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Last active August 29, 2015 14:21
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Save celestelayne/2ef13af032336636ba1b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Project One :: ArtMapr MVP


  • Express API Implemented a backend API Express that serves up an html page(s) and a JSON API.
  • RESTful Routes Design the routes in a RESTful manner.
  • MongoDB Persist at least two models in a Mongo Database.
  • AJAX Leverage the backend API to fetch JSON asynchronously to the client.
  • jQuery Use jQuery to manipulate the DOM and/or data on the client-side.
  • Templating Render the JSON data on the frontend using underscore templates.
  • Authentication Enable users to signup, login, and logout.
  • Data Validation Validate data by handling incorrect inputs during sign up, such as unique email addresses, and minimum password lengths.
  • Model Relationship Create a has_many relationship between the User and another model using either embedded or referenced data.
  • Visual Design Use Twitter Bootstrap, Foundation, or another CSS framework to kick-start your front-end.
  • Heroku Deploy your code to Heroku. Notes on that here.
  • Ensure no app secrets are exposed. Do not commit secret keys to Github! Notes on that here.


  • External API Use an external API to integrate rich data into your app.
  • Authorization Disallow users from CRUDing content in other users' profiles. Ie a user should not be able to delete a post if it is not theirs.
  • Sass Use a CSS pre-compiler to write more imperative CSS.
  • Web Sockets - Use to have real time behavior in your app.
  • Web Scraping If necessary, collect data directly from a website that doesn't have an API. Examples technologies include Casper or Kimono.
  • Whatever else you can think of!


  • Completion of the core requirements
  • A link to your website hosted on Heroku
  • A link to your source code on GitHub
  • A file that serves as your project documentation
  • A presentation illustrating:
  • What is your project and what does it do?
  • What was your motivation to build it?
  • What are you proud of?
  • What would you do with more time?
  • What aspect presented the most challenges?
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