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Last active December 2, 2017 14:11
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Tracery for
"origin": ["#issues#","#plastic#","#other#","#trans#","#mastodon#"],
"leftism": ["#system.capitalize# #actions# #targets# #beneficiaries# #emoji3# #hashtags#", "#feelings.capitalize# #system# #beneficiaries# #emoji3# #hashtags#", "#system.capitalize# #states# #beneficiaries# #emoji3# #hashtags#", "#people.capitalize# #love# #hashtags# #emoji3#", "#systax.capitalize# #states# #hashtags# #emoji3#","#people.capitalize# #love# #hashtags# #emoji3#"],
"emoji":["💕","♥","❤","☭","☮","❤","♥","🌎","✊🏿","✊🏾", "✊🏽", "✊🏼", "✊🏻", "✊", "😺", "🍍", "🌈", "💞", "🎶", "🎵", "","","","😎","" ],
"emoji4": ["#emoji3##emoji#"],
"fists":["✊🏿 ✊🏾 ✊🏽 ✊🏼 ✊🏻 ✊"],
"e2":["\\#communism","\\#socialism","universal \\#BasicIncome \\#UBI"],
"system":["\\#communism", "\\#socialism", "\\#LeftUnity", "\\#anarchism", "far-leftism", "universal \\#BasicIncome (\\#UBI)", "\\#anarchosocialism", "\\#SinglePayer healthcare (aka \\#universalhealthcare)", "\\#EcoSocialism", "\\#FullCommunism", "\\#antifa", "\\#Marxism", "\\#MarxistLeninsm", "\\#TradeUnion-iziation"],
"systax":["#system#", "taxing the rich", "a globally-implemented \\#wealthTax", "the \\#RobinHoodTax"],
"actions":["fights for", "defends", "safeguards", "works for", "builds", "would create", "creates", "would provide", "would ensure", "is the #optintense# answer to guarantee", "will secure", "demands","wins"],
"targets":["\\#freedom", "equality", "a better future", "a safer world", "a more just society", "a fairer world", "higher living standards", "a more liveable world", "a world fit for human habitation"],
"beneficiaries": ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", "for everyone", "for tomorrow", "for millenials", "for everyone", "for workers", "for the precariat", "#timing#","","","","for \\#liberals #liblove#"],
"liblove":["(Give it some thought! ♥❤)","❤♥ \\#TurnLeft! ♥❤", "♥❤☭☮❤♥ \\#ComeToTheLeftSide", "\n\\#SupportLeftUnity ❤","\n\\#ProgressiveLeft ❤"],
"holiday":["Christmas", "my birthday"],
"feelings": ["I'd really like", "I'd like to see more", "What the world needs is", "The best value right now is", "We must demand", "Our future depends on", "Fight for", "Stand for", "All I want for #holiday# is"],
"states": ["is necessary", "is the #optintense# way forward", "is the #optintense# way to fix everything", "is our #intensifier# hope", "is the #optintense# way to prosper under full automation", "will help us keep our world liveable", "is inevitable", "is worth fighting for", "is the #optintense# way out of this mess", "is the future", "is the #optintense# solution to 21st century problems", "is a #very# good idea, actually","will win","is vital in the fight against Trumpism"],
"intensifier":["best", "only", "fairest", "best", "only"],
"optintense": ["#intensifier#", ""],
"people": ["\\#communists", "\\#marxists", "\\#anarchists", "\\#antifa","\\#Socialists","far leftists"],
"love": ["are #very# great", "are #very# lovely", "are good people", "make a great community", "are my comrades", "are generally #very# good looking, fyi", "have the best parties", "are good mates", "fight the good fight", "are fun to hang around with and also to do actions with", "are much nicer than their opponents, tbh", "are in a town near you. Meet them, they're great!", "not only have a valid critique, but also really care about people and are kind of inspiring", "do politics because they care", "are dead sexy", "are dangerous to Nazis and haters, and are fun to be around", "are hanging around on \\#Mastodon, which is why it's so fun.","are WINNING! We are winning and will continue to win if we pull together!","are working to stop Trump and WINNING!","are effective foes to the Trump agenda!","are thwarting Trumpism.","are part of a BRILLIANT coalition which is beating back bad Trump policy!","will keep on working to defeat Trump bullshit!","are a vital part of the rising left! \\#WeAreWinning","are fighting #oppression#", "must fight #oppression#","will win by fighting #oppression#"],
"very": ["really", "very", "super", "amazingly", "extremely", ""],
"opthash": ["\n\\#resistance", "\n\\#theResistance", "\n\\#stopTrump", "\n\\#solidarity", "\n\\#endAusterity", "\n\\##FullyAutomatedLuxuryGaySpaceCommunism", "\n\\#WeGotThis","","","", "", "", "", ""],
"clinoun":["\\#ClimateChange", "\\#GlobalWarming"],
"optactually": ["", "actually"],
"timing":["now", "ASAP", "as a matter of urgency", "as quickly as possible","immediately","rn"],
"locality": ["city", "state", "region", "country", "household", "workplace"],
"carbon":["cut emissions", "reduce their \\#CarbonFootprint", "address #clinoun#"],
"disposable":["'fast fashion'","wrapping veg in plastic","excessive packaging","planned obsolescence"],
"link":["","","","","", "", "","","","","",""],
"optlink":["", "\n#link#"],
"transport":["Push for more public transport in your area!", "Work to pass laws for greater fuel efficiency.", "Demand better bike lanes where you live", "Fund trains!", "Fortunately, bicycling is fun.","Cycling is good for you and for the earth.","More (\\#green) buses!","\\#Carpooling is good.","Airplanes are bad. Trains are good.","Take the train.","And also, doctors recommend cycling for health","Folding bikes + trains = a healthier commute","Accessile public transport for all!"],
"greenpower":["Demand laws for greener power plants", "\\#StopBurningCoal", "Support windmills against nimbys.","We need greater green capacity.","More green power now!","Burning coal is #optactually# suicidal.","Green power creates jobs","Green power is the future!","We could be 100% \\#green within a few years", "We must build more \\#windfarms!", "More solar is needed","Tidal power is reliable"],
