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Created December 14, 2021 00:34
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scala collections
import java.util
import scala.::
import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer
object Collections {
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit ={
val nameList: Array[String] = new Array[String](3)
val ageList = Array(5,3,8,7,1,9,23)
nameList(0) = ""
nameList(1) = "cem"
nameList(2) = "nehir"
for (i <- 0 until nameList.length){
} => println(age))
ageList.update(0,13) //replace
val minNumber = ageList.min
val maxNumber = ageList.max
val head = ageList.head
val last = ageList.last
println(minNumber + " - " + maxNumber + " - " + head + " - " + last) // 1 - 23 - 13 - 23
val newAgeList: Array[Int] = ageList.drop(3) // listenin başından 3 elaman siler => println(age))
val numbers = (1 to 10).toArray // until de kullanılabilir. => println(number))
val cities: List[String] = List("İstanbul","Sinop","Bursa","Konya")
cities.foreach(city => println(city))
var list: ListBuffer[Int] = ListBuffer()
list += 4
list += 7
var fruits = new ListBuffer[String]()
fruits += "mandalina"
fruits += "portakal"
fruits.foreach(fruit => println(fruit))
val list1: List[String] = Nil
val istanbul = cities.head
var tailCity = cities.tail
val isEmpty: Boolean = cities.isEmpty
val citySet: Set[String] = Set("İzmir","Muğla","Erzurum")
//citySet += "Van" // compiler error. Çünkü immutable
var superLig: Set[String] = Set()
superLig += "fenerbahçe"
superLig += "galatasaray"
superLig += "beşiktaş"
superLig += "trabzonspor"
var ptt: Set[String] = Set("ankaragücü")
ptt += "ordu spor"
ptt += "giresun spor"
ptt += "giresun spor"
val allTeams: Set[String] = superLig ++ ptt
allTeams.foreach(team => println(team))
val immutableMap = Map(1 -> "cem", 2 -> "emir")
//immutableMap += 3 -> "necip" // compiler error
val mutableMap = collection.mutable.Map(1 -> "serra", 2 -> "nehir")
mutableMap += 3 -> "necip"
mutableMap += 4 -> "enes"
var isMapEmpty: Boolean = immutableMap.isEmpty
var value: Option[String] = immutableMap.get(1)
if (value.nonEmpty){
println("map size:" + immutableMap.size)
mutableMap.foreach(key => println("key: " + key._1 + ", value: " + key._2))
mutableMap.foreach(key => println("key: " + key._1 + ", value: " + key._2))
val friendTuple = ("Haluk", 28,"ios developer",8.8, true)
val (name, age, job,score, isPlayer) = ("Ömer", 27,"java developer",9.8, false)
val (name1, age1, job1, score1, isPlayer1) = ("Halil", 27,"android developer",14.8, false)
println(friendTuple._1 + " - " + friendTuple._2)
println(name + " - " + score + " - " + job)
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