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Last active January 13, 2020 20:38
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Swift Playground for Publishers using Merge, CombineLatest & Zip
import Foundation
import Combine
var count = 0
enum Marker: CustomDebugStringConvertible {
case A(Int)
case B(Int)
var debugDescription: String {
switch self {
case .A(let time):
return "A\(time)\(time == count ? "*" : "")"
case .B(let time):
return "B\(time)\(time == count ? "*" : "")"
Timer.publish(every: 1, on: .main, in: .default)
.sink { _ in count += 1 }
let publisherA = Timer.publish(every: 2, on: .main, in: .default)
.map { _ in Marker.A(count) }
let publisherB = Timer.publish(every: 3, on: .main, in: .default)
.map { _ in Marker.B(count) }
Publishers.Merge(publisherA, publisherB)
.sink { print("Time \(count): Merge \($0)") }
Publishers.CombineLatest(publisherA, publisherB)
.sink { print("Time \(count): CombineLatest \($0), \($1)") }
Publishers.Zip(publisherA, publisherB)
.sink { print("Time \(count): Zip \($0), \($1)") }
/* Using Merge
Time 2: Merge A2*
Time 3: Merge B3*
Time 4: Merge A4*
Time 6: Merge A6*
Time 6: Merge B6*
Time 8: Merge A8*
Time 9: Merge B9*
Time 10: Merge A10*
Time 12: Merge A12*
Time 12: Merge B12*
Publishes any time any Publisher publishes.
/* Using CombineLatest
Time 3: CombineLatest A2, B3*
Time 4: CombineLatest A4*, B3
Time 6: CombineLatest A6*, B3
Time 6: CombineLatest A6*, B6*
Time 8: CombineLatest A8*, B6
Time 9: CombineLatest A8, B9*
Time 10: CombineLatest A10*, B9
Time 12: CombineLatest A12*, B9
Time 12: CombineLatest A12*, B12*
Time 14: CombineLatest A14*, B12
Publishes tuple of most recent Output any time any Publisher publishes, starting after all Publishers have published something.
/* Using Zip
Time 3: Zip A2, B3*
Time 6: Zip A4, B6*
Time 9: Zip A6, B9*
Time 12: Zip A8, B12*
Time 15: Zip A10, B15*
Time 18: Zip A12, B18*
Time 21: Zip A14, B21*
Time 24: Zip A16, B24*
Publishes tuple of most recent Output when all Publishers have published something new.
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