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Last active December 13, 2017 16:39
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  • Save centminmod/7f5c33bf6e6ea1e56f88cf9a5fb801e6 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save centminmod/7f5c33bf6e6ea1e56f88cf9a5fb801e6 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
centmin mod 123.09beta01 with cloudflare zlib fork manual compile

Installing Nginx 1.13.7

source /opt/rh/devtoolset-6/enable

cd /svr-setup
rm -rf nginx-1.13.7*
tar xvzf nginx-1.13.7.tar.gz

cd /svr-setup
rm -rf openssl-1.1.0g*
tar xvzf openssl-1.1.0g.tar.gz

cd /svr-setup
git clone zlib-cloudflare
cd /svr-setup/zlib-cloudflare
make -f distclean
#./configure --prefix=/usr/local/zlib-cf
make -j8
make install

# change default configure option for `--with-zlib=../zlib-1.2.11`
# to `--with-zlib=../zlib-cloudflare`
# remove previous zlib 1.2.11
ls -lahrt /usr/local/lib | grep libz
ls -lahrt /usr/local/include | grep z
#rm -rf /usr/local/lib/libz*
#rm -rf /usr/local/include/zlib.h
#rm -rf /usr/local/include/zconf.h
sed -i 's|\#define ZLIB_VERSION .*|\#define ZLIB_VERSION \"1.3.0\"|' zlib.h

cd /svr-setup/nginx-1.13.7
make clean
./configure --with-ld-opt="-L/usr/local/lib -ljemalloc -Wl,-z,relro -Wl,-rpath,/usr/local/lib" --with-cc-opt="-I/usr/local/include -m64 -march=native -DTCP_FASTOPEN=23 -g -O3 -fstack-protector-strong -flto -fuse-ld=gold --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -Wformat -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -Wno-deprecated-declarations -gsplit-dwarf" --sbin-path=/usr/local/sbin/nginx --conf-path=/usr/local/nginx/conf/nginx.conf --with-compat --with-http_stub_status_module --with-http_secure_link_module --with-libatomic --with-http_gzip_static_module --with-http_sub_module --with-http_addition_module --with-http_image_filter_module=dynamic --with-http_geoip_module --with-stream_geoip_module --with-stream_realip_module --with-stream_ssl_preread_module --with-threads --with-stream=dynamic --with-stream_ssl_module --with-http_realip_module --add-dynamic-module=../ngx-fancyindex-0.4.2 --add-module=../ngx_cache_purge-2.4.2 --add-module=../ngx_devel_kit-0.3.0 --add-dynamic-module=../set-misc-nginx-module-0.31 --add-dynamic-module=../echo-nginx-module-0.61 --add-module=../redis2-nginx-module-0.14 --add-module=../ngx_http_redis-0.3.7 --add-module=../memc-nginx-module-0.18 --add-module=../srcache-nginx-module-0.31 --add-dynamic-module=../headers-more-nginx-module-0.33 --with-pcre=../pcre-8.41 --with-pcre-jit --with-zlib=../zlib-cloudflare --with-http_ssl_module --with-http_v2_module --with-openssl=../openssl-1.1.0g --with-openssl-opt='enable-ec_nistp_64_gcc_128'
make -j8
make install
nginx -V
lsof | grep nginx | grep -v php-fpm | grep libz
ls -lahrt /usr/local/lib | grep libz
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root root 115K Dec 13 03:54
-rw-r--r--   1 root root 143K Dec 13 05:48 libz.a
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root root 111K Dec 13 05:48
lrwxrwxrwx   1 root root   13 Dec 13 05:48 ->
lrwxrwxrwx   1 root root   13 Dec 13 05:48 ->
lsof | grep nginx | grep -v php-fpm | grep libz
nginx     11733           root  mem       REG                9,2     113536   12089322 /usr/local/lib/
nginx     11734          nginx  mem       REG                9,2     113536   12089322 /usr/local/lib/
nginx     11735          nginx  mem       REG                9,2     113536   12089322 /usr/local/lib/
nginx     11737          nginx  mem       REG                9,2     113536   12089322 /usr/local/lib/
nginx     11738          nginx  mem       REG                9,2     113536   12089322 /usr/local/lib/
lsof | grep nginx | grep -v php-fpm | grep libz
nginx     12345            root  mem       REG                9,2     116840   12089344 /usr/local/lib/
nginx     12346           nginx  mem       REG                9,2     116840   12089344 /usr/local/lib/
nginx     12347           nginx  mem       REG                9,2     116840   12089344 /usr/local/lib/
nginx     12349           nginx  mem       REG                9,2     116840   12089344 /usr/local/lib/
nginx     12350           nginx  mem       REG                9,2     116840   12089344 /usr/local/lib/
nginx -V
nginx version: nginx/1.13.7
built by gcc 6.3.1 20170216 (Red Hat 6.3.1-3) (GCC) 
built with OpenSSL 1.1.0g  2 Nov 2017
TLS SNI support enabled

