema>(entrySearchResultCollection1.schema.Count<EntrySearchResultSchema>() - 4))
if (!strs.ContainsKey(entrySearchResultSchema5.Id))
objs.Add((flag ? Configuration.TrialSaveMessage : strs[entrySearchResultSchema5.Id]));
entrySearchResult.Fields = objs;
entrySearchResultCollection1.Results = entrySearchResults;
entrySearchResultCollection = entrySearchResultCollection1;
if (formStorage != null)
return entrySearchResultCollection;
public static EntrySearchResultCollection QueryLucene(RecordFilter model)
DateTime dateTime;
DateTime dateTime1;
FormStorage formStorage = new FormStorage();
Form form = formStorage.GetForm(model.Form);
BaseSearchProvider baseSearchProvider = FormRecordSearcher.Current();
ISearchResults searchResult = baseSearchProvider.Search(BuildLuceneQuery(model, baseSearchProvider));
EntrySearchResultCollection entrySearchResultCollection = new EntrySearchResultCollection()
TotalNumberOfResults = (long)searchResult.TotalItemCount
List<EntrySearchResult> entrySearchResults = new List<EntrySearchResult>();
if (form != null)
List<EntrySearchResultSchema> entrySearchResultSchemas = new List<EntrySearchResultSchema>();
EntrySearchResultSchema entrySearchResultSchema = new EntrySearchResultSchema()
Id = "state",
View = "text",
Name = "State"
EntrySearchResultSchema entrySearchResultSchema1 = new EntrySearchResultSchema()
Id = "created",
View = "date",
Name = "Created"
EntrySearchResultSchema entrySearchResultSchema2 = new EntrySearchResultSchema()
Id = "updated",
View = "date",
Name = "Updated"
foreach (Field allField in form.AllFields)
if (allField.FieldType.StoresData)
EntrySearchResultSchema entrySearchResultSchema3 = new EntrySearchResultSchema()
Name = allField.Caption,
Id = allField.Id.ToString(),
View = allField.FieldType.RenderView
entrySearchResultCollection.schema = entrySearchResultSchemas;
foreach (SearchResult searchResult1 in searchResult.Skip(model.StartIndex).Take<SearchResult>(model.Length))
EntrySearchResult entrySearchResult = new EntrySearchResult()
Score = searchResult1.Score,
Id = searchResult1.Id
IDictionary<string, string> fields = searchResult1.Fields;
entrySearchResult.Form = fields["Form"];
entrySearchResult.State = fields["State"];
DateTime.TryParseExact(fields["Created"], "yyyyMMddHHmmssFFF", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, DateTimeStyles.None, out dateTime);
DateTime.TryParseExact(fields["Updated"], "yyyyMMddHHmmssFFF", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, DateTimeStyles.None, out dateTime1);
entrySearchResult.Created = dateTime;
entrySearchResult.Updated = dateTime1;
if (form != null)
Dictionary<string, string> strs = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Dictionary<string, string>>(fields["Fields"]);
List<object> objs = new List<object>()
foreach (EntrySearchResultSchema entrySearchResultSchema4 in entrySearchResultCollection.schema.Skip<EntrySearchResultSchema>(3))
if (!strs.ContainsKey(entrySearchResultSchema4.Id))
entrySearchResult.Fields = objs;
entrySearchResultCollection.Results = entrySearchResults;
return entrySearchResultCollection;
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ceee commented Jul 13, 2017

New versions of Umbraco.Forms do not expose the FormRecordSearcher.QueryDataBase method for public usage. This method is necessary so that custom ExportTypes can query the form submissions.
This class replaces the FormRecordSearcher and can simple be copied into the project (where Umbraco.Forms is already a dependency).

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