"electricity":["Mandate efficient appliances", "Unplug anything that glows or blinks when not in use", "Individual choice is is not enough. Laws must be passed.","Replace inefficient appliances.","#greenpower#","#greenpower#","#greenpower#","#greenpower#","#greenpower#"],
"climate":["#clinoun# will #optactually# kill us all if we don't act",
"#clinoun# is an existential challenge",
"We have to solve #clinoun# or it will #optactually# kill everyone and everything",
"We HAVE to work NOW to stop #clinoun# or we will #optactually# die",
"The devastation that will be wrought by #clinoun# is such that we have to act #timing#",
"Individual action will not be enough to stop #clinoun#. New laws must be passed #timing#",
"We must concentrate our efforts on #clinoun#. Preventing human extinction is more important than making money!",
"It's not too late to mitigate #clinoun#, but it will be soon. We must act #timing#",
"Acting #timing# to solve #clinoun# is not optional.",
"What is your #locality# doing to #carbon#? Can you press them to do more?\n#clinoun#",
"In the US, the largest contributor to #clinoun# is transportation. #transport#",
"Globally, the biggest contributor to #clinoun# is electricity generation. #electricity#",
"#clinoun# could #optactually# cause human extinction if we don't stop it.",
"#clinoun# requires urgent action, not a ban on petrol in 20 years time!",
"Private cars for urban, non-disabled people should be banned, tbh.\n#clinoun#",
"If stopping #clinoun# means stopping \\#capitalism, then our lives literally depend on #econ#."
,"Disposable crap (like #disposable#) is a driver of #clinoun#. Less packaging, more durability.",
"Stopping #clinoun# drives innovation and creates jobs. It's good for everyone.",
"#clinoun# and pollution both disproportionally effect people of colour. Cutting CO2 supports justice. #emoji#",
"What if we stopped pouring billions into the military and used the money to stop #clinoun# instead?",
"A major driver of #clinoun# is transport. #transport#",
"Electric cars are good, but also make it even more important to switch to sustainable power. #greenpower#",
"Electric cars need sustainable power. #greenpower#",
"The same politicians causing #clinoun# are harming oppressed people. We must all come together to stop them.",
"Fracking is bad. Sustainable power is good. #greenpower#",
"We saved the ozone layer. We can stop #clinoun#. But we must act #timing#",
"#clinoun# is a looming disaster, unless we act #timing#",
"#clinoun# has a deadline before which it must be solved - and that is v soon",
"The same systems that perpetuate #oppression# also perpetuate #clinoun#. \\#solidarity",
"#clinoun# and #oppression# are created by the same system to exploit. Fight both together. \\#solidarity",
"Stopping #clinoun# is \\#intersectional - #oppression# and destruction go hand in hand. \\#solidarity",
"All of the asshole right wing think tanks that promote #oppression# deny #clinoun#. Fuck them. \\#solidarity",
"Trump supports #oppression# and denies #clinoun#. These struggles are inherently linked. \\#solidarity",
"Stopping #clinoun# and creating a \\#PostCarbon future is necessary… and a transitional demand.",
"The world is beautiful and amazing 🌍🌎🌏 and we CAN stop #clinoun# if we act #timing# #emoji3#",
"#clinoun# is increasing extreme weather events. We have to cut carbon. Laws must be passed.",
"#clinoun# means more frequent, larger, wetter storms that kill more people. We can stop this.",
"#clinoun# is killing people RIGHT NOW. In the US and the global south. We have to act.",
"Emitting extra carbon right now is straight up murdering poor people. \n#clinoun#",
"Massive floods, giant hurricanes, out of control forest fires. #clinoun# will only get worse until we cut carbon.",
"The fires and floods of this year are just the start of #clinoun#. We need to cut carbon #timing#",
"The largest hurricane in the Atlantic SO FAR is a record that won't last long unless we cut carbon.",
"Fires and storms are worse than ever and this is just the START of #clinoun#. We must cut carbon."],
"cli": ["#climate# #optlink#"],
"ban":["","", "","","",""],
"films":["The most realistic/best researched nuclear war film I've seen is Threads. Carl Sagan worked on it.",
"I've watched a lot of nuclear war films lately, and the funniest/most upsetting one is Where The Wind Blows.",
"The way to reach Reagan was through movies. Maybe we need a film about a nuke hitting Trump tower?",
"The documentary-style film, The War Game was banned by the BBC for being too scary. Bombs are much bigger now, ofc",
"I just watched Where The Wind Blows and found it more upsetting than Threads, but then I re-watched Threads.",
"Sun Ra's \\#NuclearWar single is good.\n'Kiss your ass goodbye' \n\\#SunRa\n",
"The greatest risk posed by nuclear weapons is them being detonated by accident by the people who own them.",
"On The Beach is an unrealistic 1959 film about \\#fallout that does deal with some hard topics, ie irradiated babies",
"The UK government made some PSAs in case of imminent nuclear war:",
"A documentary exploring the environmental impact of nuclear war (spoiler: it's bad)",
"USA Today ran a list of nuclear war films, none of which deal with the aftermath at all. No consequences.",
"A Day Called X is basically Bert The Turtle for grown ups but without the catchy tunes or anything to recommend it.",
"A nuclear apocalypse film that actually has Newt Gingrich in it, advocating for total annihilation of life on earth",
"The Bomb is a recent art film, meant to remind people nuclear weapons exist and are dangerous. It's on netflix.",
"Testament, a 1980s film about \\#fallout, reliably made Roger Ebert cry. It's on netflix.",
"Command and Control is a good documentary about accidents involving nuclear weapons (we nearly lost Arkansas)",
"A Short Vision terrified American children in the 1950s with a fable about nuclear war" ],
