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Swift 4.0 port for LinkKit iOS of Ableton Link
// ABLLinkManager.swift
// Created by Cem Olcay on 5.03.2018.
// Copyright © 2018 cemolcay. All rights reserved.
import Foundation
import AVFoundation
// MARK: - Structs
/// Engine-related data that can be changed from the main thread.
public struct ABLEngineData {
/// Hardware output latency in HostTime
public var outputLatency: UInt32
public var resetToBeatTime: Float64
public var proposeBpm: Float64
public var quantum: Float64
public var requestStart: Bool
public var requestStop: Bool
public init(
outputLatency: UInt32 = 0,
resetToBeatTime: Float64 = 0,
proposeBpm: Float64 = 120,
quantum: Float64 = 4,
requestStart: Bool = false,
requestStop: Bool = false) {
self.outputLatency = outputLatency
self.resetToBeatTime = resetToBeatTime
self.proposeBpm = proposeBpm
self.quantum = quantum
self.requestStart = requestStart
self.requestStop = requestStop
/// Structure that stores all data needed by the audio callback.
public struct ABLLinkData {
public var linkRef: ABLLinkRef
/// Shared between threads. Only write when engine not running.
public var sampleRate: Float64
/// Shared between threads. Only write when engine not running.
public var secondsToHostTime: Float64
/// Shared between threads. Written by the main thread and only read by the audio thread when doing so will not block.
public var sharedEngineData: ABLEngineData
/// Copy of sharedEngineData Aowned by audio thread.
public var localEngineData: ABLEngineData
/// Owned by audio thread
public var timeAtLastClick: UInt64
/// Owned by audio thread
public var isPlaying: Bool
public init(
linkRef: ABLLinkRef,
sampleRate: Float64,
secondsToHostTime: Float64,
sharedEngineData: ABLEngineData,
localEngineData: ABLEngineData,
timeAtLastClick: UInt64,
isPlaying: Bool) {
self.linkRef = linkRef
self.sampleRate = sampleRate
self.secondsToHostTime = secondsToHostTime
self.sharedEngineData = sharedEngineData
self.localEngineData = localEngineData
self.timeAtLastClick = timeAtLastClick
self.isPlaying = isPlaying
// MARK: - Listeners
public typealias ABLLinkManagerTempoCallback = (_ bpm: Double, _ quantum: Double) -> Void
public typealias ABLLinkManagerActivationCallback = (_ isEnabled: Bool) -> Void
public typealias ABLLinkManagerConnectionCallback = (_ isConnected: Bool) -> Void
public enum ABLLinkManagerListenerType {
case tempo(ABLLinkManagerTempoCallback)
case activation(ABLLinkManagerActivationCallback)
case connection(ABLLinkManagerConnectionCallback)
public struct ABLLinkManagerListener: Equatable {
public private(set) var id: String
public private(set) var type: ABLLinkManagerListenerType
public init(type: ABLLinkManagerListenerType) { = UUID().uuidString
self.type = type
// MARK: Equatable
public static func ==(lhs: ABLLinkManagerListener, rhs: ABLLinkManagerListener) -> Bool {
return ==
// MARK: - Manager
public class ABLLinkManager: NSObject {
public static let shared = ABLLinkManager()
// Constants
public static let INVALID_BEAT_TIME: Double = Double.leastNormalMagnitude
public static let INVALID_BPM: Double = Double.leastNormalMagnitude
public static let QUANTUM_DEFAULT: Float64 = 4
// Variables
// var lock = os_unfair_lock() //ios10
private var lock = os_unfair_lock()
private var linkData: ABLLinkData?
// Debug
public var isDebugging: Bool = false
// Listeners
private var listeners = [ABLLinkManagerListener]()
// MARK: Init
private override init() {
deinit {
if let linkData = linkData {
// Deletes Link (don't have multiples of this). Do this during app shutdown
// MARK: Public API
/// Reference of Link itself.
public var linkRef: ABLLinkRef? {
return linkData?.linkRef
/// Detemines if Link is connected or not.
public var isConnected: Bool {
guard let ref = linkData?.linkRef else { return false }
return ABLLinkIsConnected(ref)
/// Determines if Link is enabled or not.
public var isEnabled: Bool {
guard let linkRef = linkRef else { return false }
return ABLLinkIsEnabled(linkRef)
/// Detemines if Link is playing or not.
public private(set) var isPlaying: Bool {
get {
guard let linkRef = linkRef,
let sessionState = ABLLinkCaptureAppSessionState(linkRef)
else { return false }
return ABLLinkIsPlaying(sessionState)
} set {
guard var linkData = linkData else { return }
if newValue { // isPlaying
linkData.sharedEngineData.requestStart = newValue
} else {
linkData.sharedEngineData.requestStop = newValue
self.linkData = linkData
/// Beats per minute.
public var bpm: Float64 {
get {
guard let linkRef = linkRef else { return ABLLinkManager.INVALID_BPM }
return ABLLinkGetTempo(ABLLinkCaptureAppSessionState(linkRef))
} set {
guard var linkData = linkData else {
debugMessage("ABL: LinkData invalid when trying to set BPM")