configure arguments: --with-ld-opt='-L/usr/local/lib -ljemalloc -Wl,-z,relro -Wl,-rpath,/usr/local/lib' --with-cc-opt='-I/usr/local/include -m64 -march=native -DTCP_FASTOPEN=23 -g -O3 -fstack-protector-strong -flto -fuse-ld=gold --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -Wformat -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -Wno-deprecated-declarations -gsplit-dwarf' --sbin-path=/usr/local/sbin/nginx --conf-path=/usr/local/nginx/conf/nginx.conf --with-compat --with-http_stub_status_module --with-http_secure_link_module --with-libatomic --with-http_gzip_static_module --with-http_sub_module --with-http_addition_module --with-http_image_filter_module=dynamic --with-http_geoip_module --with-stream_geoip_module --with-stream_realip_module --with-stream_ssl_preread_module --with-threads --with-stream=dynamic --with-stream_ssl_module --with-http_realip_module --add-dynamic-module=../ngx-fancyindex-0.4.2 --add-module=../ngx_cache_purge-2.4.2 --add-module=../ngx_devel_kit-0.3.0 --add-dynamic-module=../set-misc-nginx-module-0.31 --add-dynamic-module=../echo-nginx-module-0.61 --add-module=../redis2-nginx-module-0.14 --add-module=../ngx_http_redis-0.3.7 --add-module=../memc-nginx-module-0.18 --add-module=../srcache-nginx-module-0.31 --add-dynamic-module=../headers-more-nginx-module-0.33 --with-pcre=../pcre-8.41 --with-pcre-jit --with-zlib=../zlib-cloudflare --with-http_ssl_module --with-http_v2_module --with-openssl=../openssl-1.1.0g --with-openssl-opt=enable-ec_nistp_64_gcc_128


nginx -V
nginx version: nginx/1.13.7
built by gcc 6.3.1 20170216 (Red Hat 6.3.1-3) (GCC) 
built with OpenSSL 1.1.0g  2 Nov 2017
TLS SNI support enabled