"firststrike":["", "","",""],
"nukes":["#films#","#films#","#films#","Not to be a downer, but the risk of nuclear war is as high as it's ever been. #nukelink#",
"The US is in the midst of a major upgrade of it's nuclear weapons, which has sparked a global arms race. \\#thanksObama #nukelink#",
"Nobody's talking about it much, but the US and Russia are still armed to the teeth with nukes and could kill everyone, possibly by accident.",
"Yeah, so between \\#trident and the US \\#nuclear upgrade, things are not good #nukelink#",
"I asked somebody who studies \\#nukes if nuclear winter would offset climate change and it turns out this is the worst possible combination",
"Maybe climate change won't get us after all #nukelink#",
"Nobody seems to want war, but our militaries are blatantly gearing up for one #nukelink#",
"There's no reason to massively increase risk to life on earth, and yet... #nukelink#",
"Can we talk about \\#nuclearweapons? #nukelink#",
"It's REALLY time to join the treaty banning the bomb. ☮ #nukelink#",
"We need to stop spending so much money on suicide machines. #nukelink#",
"As the US builds more 'useable' nuclear weapons, this is an even greater reason to ban killer robots \\@banKillerRobots",
"In the midst of everything else going on, we still have to fight \\#nukes #nukelink#",
"Stop \\#trident! There's quite enough capacity to kill everyone already! #nukelink#",
"\\#NoMoreNukes ☮#emoji4#\n#nukelink#",
"Hello US \\#liberals: the \\#USSR ceased to exist like 25 years ago. (But the risk of nuclear war did not.) #nukelink#",
"Obama ran on an anti-\\#nuke platform, kicked off a giant upgrade instead and then handed the keys to Trump. #nukelink#",
"What ideological divide between capitalist oligarch Russia and capitalist oligarch US require so many nuclear missiles pointed @ each other?",
"Trump vs Putin are just two mobsters with nuclear fucking weapons. \\#DisarmNow #nukelink#",
"The US and Russia have more in common than different, like corruption, capitalism and a whole lot of \\#nukes #nukelink#",
"As if #clinoun# weren't enough, the US started a fucking nuclear arms race #nukelink#" ,
"There is no legal mechanism to stop Trump from unilaterally ordering a nuclear strike. But there could be. #firststrike#",
"\\#BanTheBomb ☮ Join the \\#CND @CNDuk or \\#PeaceAction",
"It's not all bad news: the UN has passed a treaty banning nuclear weapons. Ask your country to join! ☮#emoji# #ban#",
"Unsurprising news: most people and countries are against nuclear weapons. #emoji# #ban#",
"Ask your country to join the treaty banning nuclear weapons ☮#emoji3# #ban#",
"Nuclear weapons are illegal. The US and the UK are violating international norms. #ban#",
"\\#BannedTheBomb #ban#",
"\\#Trident violates international law. It's time to scrap it. #ban#","\\#BanTheBomb #nukelink#",
"I haven't seen v much about this in the anglophone press ~for some reason~ #ban#",
"Countries that don't have \\#nukes turn out to think they're a bit shit. #ban#",
"When the nuclear countries do disarm, it's important for the treaty to have enforcement mechanisms",
"The bioweapons treaty had no enforcement mechanisms and that backfired badly. \\#BanTheBomb",
"The US nuclear upgrade is significantly increasing the risk of nuclear war. \\#BanTheBomb #nukelink#",
"Why should a tiny handful of countries get to threaten all life on earth?#nukelink#"
,"Scrapping \\#trident would reduce risk of nuclear accident and remove Britain from target lists.",
"A nuclear bomb is a machine and all machines malfunction sometimes. Why risk this? \\#BanTheBomb",
"Cut military spending to find the transition to a \\#green future ☮ #l#",
"If Trump decides to launch a nuclear first strike, I don't think there'd be a single US embassy still standing by the next morning",
"Urge congress to remove Trump's powers to order a first strike: #firststrike#",
"Trump could order a nuclear first strike, subject to no review, unless we change this. #firststrike#",
"Tell congress - no nuclear first strikes without a declaration of war. #firststrike#",
"There is no legal mechanism to stop Trump from launching a nuke. Congress must act. #firststrike#",
"Tell congress - de-authorise Trump from launching a nuclear first strike #firststrike#",
"Trump's nuclear threats put everyone at risk. Take the teeth out of them. #firststrike#",
"Trump *will* start a war. Let's take away his ability to do with with a nuclear bomb. #firststrike#",
"Write to congress! Trump can't be allowed to start a \\#NuclearWar. #firststrike#",
"Write your MP: No \\#NATO country should be allowed to order a nuclear first strike.",
"For those of us living in \\#NATO countries, we should ask our governments to oppose the US's first strike policy.",
"Congress needs to hear from us. The president should not be allowed to unilaterally start a nuclear war. #firststrike#",
"Trump could #optactually# start a nuclear war. Congress needs to end this possibility. #firststrike#",
"Trump has the legal power to start a nuclear war, so why wouldn't he? Write congress now! #firststrike#",
"Congress could remove the president's right to order a nuclear first strike. Write them now! #firststrike#",
"Do \\#NATO countries ~really~ want to host Trump's nuclear bombs? Write your MP about the US's first strike policy.",
"Even if your rep is republican, congress needs to hear that nuclear war is bad. #firststrike#",
"There's already a bill in congress to take away Trump's ability to a nuclear first strike:",
"Here is a phone script if you want to avoid Trump blowing us all up:",
"A LOT of people live in North Korea. Here is a documentary film about the effects of a small nuclear bomb.",
"'Small', 'usable' nuclear weapons are still enormously powerful killing machines. See this old doc:",
