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Last active September 11, 2018 09:53
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lat/lon from docx to nominatim
#! /usr/bin/env python2
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
#in case of any problem on macOS, remember to export PYTHONIOENCODING=utf-8
# first extract document.xml unzipping the docx
file = 'document.xml'
with open(file) as f:
contents = f.readlines()
content_big_tokens = []
content_tokens = []
tokens = []
urls = []
url_tokens = []
for content in contents:
for content_big_token in content_big_tokens:
for sublist in content_tokens:
for item in sublist:
del tokens[-1]
for url in tokens:
url_tokens = url.split(" ")
for suburl in url_tokens:
if suburl.find('') != -1:
from collections import OrderedDict
urls = list(OrderedDict.fromkeys(urls))
# 1 - unshort url to extract the geolocalization from ip address
# 2 - encode a geohash to create a unique ID for each install point
import requests
import json
import Geohash
import pytablewriter as ptw
writer = ptw.MarkdownTableWriter()
writer.table_name = "Punti installazione"
writer.header_list = ["nome", "tipo", "lat", "lon", "url"]
writer.type_hint_list = [ptw.String, ptw.String, ptw.String, ptw.String, ptw.String] # to avoid loss of precision for lat-lon, we manually interpret all fields as strings
writer.value_matrix = []
ptlist = []
for url in urls:
resp = requests.head(url, allow_redirects=True)
expanded_mod = expanded[start + len(pattern):]
expanded_mod = expanded_mod.split(",")
lat = float(expanded_mod[0])
lon = float(expanded_mod[1])
nominatim_url=nominatim_url_part1 + str(lat) + nominatim_url_part2 + str(lon)
nominatim_data = requests.get(nominatim_url)
nominatim_json = json.loads(nominatim_data.text)
if 'pedestrian' in nominatim_json['address']:
nome_cam = nominatim_json['address']['pedestrian']
nome_cam = nominatim_json['address']['neighbourhood']
jsonpt = {}
jsonpt['google_url_shortened'] = url
jsonpt['google_url'] = expanded
jsonpt['nominatim_url'] = nominatim_url
jsonpt['lat'] = lat
jsonpt['lon'] = lon
jsonpt['geohash'] = Geohash.encode(lat, lon)
jsonpt['nominatim'] = nominatim_json
jsonpt['name'] = nome_cam
writer.value_matrix.append([nome_cam, "", str(lat), str(lon), url])
with open('cam_points.json', 'w') as outfile:
json.dump(ptlist, outfile, sort_keys=True, indent=2, separators=(',', ': '))
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