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Last active August 29, 2015 14:00
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  • Save cellvia/11038788 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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###Crimson Data Acquisition

  • Building out an admistration UI for the central data stream processing hub. Angular exclusive desktop app leveraging a large variety of custom build tasks, directives, providers, etc. Presented an opportunity to familiarize myself with C# / .net development.

###Complete Genomics, Inc

  • Quick and efficient build up and roll out of a Require.js / Backbone desktop web-app built to bring DNA research to the consumer level. Heavy visualizations and large complexity of data were the highlight, necessitating rich crossfiltering of search results, and deep drilling / navigation of data forms without confusion by leveraging creative visualizations.

###This site!

  • brandonselway.comProof-of-concept single-page app required the creation of various JS/node modules, as well as patching to existing open-source modules. (See my repos). 100% browserified, Backbone project using true logic-less templating (straight html via hyperglue). Content is fetched entirely from my public github gists (written in Markdown) via digistify using no server-side processing whatsoever. Topcoat styling framework is used to aide in font, layout, and icons, and pageslide for transitions, IndexedDB for content-caching (with fallbacks for older browsers) and an advanced homebrew view management / caching mechanism within Backbone. Check out the source code

###Crimson Real-time Readmissions

  • Require.js / Backbone / Node.js centric web-app built to monitor patients in hospitals and judge their risk of readmission once released. Extensive and meticulous API contracts necessitated the development of a mock-api / documentation server. Strict requirements surrounding IE compatibility made this project a challenge considering the sheer volume of data represented, filterd, sorted, etc.

###Crimson DevMetrics

  • A development metrics dashboard app, requiring intensive computation and processing of massive amounts of API data from Mercurial repositories and Fogbugz bug-tracking. Necessitated the development of Streamler, a data stream management framework that allowed for metrics to be plug-and-play modules with their own dependency management, scheduling, etc. Built with Express on the node side, and Knockout on the front-end.

###NDA protected webapp

  • Single-page web app that was built entirely out of novel tech: ExtJS (via Sencha Architect) for the client side, Node.js for the back end API, and MongoDB for persistent data-store.

  • telekritika.geTelekritika is a civilian news-monitoring social network built for Transparency International Georgia, ontop of the Elgg PHP framework and extensively leveraging the jQuery Javascript library. In order to implement complex features, Elgg had to be heavily modified and customized in order to allow: queuing and consolidating of UI events and AJAX requests; realtime interaction with the backend components of the site; internationalization with crowdsourced translation elements; deep facebook integration via Open Graph; complex ranking algorithms for measuring popularity vs. controversy vs. quantitative contribution; and a complex "channelviewer" mini-app, in which large amounts of data must be parsed through and interacted with in a smooth and intuitive fashion. Clever data-binding and UX/UI development are the most novel features of this site.

###The Sex Diaries Project

  • The Sex Diaries ProjectOverhauled novel anonymous diaries project for author Arianne Cohenne. Implemented new PR site and email campaigns, primary features include complete refactoring of PHP back-end notification / diarying app, database optimization, extensive jQuery for smooth UI experience

###Delightfully Engaged

  •'s Delightfully EngagedEmphasis here on CSS, jQuery, and PHP Wordpress API tricks to implement a more-than-meets-the-eye blog featuring: slideshows, custom image galleries, variety of modified / custom plugins, complex menu and submenu selection, custom styled dropdown menus, and much more. All while remaining dynamic and updateable by client.
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