"North Korea agreed to ditch their nuclear program for a light water electricity reactor. House republicans voted to give them coal instead.",
"Neither #clinoun# nor \\#NuclearWar (or \\#fallout) stop at national borders. Trump endangers us all. #firststrike#",
"North Korea is a tiny, poor country with only a few missiles. They are not an existential threat like Trump is",
"Trump wants to bring about WWIII because a tiny, poor country is demanding to be treated as an equal.",
"North Korea is small, poor and only has a few bombs and wants to negotiate. Surely we can manage this.",
"When the US acts belligerently for negotiations, that's good - but if a tiny, poor country does it, they're evil?",
"The US was threatening North Korea with a nuclear strike before the crisis started, fyi. #nklink#",
"The US has been threatening to start a nuclear war with North Korea since Obama #nklink#",
"For my whole life, one tiny, poor country after another has somehow scared the pants off the US until they were utterly destroyed",
"Even if you accept the notion of needing a nuclear deterrent, that would be maybe 50 missiles at most. We have thousands.",
"Calling North Korea 'crazy' DOES NOT HELP determine how to react to their strategy.",
"Actually, if we keep pushing North Korea, their use of a nuclear weapon may be the most rational response.",
"Rather than re-start civil defence, maybe we should advocate for peace.",
"As Trump forms policy on \\#NuclearWeapons, all the civilian oversight and arms control positions remain vacant" ],
"transspeakup":["", ""],
"optt":["I'm extremely worried about the future for trans people in the US. Allies need to speak up. ",
"The military ban is just the start. Allies, trans people need you to speak up for us.",
"Fight for trans rights as if lives depended on it.",
"Listen to trans women. Fight for trans rights. #fists#",
"Yo, if somebody around you makes a transphobic joke, tell them it's not funny! \\#TransFolksAreNotaJoke",
"Bathroom bills are meant to keep trans people out of public life. They're fucked up.",
"Trans people are awesome. #emoji3# Transphobia is shit.",
"Q: When should trans people disclose their medical histories?\nA: When they feel like it.\n",
"Outlaw discrimination against trans people.",
"Trans women are women.\nTrans men are men.\n#emoji4#",
"Trans people have a right to exist.",
"If someone you know is saying something transphobic, you can speak up! Here's how: #transspeakup#",
"In this climate, transphobia is supporting real violence. Speak up for trans people! #emoji# #transspeakup#",
"Stand up for trans rights",
"Trump is attacking trans people because we are few and he wants a victory. Stand with us against him.",
"How to talk about trans people: always use current pronouns.",
"How to talk about trans people: don't use an old name without a REALLY GOOD reason.",
"How to talk about living trans people: don't say they're trans unless you know they would be ok with it",
"Talking about 'funding' trans healthcare is Trumpian. We don't talk about other healthcare this way. \\#Resist",
"Stand against \\#TERFs like you would against any other bigot.",
"If you want to fight Trumpism, you have to fight for trans rights. Don't let him have one victory.",
"Trans people are comrades in the fight against Trumpism. Support us and we'll support you.",
"Puberty blockers are safe and reversible and prescribed most often to cis young people.",
"Medical interventions normally offered to cis people are suddenly a waste of money for trans ppl? No.",
"The UK media would call toenail clipping a controversial intervention if they could think of a trans angle on it",
"Common medical procedures shouldn't suddenly become 'controversial' when trans people have them.",
"Trans people's right to exist is not a 'debate'! Don't be neutral if you hear our rights under attack!",
"There isn't any kind of ideologically-based 'transgender politics' as much as there are people trying to survive",
"Women's rights and trans rights are not in conflict. Trans women (should) also benefit from women's rights!",
"99% of people saying that chromosomes are the defining factor in sex/gender have never had theirs tested.",
"Bigots say gender is genitals, but since people tend to wear clothes, this seems not to apply in most situations",
"Trans people have a right to work, to go to school and to see a doctor in peace.",
"\\#TERFs and Trump are on the same side. What side are you on?",
"\\#TERFs lie. Routinely. Just like all bigots lie routinely. Don't take their word for anything about trans.",
"Would you trust a hate organisation's version of events? Don't trust \\#TERF lies.",
"All the people being 'silenced' by the trans community have nowhere to complain but national newspapers. 🙄",
"Attacks on trans rights are colluding with Trumpism.",
"Trans people are one of Trumpism's most vulnerable target. Don't collude with transphobes!",
"Trump is attacking the most vulnerable communities. We must stand with them against fascism.",
"Transphobia should have no place in the Labour Party. Socialism stands with vulnerable communities.",
"Good leftist praxis stands with vulnerable communities.",
"Every time a 'left' newspaper attacks trans people, they're betraying their principles in favour of fascism.",
"Don't let trans people be a 'safe' target for bigotry. If it's us first, it's you next.",
"How to teach about trans people in any subject in higher education:",
"YOU have a trans friend! Use that to challenge transphobia when you hear it:",
"The rights of trans people to work, study and live are actually in serious peril. Don't let Trumpism have this victory.",
"First Trump came for migrants and trans people but we all spoke up, yeah? Keep speaking up.",
"Every single Trump voter I saw interviewed on election night TV said they were motivated by transphobia."
