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Last active September 22, 2022 18:33
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from typing import get_type_hints
def cast(argname, value, hints):
""" Only cast arguments if type hints are available for them.
if argname in hints:
expected_type = hints[argname]
if not issubclass(type(value), expected_type):
# Will throw type error if argument cannot be cast
value = expected_type(value)
return value
def typecast(function):
""" Cast the argument and keyword argument to
the type annotations when they are provided.
def type_caster(*args, **kwargs):
hints = get_type_hints(function)
# This accesses function positional argument names
arg_names = function.__code__.co_varnames
args_casted = [cast(argname, val, hints)
for (argname, val) in zip(arg_names, args)]
kwargs_casted = {argname: cast(argname, val, hints)
for (argname, val) in kwargs.items()}
result = function(*args_casted, **kwargs_casted)
if 'return' in hints:
result = cast('return', result, hints)
return result
return type_checker
if __name__ == '__main__':
def func(x: str, y, z: bool=True):
return (x, y, z)
# We give the func an int but expect a str since types will be casted
x, y, z = func(3, 4)
assert type(x) is str
assert type(y) is int
assert type(z) is bool
x, y, z = func(3, 4, z=1)
assert type(z) is bool
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