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Charles Céleste Hutchins celesteh

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celesteh /
Last active January 25, 2016 03:44 — forked from danfishgold/
Use this to block all followers of someone encouraging harassment
This is a python script to block all followers of a particular user.
Here's what you have to do:
# Twitter Authorization
1. Go to
2. Click on Create New App
3. Fill in the stuff. None of it matters
This is a python script to block retweeters of particular tweets.
The twitter API will only let you access the most recent 100 tweeters.
Also, people may continue to retweet the original, so you may wish to keep old evil tweets in your script and
re-run it every so often while the event is ongoing.
Your blocking will not prevent more people from retweeting it. As retweeters are effectively encouraging people
to harass you, you may wish to block all the followers of the retweeters, or at least the most prominent ones.
This is a python script to block retweeters of particular tweets AND their followers.
The twitter API will only let you access the most recent 100 tweeters.
Also, people may continue to retweet the original, so you may wish to keep old evil tweets in your script and
re-run it every so often while the event is ongoing.
Your blocking will not prevent more people from retweeting it. As retweeters are effectively encouraging people
to harass you, this will also blocktheir followers.
This is a python script that does the blocking for @BlockAlTwerps
To message the authour, tweet at @celesteh
If you are upset about being on the blocklist, it is likely because you either
retweeted a tweet meant to harass a person or follow an account that did so.
Journalists and researchers may inadvertantly get caught in this trap. There is currently no work around.
var syn, flag = true;
var doPMonoArtic = {arg dur = 60, release=2, pan=0.5;
var lffreqs, sinfreqs, durs;
lffreqs = Array.fill(16,{[1.0.sum3rand.abs, (1-1.0.sum3rand.abs)].choose * 200});
sinfreqs = Array.fill(16,{[1.0.sum3rand.abs, (1-1.0.sum3rand.abs)].choose * 200});
durs = Array.fill(16,{1.rrand(9) * 0.125});
celesteh /
Last active June 20, 2016 21:27 — forked from guocb/
Raspberry Pi 3 access-point-setup
if [ "$EUID" -ne 0 ]
then echo "Must be root"
if [[ $# -lt 1 ]]
then echo "You need to pass a password!"
echo "Usage:"
celesteh /
Last active December 2, 2017 14:11
Tracery for
"origin": ["#issues#","#plastic#","#other#","#trans#","#mastodon#"],
"leftism": ["#system.capitalize# #actions# #targets# #beneficiaries# #emoji3# #hashtags#", "#feelings.capitalize# #system# #beneficiaries# #emoji3# #hashtags#", "#system.capitalize# #states# #beneficiaries# #emoji3# #hashtags#", "#people.capitalize# #love# #hashtags# #emoji3#", "#systax.capitalize# #states# #hashtags# #emoji3#","#people.capitalize# #love# #hashtags# #emoji3#"],
"emoji":["💕","♥","❤","☭","☮","❤","♥","🌎","✊🏿","✊🏾", "✊🏽", "✊🏼", "✊🏻", "✊", "😺", "🍍", "🌈", "💞", "🎶", "🎵", "","","","😎","" ],
"emoji4": ["#emoji3##emoji#"],
"fists":["✊🏿 ✊🏾 ✊🏽 ✊🏼 ✊🏻 ✊"],
"e2":["\\#communism","\\#socialism","universal \\#BasicIncome \\#UBI"],
"system":["\\#communism", "\\#socialism", "\\#LeftUnity", "\\#anarchism", "far-leftism", "universal \\#BasicIncome (\\#UBI)", "\\#anarchosocialism", "\\#SinglePayer healthcare (aka \\#universalhealthc
celesteh / Footsteps.cs
Last active January 22, 2024 15:47 — forked from joonjoonjoon/Footsteps.cs
Multi-surface footsteps audio script for Unity's Viking Village
// This is a Work in Progress that must be modified for fall 2024.
// Does not work with flying
// Note for this version of this script
// Attach this script to Camera_low
// In the viking village, create tags called:
// dirt
// path
<title>Equal Temperaments</title>
<p>Tuning scales is about ratios. We multiply the root frequency by a given ratio to get a note in the scale. In Equal Temperament, all ratios are equal, the 12th root of 2. Which is 2<sup>1&frasl;12</sup>. We multiply a frequency by that to get the next frequency in the scale. When we've gone through all 12, we get the octave. (2<sup>1&frasl;12</sup>)<sup>12</sup> = 2.</p>
<p>Let's say we want the 3rd note in the chromatic scale. We have the root and multiply by the ratio for the second and then for the third. For the fourth, we do it three times. For the fifth, four times. Therefore, for any chromatic scale step 𝘯, we multiply the root by 2<sup>(𝘯-1)&frasl;12</sup>
<p>But, especially when we're using computers, we can try out putting the notes in different places! What if we have 10 steps per octave? Then our ratio is Which is 2<sup>1&frasl;10</sup>. The composer William Sethares has written music using
celesteh /
Last active May 21, 2024 13:53
System update script
# get the updates
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade && sudo apt autoremove && sudo apt-get autoremove
# fix anything that went wrong
sudo apt install -f
# cursed distribution methods
sudo snap refresh