"trans":["\\#TransRightsAreHumanRights #emoji4#", "\\#TransRightsAreHumanRights ", "#optt# \\#TransRightsAreHumanRights", "#optt#"],
"brexit":["It's not too late to \\#stopBrexit #emoji4#🇪🇺 ",
"I'm strongly in favour of keeping \\#FreeMovement \\#brexit #emoji3#",
"A majority of Britons are now against \\#brexit. Let's just scrap the whole thing. 🇪🇺 ",
"That extremely good new law in the UK about phone charges was an EU directive. Let's \\#stopBrexit",
"I'd rather have free movement than bendy bananas. \\#stopBrexit 🇪🇺 ",
"The whole \\#brexit campaign was based on lies and funded illegally. It's not too late to change course. \\#stopBrexit",
"\\#fuckBrexit 🇪🇺 ",
"Something like 100% of funding for humanities in the UK comes from the EU. \\#stopBrexit 🇪🇺 ",
"The EU Human Rights laws are the Conservative Party's proudest achievement, but they want to destroy it. \\#stopBrexit",
"Some of my best friends are EU migrants. \\#stopBrexit #emoji4#",
"The \\#brexit negotiations are a complete clusterfuck. Let's just \\#stopBrexit instead.",
"\\#Brexit is just such a bad idea. 🇪🇺 ",
"Bad Tory ideas: \\#brexit, \\#trident, raising \\#tuitionfees",
"\\#stopBrexit 🇪🇺 ",
"Human survival depends on international cooperation. \\#Brexit just fucks us over.",
"\\#binBrexit 🇪🇺 ",
"Leaving the customs union will be slightly catastrophic for the british economy. \\#stopBrexit",
"Wouldn't it be great if Labour actually, I dunno, acted like opposition? \\#stopBrexit",
"Somewhen in the multiverse, there is a leftist case for \\#brexit, but not in this timeline. \n\\#lexit",
"There is no credible leftist case for \\#brexit. Labour is helping Tories for no good reason.",
"Momentum's nostalgia for the 1970s fails to note conditions have moved on. \\#stopBrexit.",
"Why do Momentum and Labour want to provide cover for May by supporting \\#brexit?",
"\\#Brexit is nostalgic for the 1930s or the 1970s, depending on which major party is failing to note we live NOW.",
"Boris Johnson is a vacuous tool who thinks Britons are stupid. Prove him wrong. \\#stopBrexit"],
"mastodon":["I wrote all these tweets, but there's a more, um, 'live' version of me on \\#mastodon.\n",
"What if you could do social networking without randos in your mentions promoting #oppression#?\n",
"A social network where people are mostly actually nice. #emoji3#\n",
"Find me in the \\#fediverse: &\n",
"It's like twitter but without Nazis and with way less arguing.\n",
"When you join \\#Mastodon, you need to join an 'instance'. Here's a tool to help you choose one:",
"If you're into any kind of algorithmic music and want to join the \\#fediverse on, DM me your email address.",
"Once you join \\#Mastodon, you can use this tool to find your twitter contacts:",
"To see what's going on on the home page of a \\#mastodon instance (in case you're thinking of joining it), use",
"There's a social network that doesn't systemically discriminate against LGBT people, unlike twitter or facebook.",
"Shadowbanned? \\#Mastodon is better.",
"Replace your twitter account with a bot!\nMove to \\#Mastodon!\nBe free!\n\n" ,
"Reading this site often makes me feel anxious. It's why I send more time on \\#Mastodon, actually.\n",
"\\#Mastodon isn't _only_ for gay, communist furries.\n",
"The reason this twitter account is repetitive is cuz it's run by a bot now. Find me on Mastodon\n"],
"jobs":["nursing", "teaching","elder care","being an artist","child care","dog walking","caregiving","social work","public-interest media"],
"greenjob":["#jobs.capitalize# is a green job"],
"lowcarb":["#greenjob#. We can fight #clinoun# while protecting \\#workers",
"#greenjob# that shouldn't be replaced by robots. \\#Greenjobs are the future.",
"#greenjob#. Helping people - making an economy based on caring, is the way forward."],
"l":["\\#LeapManifesto", ""],
"oppression":["racism", "classism", "oppression", "homophobia", "transphobia","xenophobia","sexism","nationalism","islamophobia","anti-Semitism"], "opression":["#oppression#"],
"colour":["black people", "PoC", "BAME people", "racial minorities"],
"class":["poor people", "working class people"],
"lgb":["LGB people", "gay people", "lesbians", "bisexuals", "queer people"],
"bigotrytarget":["#colour#","#class#","minorities","#lgb#", "trans people","alien others","women","migrants", "Muslims", "Jewish people"],
"bigotSetPair":["[oppression:racism][bigoted:racist][bigotrytarget:#colour#]","[oppression:classism][bigoted:classist][bigotrytarget:#class#]","[oppression:oppression][bigoted:bigoted][bigotrytarget:minorities]","[oppression:homophobia][bigoted:homophobic][bigotrytarget:#lgb#]", "[oppression:transphobia][bigoted:transphobic][bigotrytarget:trans people]","[oppression:xenophobia][bigoted:xenophobic][bigotrytarget:alien other]","[oppression:sexism][bigoted:sexist][bigotrytarget:women]","[oppression:nationalism][bigoted:nationalist][bigotrytarget:migrants]","[oppression:islamophobia][bigoted:islamophobic][bigotrytarget:Muslims]","[oppression:anti-Semitism][bigoted:anti-Semitic][bigotrytarget:Jewish people]"],
"leap":["#lowcarb# #emoji##emoji# #le#",
"We could live in a country powered entirely by renewable energy, woven together by accessible public transit. #emoji# #l#",
"The jobs of a post-carbon transition should be designed to systematically eliminate racial and gender inequality. #lea#",
"Caring for one another and caring for the planet could be the economy’s fastest growing sectors. #emoji# #l#",
"Many more people could have higher wage jobs with fewer work hours #l#",
"The time we have to address #clinoun# is short. We can't just take small steps. #l#",