debugMessage("ABL: Set Bpm to", newValue)
linkData.sharedEngineData.proposeBpm = newValue
self.linkData = linkData
/// Current beat.
public var beatTime: Float64 {
guard let linkRef = linkRef else {
debugMessage("ABL: LinkData invalid when trying to get beat. Returning 0.")
return 0
return ABLLinkBeatAtTime(
/// Current quantum.
public var quantum: Float64 {
get {
guard let linkData = linkData else {
debugMessage("ABL: LinkData invalid when trying to get quantum. Returning default.")
return linkData.sharedEngineData.quantum
} set {
guard var linkData = linkData else { return }
linkData.sharedEngineData.quantum = newValue
self.linkData = linkData
/// Returns Link settings view controller initilized with Link reference.
public var settingsViewController: ABLLinkSettingsViewController? {
guard let linkData = linkData else {
debugMessage("ABL: Error casting ABL vc as UIViewController")
return nil
return ABLLinkSettingsViewController.instance(linkData.linkRef)
/// Initilizes Link with tempo and quantum.
/// - Parameters:
/// - bpm: Tempo.
/// - quantum: Quantum.
public func setup(bpm: Double, quantum: Float64) {
debugMessage("ABL: Init")
var timeInfo = mach_timebase_info_data_t()
// Create Link (don't have multiple instances)
// Always initialized with a tempo, even if just a default
// Use app tempo unless there is an existing tempo from the network
let linkRef: ABLLinkRef = ABLLinkNew(bpm)
let sharedEngineData = ABLEngineData()
let localEngineData = ABLEngineData()
linkData = ABLLinkData(
linkRef: linkRef,
sampleRate: AVAudioSession.sharedInstance().sampleRate,
secondsToHostTime: (1.0e9 * Float64(timeInfo.denom)) / Float64(timeInfo.numer),
sharedEngineData: sharedEngineData,
localEngineData: localEngineData,
timeAtLastClick: 0,
isPlaying: false)
// MARK: Listeners
/// Add listeners to subscribe changes. Don't forget to keep a reference of your listener and remove it after you're done.
/// - Parameter type: Listener type with callback.
/// - Returns: Listener reference that you can unsubscribe later.
@discardableResult public func add(listener type: ABLLinkManagerListenerType) -> ABLLinkManagerListener {
let listener = ABLLinkManagerListener(type: type)
return listener
/// Unsubscribes your listener after you're done.
/// - Parameter listener: Listener you want to remove.
/// - Returns: Returns result of the operation.
@discardableResult public func remove(listener: ABLLinkManagerListener) -> Bool {
guard let index = listeners.index(of: listener) else { return false }
listeners.remove(at: index)
return true
/// Removes all listeners.
public func removeAllListeners() {
listeners = []
// MARK: Update
// Metronome loop sub function
private func updatedEngineData() -> ABLEngineData? {
guard var linkData = linkData else { return nil }
//create new engine object with generic values
var output = ABLEngineData()
// Always reset the signaling members to their default state
output.resetToBeatTime = ABLLinkManager.INVALID_BEAT_TIME
output.proposeBpm = ABLLinkManager.INVALID_BPM
output.requestStart = false
output.requestStop = false
// Attempt to grab the lock guarding the shared engine data but
// don't block if we can't get it.
if os_unfair_lock_trylock(&lock) {
// Copy non-signaling members to the local thread cache
linkData.localEngineData.outputLatency = linkData.sharedEngineData.outputLatency
linkData.localEngineData.quantum = linkData.sharedEngineData.quantum
// Copy signaling members directly to the output and reset
output.resetToBeatTime = linkData.sharedEngineData.resetToBeatTime
linkData.sharedEngineData.resetToBeatTime = ABLLinkManager.INVALID_BEAT_TIME
output.requestStart = linkData.sharedEngineData.requestStart
linkData.sharedEngineData.requestStart = false
output.requestStop = linkData.sharedEngineData.requestStop
linkData.sharedEngineData.requestStop = false
output.proposeBpm = linkData.sharedEngineData.proposeBpm
linkData.sharedEngineData.proposeBpm = ABLLinkManager.INVALID_BPM
self.linkData = linkData
// Copy from the thread local copy to the output. This happens
// whether or not we were able to grab the lock.
output.outputLatency = linkData.localEngineData.outputLatency
output.quantum = linkData.localEngineData.quantum
if output.proposeBpm != ABLLinkManager.INVALID_BEAT_TIME {
debugMessage("ABL: output propose bpm = ", output.proposeBpm)
return output
public func update() {
guard var linkData = linkData,
let sessionState = ABLLinkCaptureAudioSessionState(linkData.linkRef),
let engineData = updatedEngineData() // update engine data
else { return }
// The mHostTime member of the timestamp represents the time at
// which the buffer is delivered to the audio hardware. The output
// latency is the time from when the buffer is delivered to the
