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Last active January 28, 2024 10:34
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Embracing Native V8 Coverage Reports in 2024

Embracing Native V8 Coverage Reports in 2024

Background and Current Situation

As early as 2017, V8 started offering native support for coverage data, as seen here However, we have essentially only been able to see coverage reports from Istanbul, and this is because most testing tools convert native V8 coverage data into the format of Istanbul, such as Jest, Vitest. This has led to several issues:

  • Native Byte coverage statistics are not available.
  • Coverage support for runtime code, especially minified code, is not available.
  • CSS coverage reports are not available.
  • The commonly used conversion tool is v8-to-istanbul, but it has a few problems here

Introducing Native V8 Coverage Reports

Nowadays, native V8 coverage reports are possible, and you can directly use V8 coverage data to generate V8 coverage reports. This can be achieved using the tool monocart-coverage-reports. More details can be found at the GitHub repository


A Brand-New V8 Coverage Report User Interface

  • It provides a superior user interaction experience.
  • It offers file tree grouping and supports search and filter functions.
  • Supports an interface that lets you view and quickly locate uncovered code blocks.
  • It provides the positioning of the code with the highest execution number, making it easier for you to identify the most frequently executed code (which may be crucial areas affecting performance).
  • It provides markers for blocks of code run multiple times, as well as additional statistics for blank lines and comment lines.

Support for Native Byte Statistics

Byte coverage is natively supported by V8, displaying how many bytes of a file are covered. This is an excellent measure of the completeness of coverage.


Coverage for Any Runtime Code

Since the runtime code is most likely to be compressed and minified, 'monocart-coverage-reports' provides a formatter function, allowing easy access to coverage of formatted code. An asynchronous worker provides support for large volume files, which also includes syntax highlighting.


CSS Coverage Support

In today's front-end projects, CSS code is crucial, making checking CSS coverage quite important. This makes it easier to find and remove uesless CSS code.


Attempting to Solve the Conversion Problems from v8-to-istanbul

More details can be found here

How to Collect Native V8 Coverage Data

  • On the browser side (Chromium only) Use the Chromium Coverage API to collect coverage data. For example, Playwright Coverage Class
await Promise.all([
        resetOnNavigation: false
        resetOnNavigation: false
await page.goto(url);
const [jsCoverage, cssCoverage] = await Promise.all([

const coverageData = [... jsCoverage, ... cssCoverage];

For more detailed introductions please visit this link

How to Generate Native V8 Coverage Reports

First, create a new coverage report coverageReport. Next, add the collected V8 coverage data such as coverageData1 and coverageData2 to coverageReport. Finally, execute generate() to generate the report. The coverage data of the same file will automatically combine together.

const MCR = require('monocart-coverage-reports');
const options = {
    outputDir: './coverage-reports',
    reports: "v8"
const coverageReport = MCR(options);
await coverageReport.add(coverageData1);
await coverageReport.add(coverageData2);
const coverageResults = await coverageReport.generate();


  • In fact, monocart-coverage-reports also fully supports all Istanbul coverage reports and integrates it with V8 reports. The report formats include: v8, v8-json,console-summary, clover,cobertura,html,html-spa,json,json-summary,lcov,lcovonly,none,teamcity,text,text-lcov,text-summary. see Available reports
  • An onEnd hook is also provided to enable users for custom programming, like checking whether the coverage has reached the required thresholds, see example
  • If you use @playwright/test as your automation test tool, you can directly use the monocart-reporter custom report as it has already integrated native V8 coverage report features. More details can be found here.
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cenfun commented Jan 25, 2024

@bcoe Thanks for the comments.
I would be very pleased if it could be adapted to 'c8', so I made a simple attempt, see this commit for diff

It seems quite simple, but there should be many options that aren't fully adapted, as I am not very familiar with 'c8'.

  • I added an option '--mode=v8' to enable the use of v8 reporter.
  • If the 'all' option is enabled, try to add empty coverage for all matched files.
  • Adapt entryFilter and sourceFilter with test-exclude.
  • Adapt other options, such as 'reporter', 'reportsDir', 'checkCoverage' etc.

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We implemented new converter instead of v8-to-istanbul:

1, Trying to fix the middle position if not found the exact mapping for the position.
2, Finding all functions and branches by parsing the source code AST, however the V8 cannot provide effective branch coverage information, so the branches is still not perfect but close to reality.

Is there a reason why this logic could not be built into v8-to-istanbul, so that whole ecosystem would benefit of this? Istanbul format would just be the final result - it doesn't have to affect the process in any other way.

There's already a bunch of reporters and other CI tools that rely heavily on Istanbul format. It would be great to keep supporting that.

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cenfun commented Jan 28, 2024

@AriPerkkio As I mentioned, my implementation is focused on directly displaying the native V8 coverage report, shows byte coverage, CSS coverage, etc. Most of the time, we simply check the native v8 coverage report locally, and there's no need to convert to Istanbul.

However, if integration with some existing ecosystems is required, the V8 format may not be supported. For example, Sonar requires data in lcov format.
Therefore, converting to Istanbul would directly provide data in lcov format, and incidentally, all reports from Istanbul would also be supported.
In fact, what I need is just lcov. At that time, I should have taken the time to study the specifications of the lcov format and directly convert v8 to lcov, instead of converting v8 to Istanbul first and then to lcov. But now, this conversion is already done.

In the process of implementing this converter, I found that the library v8-to-istanbul has many issues. It's imprecise for the coverage.

  • 1, the sourcemap issue as we knows.
  • 2, lines: the comment lines and blank lines have been counted as code lines.
  • 3, functions: V8 provides coverage range for functions, but not all, if the count of a function is 0, then all its sub-level functions will not be counted.
  • 4, branches: It lacks the ability to identify branches, just treating all coverage blocks as branches.
  • 5, statements: It seems to calculate based on a line equals a statement.

Therefore, I've thought of these solutions

  • 1, writing some code to correct the position manually if the precise position cannot be found from the sourcemap.
  • 2, parsing the source code into AST, so that functions and branches have a chance to get more accurate statistics.
  • 3, parsing the comments and blank lines of the source code, lines coverage can provide more accurate statistics.

I don't think these changes can be directly completed on v8-to-istanbul.
I am not a native English speaker. If there is anything incorrect, please correct me, thanks.

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I'm mostly thinking about a complete rewrite of v8-to-istanbul with your approach. Apply all the converting logic you've come up with, and finally output everything in Istanbul format.

Maybe the format could also be extended to include the bytes metric. Then in future new reporters could show that if it's present in the output.

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