configure arguments: --with-ld-opt='-L/usr/local/lib -ljemalloc -Wl,-z,relro -Wl,-rpath,/usr/local/lib' --with-cc-opt='-I/usr/local/include -m64 -march=native -DTCP_FASTOPEN=23 -g -O3 -fstack-protector-strong -flto -fuse-ld=gold --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -Wformat -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -Wno-deprecated-declarations -gsplit-dwarf' --sbin-path=/usr/local/sbin/nginx --conf-path=/usr/local/nginx/conf/nginx.conf --with-compat --with-http_stub_status_module --with-http_secure_link_module --with-libatomic --with-http_gzip_static_module --with-http_sub_module --with-http_addition_module --with-http_image_filter_module=dynamic --with-http_geoip_module --with-stream_geoip_module --with-stream_realip_module --with-stream_ssl_preread_module --with-threads --with-stream=dynamic --with-stream_ssl_module --with-http_realip_module --add-dynamic-module=../ngx-fancyindex-0.4.2 --add-module=../ngx_cache_purge-2.4.2 --add-module=../ngx_devel_kit-0.3.0 --add-dynamic-module=../set-misc-nginx-module-0.31 --add-dynamic-module=../echo-nginx-module-0.61 --add-module=../redis2-nginx-module-0.14 --add-module=../ngx_http_redis-0.3.7 --add-module=../memc-nginx-module-0.18 --add-module=../srcache-nginx-module-0.31 --add-dynamic-module=../headers-more-nginx-module-0.33 --with-pcre=../pcre-8.41 --with-pcre-jit --with-zlib=../zlib-cloudflare --with-http_ssl_module --with-http_v2_module --with-openssl=../openssl-1.1.0g --with-openssl-opt=enable-ec_nistp_64_gcc_128

lsof | grep nginx | grep -v php-fpm | grep libz
nginx      1720            root  mem       REG                9,2     117592   12089342 /usr/local/lib/
nginx      1721           nginx  mem       REG                9,2     117592   12089342 /usr/local/lib/
nginx      1722           nginx  mem       REG                9,2     117592   12089342 /usr/local/lib/
nginx      1724           nginx  mem       REG                9,2     117592   12089342 /usr/local/lib/
nginx      1725           nginx  mem       REG                9,2     117592   12089342 /usr/local/lib/
install ./include/openssl/whrlpool.h -> /svr-setup/nginx-1.13.7/../openssl-1.1.0g/.openssl/include/openssl/whrlpool.h
install ./include/openssl/x509.h -> /svr-setup/nginx-1.13.7/../openssl-1.1.0g/.openssl/include/openssl/x509.h
install ./include/openssl/x509_vfy.h -> /svr-setup/nginx-1.13.7/../openssl-1.1.0g/.openssl/include/openssl/x509_vfy.h
install ./include/openssl/x509v3.h -> /svr-setup/nginx-1.13.7/../openssl-1.1.0g/.openssl/include/openssl/x509v3.h
install libcrypto.a -> /svr-setup/nginx-1.13.7/../openssl-1.1.0g/.openssl/lib/libcrypto.a
install libssl.a -> /svr-setup/nginx-1.13.7/../openssl-1.1.0g/.openssl/lib/libssl.a
created directory `/svr-setup/nginx-1.13.7/../openssl-1.1.0g/.openssl/lib/pkgconfig'
install libcrypto.pc -> /svr-setup/nginx-1.13.7/../openssl-1.1.0g/.openssl/lib/pkgconfig/libcrypto.pc
install libssl.pc -> /svr-setup/nginx-1.13.7/../openssl-1.1.0g/.openssl/lib/pkgconfig/libssl.pc
install openssl.pc -> /svr-setup/nginx-1.13.7/../openssl-1.1.0g/.openssl/lib/pkgconfig/openssl.pc
make[3]: Leaving directory `/svr-setup/openssl-1.1.0g'
make[3]: Entering directory `/svr-setup/openssl-1.1.0g'
make[3]: Leaving directory `/svr-setup/openssl-1.1.0g'
make[2]: Leaving directory `/svr-setup/openssl-1.1.0g'
make[1]: Leaving directory `/svr-setup/nginx-1.13.7'
make: *** [build] Error 2
[02:35][root@host nginx-1.13.7]# cat objs/autoconf.err 

checking for C compiler

checking for gcc -pipe switch

checking for --with-ld-opt="-L/usr/local/lib -ljemalloc -Wl,-z,relro -Wl,-rpath,/usr/local/lib"

checking for -Wl,-E switch

checking for gcc builtin atomic operations

checking for C99 variadic macros

checking for gcc variadic macros

checking for gcc builtin 64 bit byteswap

checking for unistd.h

checking for inttypes.h

checking for limits.h

checking for sys/filio.h

objs/autotest.c:3:23: fatal error: sys/filio.h: No such file or directory
 #include <sys/filio.h>
compilation terminated.

