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Last active March 29, 2017 04:23
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Writing to Data Store

Connection information from (in account profile)

  connection: {
    login: {
      timestamp: '2017-03-29T02:54:26.750Z',
      siteId: 'iMmv-tD9dswv71XMEBeJgQ',
      device: {
        os: 'Macintosh 10.11.6',
        browser: 'Chrome',
        type: 'Desktop'
      url: 'http://localhost:3000/',
      ipAddress: ''

The code that writes it to data store:

def account_updated # webhook for account updated
    uids.each do |uid|
      GigyaMember.find(uid, nil).tap do |member|

def store_connection_information(member)
  connection_information =[:connection]
  return unless connection_information APP_CONFIG['gigya_default_api_key'],
                           data: { connection: connection_information }.to_json,
                           oid: 'auto',
                           type: 'connections',
                           UID: member.uid)

I set the type to connections (plural) similar to Rails convention (but can be changed to singular). oid is auto as per recommendation.

To retrieve the data, we'll do it like this: "SELECT * FROM connections WHERE UID = '#{member.uid}'", apiKey: APP_CONFIG['gigya_default_api_key'])
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