"There is no longer an excuse for building new infrastructure projects that lock us into increased carbon extraction decades into the future.",
"If you wouldn’t want any particular energy project in your backyard, then it doesn’t belong in anyone’s backyard. #l#",
"New \\#green power generation can be owned cooperatively, by local communities #le#",
"We want a universal program to build energy efficient homes, & retrofit existing, ensuring that the lowest income areas will benefit 1st",
"We want training for workers in carbon-intensive jobs, ensuring they are fully able to take part in the clean energy economy.",
"We can grow the sectors of our economy that are already low carbon: caregiving, teaching, social work, the arts and public-interest media",
"Since so much of the labour of caretaking – whether of people or the planet – is currently unpaid, we call for #e2#",
"\\#Austerity has systematically attacked low-carbon sectors while starving public transit and forcing reckless energy privatizations",
"\\#Austerity's carbon-intensive privatisations threaten life on earth #le#",
"End fossil fuel subsidies! #emoji4# #le#","Impose a progressive carbon tax! #emoji4# #le#","Cut military spending! #emoji4#☮ #le#",
"Public scarcity in times of unprecedented private wealth is a manufactured crisis #l#",
"We must be bold in seizing our dreams for a sustainable, equitable future #emoji# #l#",
"Hope for a \\#green, equitable future will triumph over Trump's toxic nostalgia for a deadly past",
"Naomi Klein's new book is #very# good.",
"The struggles of all oppressed peoples and of the planet are linked. \\#leftunity",
"We could base our economy on caring for each other and the planet instead of exploitation #emoji3#",
"There will be a crisis or shock that Trump will use to attempt to pass an extreme agenda. We must be ready to stop him.",
"Trump will start a war. We must be ready to take over the streets as we did in 2003, but to carry on for the duration.",
"A terrorist attack is probably inevitable. We can't let Trump use it as a pretext.",
"We can't let ANY crisis be a blank check for Trump, but must oppose him more vigorously if he tries to grab extra power.",
"When Trump starts a war, we must become \\#ungovernable #fists#",
"Trump WILL start a war. We need to be ready to stop him. #fists# #opthash#",
"The entire White House cabinet are veterans of disaster capitalism. We must oppose them when a shock comes.",
"If a crisis doesn't naturally occur, Trump will manufacture one. We must be ready to stop him.",
"We must safeguard our natural resources, so they can be enjoyed by future generations. #emoji3#",
"The transition to post-carbon automation is our chance to make a world based on caring and #econ# #emoji3#",
"On the left, all of our struggles are linked and we must all work together. \\#leftunity",
"The fight to stop #clinoun# is \\#intersectional #le#",
"Effectively stopping #clinoun# also means effectively stopping #oppression# #fists#",
"Oppose Trump- oppose #oppression#! #fists#",
"The fight against #clinoun# is also a fight against #oppression# #fists#",
"Our post carbon future will not be capitalist exploitation: we must build a world without #oppression#.",
"Outlaw #oppression# #fists#",
"#oppression.capitalize# and #clinoun# are part of the same system. We must fight them both.",
"We can work together, adapt and move to post carbon. Or we can die. #l#",
".@realDonaldTrump's 'brand' is being wealthy and attacking his brand is his weakness. Which is easy because his wealth is mostly fake.",
"You could literally put fake gold paint on a turd💩 and @realDonaldTrump would think it was beautiful. He likes faux-gilded cheap shit.",
"af":["", "","","",""],
"police":["","", ""],
"teaching":["Highlight contributions by #bigotrytarget#.","Demand diversity in conference speakers.","Teach this history of the subject","Take a stand against #oppression#","Don't be neutral about #oppression#","","","","",""],
"localgov":["city", "county"],
"race":["♫ If you have a racist friend, now is the time to have a serious talk with them about it.",
"Trump thinks he can ignore #clinoun# because it mostly hurts #colour#. We must all stand together in \\#solidarity.",
"The SPLC has a guide for how to talk to friends and family about #opression#",
"We cannot ignore bigotry from friends or family because jfc, it's well out of hand.",
"If you hear someone like you endorse #oppression# and say nothing, they will think you agree with them.",
"White supremacy is built on an ideological foundation of anti-Semitism. #as#",
"How to talk to friends and family about racism:",
"It's clear from recent events that silicon valley embedding racism into AI systems is not 'accidental'.",
"Through technology, we have given over tremendous amounts of power to racist billionaires.",
"Silicon Valley is baking pernicious racism into our tech infrastructure and will continue to do so until we force them to stop.",
"Donald Trump's open embrace of neo-Nazis is reason enough to \\#ImpeachTrump",
"It is not enough to be non-racist. We must be anti-racist. How to talk to fellow white people about it:",
"[#bigotSetPair#]Academics and teachers in every discipline have a responsibility to address and refute #oppression#. #teaching#",
"[#bigotSetPair#]Academics and teachers cannot ignore #oppression#. #teaching#",
"Trump's dad was a KKK member and slum lord and @realDonaldTrump is the same plus shoddy gold paint.",
"We've known all along Trump was a racist, Nazi wanna be.",
"Theresa May's silent endorsement of Trump's racism is shameful.",