#include <sys/filio.h>

int main(void) {
    return 0;

ccache gcc -o objs/autotest objs/autotest.c

checking for sys/param.h

checking for sys/mount.h

checking for sys/statvfs.h

checking for crypt.h

checking for epoll

checking for EPOLLRDHUP


objs/autotest.c: In function 'main':
objs/autotest.c:9:43: error: 'EPOLLEXCLUSIVE' undeclared (first use in this function)
objs/autotest.c:9:43: note: each undeclared identifier is reported only once for each function it appears in

#include <sys/types.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/epoll.h>

int main(void) {
    int efd = 0, fd = 0;
                      struct epoll_event ee;
             = NULL;
                      epoll_ctl(efd, EPOLL_CTL_ADD, fd, &ee);
    return 0;

ccache gcc -I/usr/local/include -m64 -march=native -DTCP_FASTOPEN=23 -g -O3 -fstack-protector-strong -flto -fuse-ld=gold --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -Wformat -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -Wno-deprecated-declarations -gsplit-dwarf -D_GNU_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -o objs/autotest objs/autotest.c -L/usr/local/lib -ljemalloc -Wl,-z,relro -Wl,-rpath,/usr/local/lib

checking for O_PATH

checking for sendfile()

checking for sendfile64()

checking for sys/prctl.h

checking for prctl(PR_SET_DUMPABLE)

checking for crypt_r()

checking for sys/vfs.h

checking for poll()

checking for /dev/poll

objs/autotest.c:4:25: fatal error: sys/devpoll.h: No such file or directory
 #include <sys/devpoll.h>
compilation terminated.

#include <sys/types.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/devpoll.h>

int main(void) {
    int  n, dp; struct dvpoll  dvp;
                  dp = 0;
                  dvp.dp_fds = NULL;
                  dvp.dp_nfds = 0;
                  dvp.dp_timeout = 0;
                  n = ioctl(dp, DP_POLL, &dvp);
                  if (n == -1) return 1;
    return 0;

ccache gcc -I/usr/local/include -m64 -march=native -DTCP_FASTOPEN=23 -g -O3 -fstack-protector-strong -flto -fuse-ld=gold --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -Wformat -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -Wno-deprecated-declarations -gsplit-dwarf -D_GNU_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -o objs/autotest objs/autotest.c -L/usr/local/lib -ljemalloc -Wl,-z,relro -Wl,-rpath,/usr/local/lib

checking for kqueue

objs/autotest.c:4:23: fatal error: sys/event.h: No such file or directory
 #include <sys/event.h>
compilation terminated.

#include <sys/types.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/event.h>

int main(void) {
    (void) kqueue();
    return 0;

ccache gcc -I/usr/local/include -m64 -march=native -DTCP_FASTOPEN=23 -g -O3 -fstack-protector-strong -flto -fuse-ld=gold --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -Wformat -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -Wno-deprecated-declarations -gsplit-dwarf -D_GNU_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -o objs/autotest objs/autotest.c -L/usr/local/lib -ljemalloc -Wl,-z,relro -Wl,-rpath,/usr/local/lib

checking for crypt()

objs/autotest.c:7: error: undefined reference to 'crypt'
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status

#include <sys/types.h>
#include <unistd.h>

int main(void) {
    crypt("test", "salt");;
    return 0;

ccache gcc -I/usr/local/include -m64 -march=native -DTCP_FASTOPEN=23 -g -O3 -fstack-protector-strong -flto -fuse-ld=gold --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -Wformat -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -Wno-deprecated-declarations -gsplit-dwarf -D_GNU_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -o objs/autotest objs/autotest.c -L/usr/local/lib -ljemalloc -Wl,-z,relro -Wl,-rpath,/usr/local/lib

checking for crypt() in libcrypt

checking for F_READAHEAD

objs/autotest.c: In function 'main':
objs/autotest.c:7:14: error: 'F_READAHEAD' undeclared (first use in this function)
     fcntl(0, F_READAHEAD, 1);;
objs/autotest.c:7:14: note: each undeclared identifier is reported only once for each function it appears in

