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Created December 2, 2018 00:41
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[Unix] Hack: Change the error-handling on a file-like stream in Python3 (e.g., sys.stdout)
import os
import sys
# Re-opens the file-like stream of string 'attr' in parent object 'pobj' with
# the open() builtin parameters 'args' and 'kwargs'. Unix-specific.
# I would love it if there was a better way to do this and I just missed it.
def set_stream_errorh(pobj, attr, *args, **kwargs):
obj = getattr(pobj, attr)
fileno = obj.fileno()
# Keep the OS file handle alive by dup'ing the fd while we close the Python
# stream.
fd = os.dup(fileno)
assert fd >= 0
obj = None
setattr(pobj, attr, None)
# dup2 it back into its previous number and reopen the stream with the
# error handling we wanted.
os.dup2(fd, fileno)
setattr(pobj, attr, os.fdopen(fileno, *args, **kwargs))
# Ex:
set_stream_errorh(sys, "stdout", "w", encoding="utf-8",
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