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Created November 24, 2019 15:27
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open Belt.Result;
type options;
module Stdio: {
type t = pri string;
[@bs.inline "inherit"]
let inherit_: t;
[@bs.inline "ignore"]
let ignore: t;
[@bs.inline "pipe"]
let pipe: t;
let _array: array(t) => t;
let make: (t, t, t) => t;
} = {
type t = string;
let inherit_ = "inherit";
let ignore = "ignore";
let pipe = "pipe";
external _array: array(t) => t = "%identity";
let make = (stdin, stdout, stderr) => [|stdin, stdout, stderr|] |> _array;
external options:
(~cwd: string=?, ~stdio: Stdio.t=?, ~encoding: string=?, unit) => options =
[@bs.module "child_process"]
external _execSync: (string, options) => string = "execSync";
let execSync = cmd =>
try (
~stdio=Stdio.(make(pipe, pipe, pipe)),
|> String.trim;
) {
| e => Error(e)
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