#include <sys/types.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <fcntl.h>

int main(void) {
    fcntl(0, F_READAHEAD, 1);;
    return 0;

ccache gcc -I/usr/local/include -m64 -march=native -DTCP_FASTOPEN=23 -g -O3 -fstack-protector-strong -flto -fuse-ld=gold --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -Wformat -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -Wno-deprecated-declarations -gsplit-dwarf -D_GNU_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -o objs/autotest objs/autotest.c -L/usr/local/lib -ljemalloc -Wl,-z,relro -Wl,-rpath,/usr/local/lib

checking for posix_fadvise()

checking for O_DIRECT

checking for F_NOCACHE

objs/autotest.c: In function 'main':
objs/autotest.c:7:14: error: 'F_NOCACHE' undeclared (first use in this function)
     fcntl(0, F_NOCACHE, 1);;
objs/autotest.c:7:14: note: each undeclared identifier is reported only once for each function it appears in

#include <sys/types.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <fcntl.h>

int main(void) {
    fcntl(0, F_NOCACHE, 1);;
    return 0;

ccache gcc -I/usr/local/include -m64 -march=native -DTCP_FASTOPEN=23 -g -O3 -fstack-protector-strong -flto -fuse-ld=gold --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -Wformat -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -Wno-deprecated-declarations -gsplit-dwarf -D_GNU_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -o objs/autotest objs/autotest.c -L/usr/local/lib -ljemalloc -Wl,-z,relro -Wl,-rpath,/usr/local/lib

checking for directio()

objs/autotest.c: In function 'main':
objs/autotest.c:8:5: warning: implicit declaration of function 'directio' [-Wimplicit-function-declaration]
     directio(0, DIRECTIO_ON);;
objs/autotest.c:8:17: error: 'DIRECTIO_ON' undeclared (first use in this function)
     directio(0, DIRECTIO_ON);;
objs/autotest.c:8:17: note: each undeclared identifier is reported only once for each function it appears in

#include <sys/types.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
                  #include <sys/fcntl.h>

int main(void) {
    directio(0, DIRECTIO_ON);;
    return 0;

ccache gcc -I/usr/local/include -m64 -march=native -DTCP_FASTOPEN=23 -g -O3 -fstack-protector-strong -flto -fuse-ld=gold --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -Wformat -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -Wno-deprecated-declarations -gsplit-dwarf -D_GNU_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -o objs/autotest objs/autotest.c -L/usr/local/lib -ljemalloc -Wl,-z,relro -Wl,-rpath,/usr/local/lib

checking for statfs()

checking for statvfs()

checking for dlopen()

objs/autotest.c:7: error: undefined reference to 'dlopen'
objs/autotest.c:7: error: undefined reference to 'dlsym'
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status

#include <sys/types.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <dlfcn.h>

int main(void) {
    dlopen(NULL, RTLD_NOW | RTLD_GLOBAL); dlsym(NULL, "");
    return 0;

ccache gcc -I/usr/local/include -m64 -march=native -DTCP_FASTOPEN=23 -g -O3 -fstack-protector-strong -flto -fuse-ld=gold --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -Wformat -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -Wno-deprecated-declarations -gsplit-dwarf -D_GNU_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -o objs/autotest objs/autotest.c -L/usr/local/lib -ljemalloc -Wl,-z,relro -Wl,-rpath,/usr/local/lib

checking for dlopen() in libdl

checking for sched_yield()

checking for sched_setaffinity()

checking for SO_SETFIB

objs/autotest.c: In function 'main':
objs/autotest.c:7:31: error: 'SO_SETFIB' undeclared (first use in this function)
     setsockopt(0, SOL_SOCKET, SO_SETFIB, NULL, 0);
objs/autotest.c:7:31: note: each undeclared identifier is reported only once for each function it appears in