// audio hardware to when the beginning of the buffer starts
// reaching the output. We add those values to get the host time
// at which the first sample of this buffer will reach the output.
let hostTimeAtBufferBegin: UInt64 = mach_absolute_time() + UInt64(engineData.outputLatency)
if engineData.requestStart && !ABLLinkIsPlaying(sessionState) {
// Request starting playback at the beginning of this buffer.
ABLLinkSetIsPlaying(sessionState, true, hostTimeAtBufferBegin)
if engineData.requestStop && ABLLinkIsPlaying(sessionState) {
// Request stopping playback at the beginning of this buffer.
ABLLinkSetIsPlaying(sessionState, false, hostTimeAtBufferBegin)
if !linkData.isPlaying && ABLLinkIsPlaying(sessionState) {
// Reset the session state's beat timeline so that the requested
// beat time corresponds to the time the transport will start playing.
// The returned beat time is the actual beat time mapped to the time
// playback will start, which therefore may be less than the requested
// beat time by up to a quantum.
ABLLinkRequestBeatAtStartPlayingTime(sessionState, 0, engineData.quantum)
linkData.isPlaying = true
} else if linkData.isPlaying && !ABLLinkIsPlaying(sessionState) {
linkData.isPlaying = false
// Handle a tempo proposal
if engineData.proposeBpm != ABLLinkManager.INVALID_BPM {
// Propose that the new tempo takes effect at the beginning of this buffer.
ABLLinkSetTempo(sessionState, engineData.proposeBpm, hostTimeAtBufferBegin)
debugMessage("ABL: Proposed BPM = ", engineData.proposeBpm)
//post the current position after doing the updates
ABLLinkCommitAudioSessionState(linkData.linkRef, sessionState)
self.linkData = linkData
debugMessage("ABL: Current beat = ", beatTime)
// MARK: Listeners
private func addListeners() {
// Route change
selector: #selector(handleRouteChange),
name: NSNotification.Name.AVAudioSessionRouteChange,
object: AVAudioSession.sharedInstance())
guard let ref = linkData?.linkRef else {
debugMessage("ABL: Error getting linkRef when adding listeners")
// Void pointer to self for C callbacks below
let selfAsURP = UnsafeRawPointer(Unmanaged.passUnretained(self).toOpaque())
let selfAsUMRP = UnsafeMutableRawPointer(mutating:selfAsURP)
// Add listerner to detect tempo changes from other devices
ABLLinkSetSessionTempoCallback(ref, { sessionTempo, context in
if let context = context {
let localSelf = Unmanaged<ABLLinkManager>.fromOpaque(context).takeUnretainedValue()
let localSelfAsUMRP = UnsafeMutableRawPointer(mutating:context)
localSelf.onSessionTempoChanged(bpm: sessionTempo, context: localSelfAsUMRP)
}, selfAsUMRP)
ABLLinkSetIsEnabledCallback(ref, { isEnabled, context in
if let context = context {
let localSelf = Unmanaged<ABLLinkManager>.fromOpaque(context).takeUnretainedValue()
let localSelfAsUMRP = UnsafeMutableRawPointer(mutating:context)
localSelf.onLinkEnabled(isEnabled: isEnabled, context: localSelfAsUMRP)
}, selfAsUMRP)
ABLLinkSetIsConnectedCallback(ref, { isConnected, context in
if let context = context {
let localSelf = Unmanaged<ABLLinkManager>.fromOpaque(context).takeUnretainedValue()
let localSelfAsUMRP = UnsafeMutableRawPointer(mutating:context)
localSelf.onConnectionStatusChanged(isConnected: isConnected, context: localSelfAsUMRP)
}, selfAsUMRP)
// Route change
@objc internal func handleRouteChange() {
guard var linkData = linkData else {
debugMessage("ABL: Error accesing LinkData during route change")
let outputLatency: UInt32 = UInt32(linkData.secondsToHostTime * AVAudioSession.sharedInstance().outputLatency)
linkData.sharedEngineData.outputLatency = outputLatency
self.linkData = linkData
debugMessage("ABL: Route change")
// Tempo changes from other Link devices
private func onSessionTempoChanged(bpm: Double, context: Optional<UnsafeMutableRawPointer>) {
debugMessage("ABL: onSessionTempoChanged")
//update local var
self.bpm = bpm
debugMessage("ABL: curr bpm", bpm)
// Inform listeners
for listener in listeners {
if case .tempo(let callback) = listener.type {
callback(bpm, quantum)
// On Link enabled
private func onLinkEnabled(isEnabled: Bool, context: Optional<UnsafeMutableRawPointer>) {
debugMessage("ABL: Link is", isEnabled)
// Inform listeners
for listener in listeners {
if case .activation(let callback) = listener.type {
// Connection Status from ther devices changed
private func onConnectionStatusChanged(isConnected: Bool, context: Optional<UnsafeMutableRawPointer>) -> (){
debugMessage("ABL: onConnectionStatusChanged: isConnected = ", isConnected)
// Inform listeners
for listener in listeners {
if case .connection(let callback) = listener.type {
// MARK: Utils
private func debugMessage(_ message: Any ...) {
if isDebugging {
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cemolcay commented Nov 20, 2017

