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Created September 19, 2012 15:32
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Extending defrecord types in Clojure
;; Records are just types that provide default implementations of certain
;; key interfaces that allow them to stand in for maps.
;; This set of interfaces/protocols is not closed though; you can certainly make them
;; useful in places where maps aren't, e.g. w/ sequential destructuring:
=> (defrecord Point [x y]
(nth [_ i] (case i 0 x 1 y
(throw (IndexOutOfBoundsException.))))
(nth [_ i default]
(case i 0 x 1 y
=> (let [[a b] (Point. 1 2)]
(+ a b))
;; (Further examples can be found in ;-)
;; The macro to generalize the above for records that define any number of slots
;; is fairly simple, and left as an exercise.
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sjl commented Sep 19, 2012

I think I've got a macro to automate this working based on your snippet
(defrec, rhymes with vec because it makes something you can index into):

(defmacro defrec [name args & body]
  (let [indexed-args (interleave (iterate inc 0) args)]
    `(defrecord ~name ~args
       (~'nth [~'_ ~'i]
         (case ~'i
           (throw (IndexOutOfBoundsException.))))
       (~'nth [~'_ ~'i ~'default]
         (case ~'i

(let [p (->Point 10 20)
      [x y] p]
  (println y x))
;=> 20 10

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