#include <sys/types.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>

int main(void) {
    setsockopt(0, SOL_SOCKET, SO_SETFIB, NULL, 0);
    return 0;

ccache gcc -I/usr/local/include -m64 -march=native -DTCP_FASTOPEN=23 -g -O3 -fstack-protector-strong -flto -fuse-ld=gold --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -Wformat -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -Wno-deprecated-declarations -gsplit-dwarf -D_GNU_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -o objs/autotest objs/autotest.c -L/usr/local/lib -ljemalloc -Wl,-z,relro -Wl,-rpath,/usr/local/lib

checking for SO_REUSEPORT

checking for SO_ACCEPTFILTER

objs/autotest.c: In function 'main':
objs/autotest.c:7:31: error: 'SO_ACCEPTFILTER' undeclared (first use in this function)
     setsockopt(0, SOL_SOCKET, SO_ACCEPTFILTER, NULL, 0);
objs/autotest.c:7:31: note: each undeclared identifier is reported only once for each function it appears in

#include <sys/types.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>

int main(void) {
    setsockopt(0, SOL_SOCKET, SO_ACCEPTFILTER, NULL, 0);
    return 0;

ccache gcc -I/usr/local/include -m64 -march=native -DTCP_FASTOPEN=23 -g -O3 -fstack-protector-strong -flto -fuse-ld=gold --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -Wformat -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -Wno-deprecated-declarations -gsplit-dwarf -D_GNU_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -o objs/autotest objs/autotest.c -L/usr/local/lib -ljemalloc -Wl,-z,relro -Wl,-rpath,/usr/local/lib

checking for SO_BINDANY

objs/autotest.c: In function 'main':
objs/autotest.c:7:31: error: 'SO_BINDANY' undeclared (first use in this function)
     setsockopt(0, SOL_SOCKET, SO_BINDANY, NULL, 0);
objs/autotest.c:7:31: note: each undeclared identifier is reported only once for each function it appears in

#include <sys/types.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>

int main(void) {
    setsockopt(0, SOL_SOCKET, SO_BINDANY, NULL, 0);
    return 0;

ccache gcc -I/usr/local/include -m64 -march=native -DTCP_FASTOPEN=23 -g -O3 -fstack-protector-strong -flto -fuse-ld=gold --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -Wformat -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -Wno-deprecated-declarations -gsplit-dwarf -D_GNU_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -o objs/autotest objs/autotest.c -L/usr/local/lib -ljemalloc -Wl,-z,relro -Wl,-rpath,/usr/local/lib


objs/autotest.c: In function 'main':
objs/autotest.c:8:31: error: 'IP_BIND_ADDRESS_NO_PORT' undeclared (first use in this function)
     setsockopt(0, IPPROTO_IP, IP_BIND_ADDRESS_NO_PORT, NULL, 0);
objs/autotest.c:8:31: note: each undeclared identifier is reported only once for each function it appears in

#include <sys/types.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
                  #include <netinet/in.h>

int main(void) {
    setsockopt(0, IPPROTO_IP, IP_BIND_ADDRESS_NO_PORT, NULL, 0);
    return 0;

ccache gcc -I/usr/local/include -m64 -march=native -DTCP_FASTOPEN=23 -g -O3 -fstack-protector-strong -flto -fuse-ld=gold --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -Wformat -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -Wno-deprecated-declarations -gsplit-dwarf -D_GNU_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -o objs/autotest objs/autotest.c -L/usr/local/lib -ljemalloc -Wl,-z,relro -Wl,-rpath,/usr/local/lib

checking for IP_TRANSPARENT

checking for IP_BINDANY

objs/autotest.c: In function 'main':
objs/autotest.c:8:31: error: 'IP_BINDANY' undeclared (first use in this function)
     setsockopt(0, IPPROTO_IP, IP_BINDANY, NULL, 0);
objs/autotest.c:8:31: note: each undeclared identifier is reported only once for each function it appears in

