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Last active February 2, 2018 13:44
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# check ruby version && rbenv
rbenv local
# Check last available version of Ruby
rbenv install --list
# Create app
rails _5.1.4_ new appname --database=postgresql
# Add pg gem to Gemfile
# Add a new role for this app
su - postgres
# Then create a new user - role for PG
create role myapp with createdb login password 'password1';
# Install gems
bundle install
# Setup DB
rake db:setup
# Migration
rake db:migrate
# Rails 5.0 and above
rails db:migrate
# Go back
rails db:rollback
# Load seed data
rake db:seed
# Look for TODO, FIXME or OPTIMIZE in project
rails notes
# List of available tasks
rails -T
# Show existing routes
rake routes
# Scaffolding
rails generate scaffold name attribute:type
rails g scaffols name attr:type
# New controller
rails g controller ControllerName actionname
# New model
rails g model
# Destroy model or whatever was made using `generate`
rails destroy
rails destroy model ModelName
# Start server port 3000 by default
rails server
rails s
# localhost:3000
# Console
rails c
rails console
# Specify an environment:
rails c staging
# Do it without changing any data
rails c --sandbox
# DB Console: postgres, MySQL, SQLite
rails dbconsole
# <%= %> <%= @product.price %>
# <% %> <% if user.admin? %><% end %>
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