".@realDonaldTrump's idea of what's 'beautiful' is shoddy, racist and cheap. 💩💩💩",
"People rely on consensus to decide what's acceptable. Don't just let #oppression# slide.",
"We can't just roll our eyes 🙄 when a friend or family member says something kind of #bigoted#.",
"Even this dickhead gets what Trump doesn't.",
"Responding to #oppression# doesn't need to be confrontational.",
"If you have things in common with a bigot, you're in a great position to reach them.",
"Don't wait for \\#Thanksgiving. #emoji4#\n",
"Pull down ALL the racist monuments. #fists#",
"Racist flags and monuments should go in the trash, not in public spaces. #fists#",
"Confederacy monuments are garbage. #fists#",
"Confederacy monuments are garbage. Take out the trash. #fists#",
"The Confederacy committed treason to brutalise people. They shouldn't get monuments. #fists#",
"Melt down racist statues #fists#",
"Don't let your pedagogy promote people who used racism to launch their careers. \\#Plunderphonics.",
"To defeat fascism, good people must take to the streets - and talk to #bigoted# family members:",
"The fight against fascism starts at home",
"We are the ones we have been waiting for. We can act together to end #opression# #emoji3# \\#WeGotThis",
"\\#Solidarity and \\#leftUnity will destroy fascism. #emoji4# \\#WeGotThis",
"[ist:#bigoted#]It is not enough to be non-#ist#. We must be anti-#ist#. #fists#",
"[ist:#bigoted#]A person can be #ist# 100 times a day. An algorithm can be #ist# 1000s of times per second",
"If someone you know is saying something #bigoted#, you can speak up! Here's how:",
"Don't unfriend your #bigoted# friend from high school. Talk to them.",
"[#bigotSetPair#]Ways to fight #oppression# : donate to anti-#bigoted# organisations, talk to #bigoted# friends",
"If the alt-right has posted a video, it's because they hope it will get shared. Don't help them.",
"If your friend is getting radicalised by the alt-right, you can help them:",
"If you think your child is getting into white supremacy, there is help available:",
"Don't cut off your alt-right family. There is help available to de-radicalise them:",
"It's ok to have a #bigoted# friend. But you have to say something.\nEvery time.\n",
"Authoritarians rely on consensus, so don't drop ppl who say #bigoted# stuff, but talk to them",
"\\#Solidarity means privileged people working for and with less-privileged people, not the inverse:",
"[#bigotSetPair#]Fuck #oppression#. Stand with #bigotrytarget# against Trumpism. #fists#",
"Joe Arpaio is a convicted racist authoritarian pig who brutalised Laintx people. Dont' call him 'controversial', ffs",
"If 'love' alone trumped hate, atrocities wouldn't happen. We need to talk about police and ICE #timing#",
"Ask your region to replace Columbus Day with Indigenous People's Day.",
"I keep posting this link, but that's because it's actually really good and useful:",
"Hello fellow white ppl, we really need to do something about our racism or it will destroy us",
"Trump won because of racism."
"migranthash":["\\#MigrantRightsAreHumanRights","\\#ImmigrantRightsAreHumanRights", "\\MigrantsWelcome", "\\#NoBorders"],
"Stop ICE raids #fists# #ice#",
"No person is 'illegal' #ice#",
"Immigration is good for the country. #emoji4# #optmigranthash#",
"Immigration is good actually. #emoji4# #optmigranthash#",
"\\#MigrantsWelcome #emoji4#",
"\\#NoBorders \\#MigrantsWelcome #emoji4#",
"#migranthash# #emoji4#",
"No human being is illegal. #migranthash# #emoji4#",
"Freedom of movement is a fundamental right. Migration is good. #migranthash# #emoji3#",
"Migrants have lower crime rates than people born in a country. #migranthash#",
"Halt ALL deportations! #migranthash# #emoji4#"
"punching":["", "","","","",""],
"stormname":["politicians who refuse to address", "oil companies.\n", "prominent climate deniers.\n"],
"plastic":["The UK throws away FIVE BILLION coffee cups every year. #pw#",
"Plastic is a major threat to oceans. #pw#",
"Less than 1% of single-use coffee cups in the UK actually get recycled. \\#BringYourOwnMug #pw#",
"When I go to the shop now, I try to find the few vegetables NOT wrapped in plastic. #pw#",
"Corporate executives make a CHOICE to trash the planet or not. (Consumers get much less say.) #pw#",
"International bodies are best poised to solve the disasters of multinational corporations-if the people demand it #pw#",
"The planet isn't disposable and it's time to start acting like we know this truth. #pw#",
"It's very easy to get plastic into the environment and very hard to get it back out #pw#",
"Meanwhile, in other environmental catastrophes",
"Environmental plastic may be a disaster as big as #clinoun# #pw#",
"Disposable plastic crap wastes energy (driving #clinoun#) and pollutes the seas. #pw# #plasticlink#",
"I keep a sealable travel mug in my backpack. Easy, gets discounts, saves planet. #pw# #cups#",
"\\#SingleUse plastics do not enhance our lives in any kind of way and they kill fish. #pw# #plasticlink#",
"What happened to selling things wrapped in paper or other biodegradable packaging? #plasticlink#",
"I don't want a baguette in a weird perforated plastic bag. \\#GoBackToPaper #pw#",
"While it is easy to carry my own cup, etc, disposable non-biodegradable \\#singleuse plastic should just be against the law.",
"We can act against #pw# by demanding that laws change.",
"We can act against #pw# by switching to re-usable cups and bottles which we carry from home. #cups#",
"We can act against #pw# by writing to our grocery stores and demanding they stop using so much \\#singleuse plastic #plasticlink#",
