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diff --git a/kiss b/kiss
index a49886f..6fe6464 100755
--- a/kiss
+++ b/kiss
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ as_root() {
[ "$uid" = 0 ] || log "Using '${su:=su}' (to become ${user:=root})"
case ${su##*/} in
- doas|sudo|ssu)
+ doas|please|sudo|ssu)
cemkeylan / README
Last active December 27, 2022 20:01
More info on:
# POSIX sh variant for getent.
# This is similar to NetBSD's C implementation for getent
# but without support for enumeration. There is simply no
# specification for getent. I have simply made functions
# for databases I have found to be common with the Glibc
# implementation and NetBSD implementation. So, enumeration
# is not supported. I am not sure why that is even a feature.
# a static html index generator
# This will output a single line index page to stdout.
# If printf and [] is a built-in (it usually is), this
# script doesn't make use of an external process.
# If you want to generate indexes for a full site
# directory, you can do the following
--- a/Source/JavaScriptCore/runtime/MachineContext.h
+++ b/Source/JavaScriptCore/runtime/MachineContext.h
@@ -196,7 +196,7 @@
#error Unknown Architecture
-#elif OS(FUCHSIA) || defined(__GLIBC__) || defined(__BIONIC__)
+#elif OS(FUCHSIA) || defined(__linux__)
#if CPU(X86)
# $1: rootfs-tarball
# $2: httpd releases directory
out() { printf '\033[1;36m-> \033[m%s\n' "$@" ;}
error() { printf '\033[1;31m!> \033[1mERROR: \033[m%s\n' "$@" >&2 ;}
die() { error "$1" ; exit 1 ;}
usage() { printf 'usage: %s <tarball> <release directory>\n' "${0##*/}" ; exit 1 ;}
# nap - not the full zzz, but a light one
usage() { printf 'Usage: %s\nThere are not many options when taking a nap.\n' "${0##*/}" ; exit 1 ;}
[ "$1" ] && usage
grep -q mem /sys/power/state || { printf "Suspend not supported.\n"; exit 1 ;}
test -w /sys/power/state || { printf "Sleep permission denied.\n" ; exit 1 ;}
for hook in /etc/zzz.d/suspend/* ; do
[ -x "$hook" ] && "$hook"