#include <sys/types.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
                  #include <netinet/in.h>

int main(void) {
    setsockopt(0, IPPROTO_IP, IP_BINDANY, NULL, 0);
    return 0;

ccache gcc -I/usr/local/include -m64 -march=native -DTCP_FASTOPEN=23 -g -O3 -fstack-protector-strong -flto -fuse-ld=gold --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -Wformat -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -Wno-deprecated-declarations -gsplit-dwarf -D_GNU_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -o objs/autotest objs/autotest.c -L/usr/local/lib -ljemalloc -Wl,-z,relro -Wl,-rpath,/usr/local/lib

checking for IP_RECVDSTADDR

objs/autotest.c: In function 'main':
objs/autotest.c:8:31: error: 'IP_RECVDSTADDR' undeclared (first use in this function)
     setsockopt(0, IPPROTO_IP, IP_RECVDSTADDR, NULL, 0);
objs/autotest.c:8:31: note: each undeclared identifier is reported only once for each function it appears in

#include <sys/types.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
                  #include <netinet/in.h>

int main(void) {
    setsockopt(0, IPPROTO_IP, IP_RECVDSTADDR, NULL, 0);
    return 0;

ccache gcc -I/usr/local/include -m64 -march=native -DTCP_FASTOPEN=23 -g -O3 -fstack-protector-strong -flto -fuse-ld=gold --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -Wformat -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -Wno-deprecated-declarations -gsplit-dwarf -D_GNU_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -o objs/autotest objs/autotest.c -L/usr/local/lib -ljemalloc -Wl,-z,relro -Wl,-rpath,/usr/local/lib

checking for IP_SENDSRCADDR

objs/autotest.c: In function 'main':
objs/autotest.c:8:31: error: 'IP_SENDSRCADDR' undeclared (first use in this function)
     setsockopt(0, IPPROTO_IP, IP_SENDSRCADDR, NULL, 0);
objs/autotest.c:8:31: note: each undeclared identifier is reported only once for each function it appears in

#include <sys/types.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
                  #include <netinet/in.h>

int main(void) {
    setsockopt(0, IPPROTO_IP, IP_SENDSRCADDR, NULL, 0);
    return 0;

ccache gcc -I/usr/local/include -m64 -march=native -DTCP_FASTOPEN=23 -g -O3 -fstack-protector-strong -flto -fuse-ld=gold --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -Wformat -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -Wno-deprecated-declarations -gsplit-dwarf -D_GNU_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -o objs/autotest objs/autotest.c -L/usr/local/lib -ljemalloc -Wl,-z,relro -Wl,-rpath,/usr/local/lib

checking for IP_PKTINFO

checking for IPV6_RECVPKTINFO

checking for TCP_DEFER_ACCEPT

checking for TCP_KEEPIDLE

checking for TCP_FASTOPEN

checking for TCP_INFO

checking for accept4()

checking for eventfd()

checking for int size

checking for long size

checking for long long size

checking for void * size

checking for uint32_t

checking for uint64_t

checking for sig_atomic_t

checking for sig_atomic_t size

checking for socklen_t

checking for in_addr_t

checking for in_port_t

checking for rlim_t

checking for uintptr_t

checking for system byte ordering

checking for size_t size

checking for off_t size

checking for time_t size

checking for AF_INET6

checking for setproctitle()

objs/autotest.c: In function 'main':
objs/autotest.c:7:5: warning: implicit declaration of function 'setproctitle' [-Wimplicit-function-declaration]
objs/autotest.c:7: error: undefined reference to 'setproctitle'
/tmp/ccG8keKL.ltrans0.ltrans.o(.debug_addr+0x8): error: undefined reference to 'setproctitle'
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status