Example usage:

override func viewDidLoad() {

  // Setup Link
  ABLLinkManager.shared.setup(bpm: 120, quantum: ABLLinkManager.QUANTUM_DEFAULT)

  // Subscribe tempo change events
  ABLLinkManager.shared.add(listener: .tempo({ bpm, quantum in
    self.tempo.bpm = bpm

  // Subscribe activation events
  ABLLinkManager.shared.add(listener: .activation({ isActivated in

  // Subscribe connection events.
  ABLLinkManager.shared.add(listener: .connection({ isConnected in
    if isConnected {
    } else {

// Update Link tempo
@IBAction func tempoDidChange(sender: UIControl) { 
  ABLLinkManager.shared.bpm = tempo.bpm

deinit {

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luismartimor commented May 20, 2018

I'm getting this error: " Value of type 'ABLLinkManager' has no member 'start' "

Removed the start() function in the last revision. So the timer should be in the superview. Please, update the example.
Thanks, good work.

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Hi Celmolcay, good work.

You can Add this code to request Start / Stop

public func requestStart(_ b: Bool = true) {
    guard var linkData = linkData else { return }
    linkData.sharedEngineData.requestStart = b
    linkData.sharedEngineData.requestStop = false
    self.linkData = linkData
public func requestStop(_ b: Bool = true) {
    guard var linkData = linkData else { return }
    linkData.sharedEngineData.requestStop = b
    linkData.sharedEngineData.requestStart = false
    self.linkData = linkData

I realized latency is not always correct, resulting lack of accuracy ... any idea how to improve this?

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