"Consumer choices alone cannot stop #pw#. We need government action. #plasticlink#",
"Ask your favourite cafe to switch to biodegradable products #pw# #cups#",
"Ask your local cafe to offer a discount to people who bring their own cups. #pw# #cups#",
"Ask your neighbourhood cafe to sell reusable cups (with a 'free' drink in them on their first use). #pw# #cups#",
"Plastic wine corks are #pw#. Ask your wine shop/grocery store to switch to screw tops. #plasticlink#"
"other":["#cli#","#trans#","#nukes#","#brexit#","#mastodon#","#leftism.capitalize#","#leap#","#race#","#films#", "#migration#", "#plastic#",
"The simplistic notion that sex is 100% a result from X&Y chromosomes is now considered to be wrong by science.",
"X & Y chromosomes are only a small part of a much larger picture. \\#Terfs should read this.",
"Trump may allow your city police to take military kit, but local people don't have to allow it.",
"I'm calling my city's mayor and my city council representative to ask my local police refuse military gear.",
"Call your #localgov# and tell them not to let the police militarise further #weapons#",
"Call your city council member. Your local police force can be instructed not to accept military weapons. #weapons#",
"Capitalism is actually the antithesis of Democracy, though. ☭#emoji4#",
"Only we can stop fascism. It's up to us. \\#WeGotThis #emoji4##fists#",
"Our leaders and institutions won't save us from fascism. It's up to us to act. \\#WeGotThis #emoji4#",
"Seriously, though, Trump needs to be impeached. And Pence.",
"States only act for good when pushed into it. We must relentlessly push to \\#ImpeachTrump",
"The police will not save us from fascism or even violent fascists #police#",
"'By any means necessary' does include voting. #emoji4#",
"This is a good comic about how privacy is a social justice issue:",
"A few elderly billionaires apparently want to destroy the earth. Why should we go along with this?",
"Impeaching Trump is not good enough. This motherfucker should go to prison.",
"Workers of the world must unite! To help each other, the planet, and oppressed people. #emoji3# \\#leftunity",
"One major component of fighting US fascism has got to be police reform.",
"The military will NOT save us from Trump's excess.",
"There is no hero or saviour that will save us. We must work together against Trumpism. \\#WeGotThis #emoji3#",
"Don't let ICE destroy their records!",
"Does your state charge money for bail? It's classist and racist and they should stop.",
"Here is a fun game about the carceral police state.",
"People who get upset at punched Nazis: just turn a blind eye like you do at systemic #oppression#",
"Don't share any content created or curated by Nazis. It's propaganda and it works on some people.",
"Don't share Nazi-made videos even if they look pathetic. It's a trick to get you to spread their shit.",
"If a Neo-Nazi posted a video, it's because they want you to share it. Don't help them!",
"If there's a moment where a Nazi looks stupid in a video, grab a still or a cut of the moment. Don't spread their words",
"Cloud flare web hosting is a safe space for Nazis. If they're your server, move and tell them why.",
"We need \\#Antifa because the police will not protect us. #police#",
"\\#Antifa are anti-racist heroes #emoji3# #af#",
"Anti-fascist action is necessary and good. \\#Antifa #emoji3# #af#",
"\\#Antifa stand against #oppression# #fists# #af#",
"The only thing that works against neo-Nazis is direct confrontation. \\#Antifa keep counter protesters safe.",
"\\#TopDog didn't fire the Nazi, he resigned. They were fine with who he was before then. Is this where we want to spend $?",
"Punching Nazis is self-defence #fists#\n#af#",
"Neo-Nazis want to actually kill #bigotrytarget#. \\#Antifa want to prevent that. See the difference?",
"#clinoun# is ethnic cleansing. We must cut carbon.",
"Break up the new digital monopolies. #emoji4#",
"When has punching Nazis ever helped anything?\n Well, for example: #punching#",
"Trade unions are good! Join a \\#union! #emoji4#",
"People who like \\#DisasterCapitalism and the \\#ShockDoctorine like #clinoun# - it lets them seize power in emergencies.",
"If ExxonMobile is going to profit outrageously off of #clinoun# they should be held responsible for hurricane damage.",
"Privatisation drives #clinoun#. The UK is going in the wrong direction.",
"#clinoun# creates opportunities for disaster capitalists like Trump while thousands die in floods and storms.",
"All marginalised people must stand together in #solidarity against trumpism. If we unite, we will win. \\#leftunity",
"Under #econ#, people don't get left behind in disaster evacuations due to poverty.",
"Hurricanes should be named after #stormname# #clinoun#",
"Wild fires should be named after #stormname# #clinoun#",
"So probably some white people you know are (neo) Nazis",
"'Move fast and break democracy', right? Fuck \\#facebook.",
"Maybe it's time to stop using \\#Facebook. For real.",
"Assange has (or had?) a show on RT, so it's not exactly surprising he tweets Russian propaganda.",
"\\#Facebook was monetising Anti-Semitism. They literally profit from oppression.",
"Tech companies monetise bigotry #badads#",
"Silicon Valley would literally kill us to make a buck. #badads#",
"All the biggest names in tech seem to have thrown in their lot with neoNazis. #badads#",
"The tactics of \\#TERFs and the tactics of neonazis have a disturbing amount in common (including targets)",
"The war forward with North Korea is negotiation, not provocation. #dprk"
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