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Last active August 29, 2015 14:22
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JWT-authentication in a proper Authentication HTTP header for Spray (
package service.common.config
* Required configuration properties for authentication.
trait AuthenticationConfiguration {
* The secret for signing tokens.
* @return The secret.
def secret: String
* Duration until a token expires.
* @return A duration.
def tokenExpiration: org.joda.time.Duration
* The name of the algorithm used to sign tokens.
* @return The string name.
def algorithmName: String
import authentikat.jwt._ //
import spray.http.{HttpCredentials, HttpRequest, OAuth2BearerToken}
import spray.routing.RequestContext
import spray.routing.authentication.HttpAuthenticator
import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonParseException
import com.typesafe.scalalogging.LazyLogging
import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future}
import service.common.config.AuthenticationConfiguration
package service.web.authentication
* Type definition for easier handling.
package object authentication {
type TokenAuthenticator[T] = Option[ Map[String, String]] ⇒ Future[Option[T]]
* Implements HTTP-Header-based authentication with a JSON Web Token to use in Spray.
* @param tokenAuthenticator The authenticator method.
* @param realm A resource or domain where access is requested.
* @param authenticationConfig The configuration for JWT (secret, algorithm).
* @param executionContext ... Spray stuff
* @tparam U ... Spray stuff
class HttpJWTAuthenticator[U](val tokenAuthenticator: TokenAuthenticator[U], val realm: String, val authenticationConfig: AuthenticationConfiguration)(implicit val executionContext: ExecutionContext)
extends HttpAuthenticator[U] with LazyLogging {
def getChallengeHeaders(httpRequest: HttpRequest) = List()
override def authenticate(credentials: Option[HttpCredentials], ctx: RequestContext): Future[Option[U]] = try {
tokenAuthenticator {
credentials.getOrElse(None) match {
case t: OAuth2BearerToken => if (JsonWebToken.validate(t.token, authenticationConfig.secret))
t.token match {
case JsonWebToken(header, claims, signature) => Some(claims.asSimpleMap.get)
case _ => None
else None
case _ => None
catch {
case e: JsonParseException => Future(None)
* Object to apply authentication.
object JWTAuthentication {
def apply[U](tokenAuthenticator: TokenAuthenticator[U], realm: String, authenticationConfig: AuthenticationConfiguration)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): HttpAuthenticator[U] =
new HttpJWTAuthenticator[U](tokenAuthenticator, realm, authenticationConfig)
// This method should verify the contents of the JWT claims set and make it a proper object.
def authenticator(claims: Option[Map[String, String]])(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[Option[AuthenticationInfo]] = Future { ... }
// the route. notice how "get" and "authenticate" are nested: CORS traits then can rely on MethodRejection
lazy val route = pathPrefix("a" / "prefix") {
pathEndOrSingleSlash {
get {
authenticate(JWTAuthentication(authenticator, "realm", authenticationConfigurationInstance)) { authInfo =>
// do stuff here
complete("hello world")
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