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Created August 4, 2013 20:08
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#!/usr/bin/env python
import psycopg2 as pg
import Image
from sys import argv
conn = pg.connect(database='tweets', user='char', host='localhost')
cur = conn.cursor()
pxper = 16
# south = 37
# north = 45
# east = -67
# west = -80
south = 24
north = 50
east = -64
west = -130
width_deg = east - west
height_deg = north - south
width_px = width_deg * pxper
height_px = height_deg * pxper
print (width_px, height_px)
out ='RGB', (width_px, height_px))
o = out.load()
def scale(lat, lon):
lat -= south
lon -= west
lat = height_px - int(lat * pxper)
lon = int(lon * pxper)
return lat, lon
def bump(n, rgb):
rgb = list(rgb)
rgb[n] += 80
return tuple(rgb)
cur.execute('select lat, lon, text from tweets where lat > %s and lat < %s and lon > %s and lon < %s', (south, north, west, east))
for pt in cur:
lat, lon = scale(pt[0], pt[1])
if 'beach' in pt[2]: n = 0
elif 'river' in pt[2]: n = 1
elif 'bbq' in pt[2] or 'BBQ' in pt[2]: n = 2
else: continue
o[lon, lat] = bump(n, o[lon, lat])
except IndexError:
# Fenceposts:
print lon, lat[1])
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