#include <sys/types.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int main(void) {
    return 0;

ccache gcc -I/usr/local/include -m64 -march=native -DTCP_FASTOPEN=23 -g -O3 -fstack-protector-strong -flto -fuse-ld=gold --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -Wformat -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -Wno-deprecated-declarations -gsplit-dwarf -D_GNU_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -o objs/autotest objs/autotest.c -L/usr/local/lib -ljemalloc -Wl,-z,relro -Wl,-rpath,/usr/local/lib

checking for pread()

checking for pwrite()

checking for pwritev()

checking for sys_nerr

checking for localtime_r()

checking for posix_memalign()

checking for memalign()

checking for mmap(MAP_ANON|MAP_SHARED)

checking for mmap("/dev/zero", MAP_SHARED)

checking for System V shared memory

checking for POSIX semaphores

objs/autotest.c:8: error: undefined reference to 'sem_init'
objs/autotest.c:9: error: undefined reference to 'sem_destroy'
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status

#include <sys/types.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <semaphore.h>

int main(void) {
    sem_t  sem;
                  if (sem_init(&sem, 1, 0) == -1) return 1;
    return 0;

ccache gcc -I/usr/local/include -m64 -march=native -DTCP_FASTOPEN=23 -g -O3 -fstack-protector-strong -flto -fuse-ld=gold --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -Wformat -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -Wno-deprecated-declarations -gsplit-dwarf -D_GNU_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -o objs/autotest objs/autotest.c -L/usr/local/lib -ljemalloc -Wl,-z,relro -Wl,-rpath,/usr/local/lib

checking for POSIX semaphores in libpthread

checking for struct msghdr.msg_control

checking for ioctl(FIONBIO)

checking for struct tm.tm_gmtoff

checking for struct dirent.d_namlen

objs/autotest.c: In function 'main':
objs/autotest.c:8:28: error: 'struct dirent' has no member named 'd_namlen'; did you mean 'd_name'?
     struct dirent  dir; dir.d_namlen = 0;
objs/autotest.c:9:41: error: 'struct dirent' has no member named 'd_namlen'; did you mean 'd_name'?
                   printf("%d", (int) dir.d_namlen);

#include <sys/types.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <dirent.h>
                  #include <stdio.h>

int main(void) {
    struct dirent  dir; dir.d_namlen = 0;
                  printf("%d", (int) dir.d_namlen);
    return 0;

ccache gcc -I/usr/local/include -m64 -march=native -DTCP_FASTOPEN=23 -g -O3 -fstack-protector-strong -flto -fuse-ld=gold --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -Wformat -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -Wno-deprecated-declarations -gsplit-dwarf -D_GNU_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -o objs/autotest objs/autotest.c -L/usr/local/lib -ljemalloc -Wl,-z,relro -Wl,-rpath,/usr/local/lib

checking for struct dirent.d_type

checking for sysconf(_SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN)

checking for openat(), fstatat()

checking for getaddrinfo()

checking for GD library

checking for GD WebP support

objs/autotest.c: In function 'main':
objs/autotest.c:7:22: warning: implicit declaration of function 'gdImageCreateFromWebpPtr' [-Wimplicit-function-declaration]
     gdImagePtr img = gdImageCreateFromWebpPtr(1, NULL);;
objs/autotest.c:7:22: warning: initialization makes pointer from integer without a cast [-Wint-conversion]
objs/autotest.c:7: error: undefined reference to 'gdImageCreateFromWebpPtr'
/tmp/ccepqrVI.ltrans0.ltrans.o(.debug_addr+0x8): error: undefined reference to 'gdImageCreateFromWebpPtr'
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status

#include <sys/types.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <gd.h>

int main(void) {
    gdImagePtr img = gdImageCreateFromWebpPtr(1, NULL);;
    return 0;

ccache gcc -I/usr/local/include -m64 -march=native -DTCP_FASTOPEN=23 -g -O3 -fstack-protector-strong -flto -fuse-ld=gold --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -Wformat -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -Wno-deprecated-declarations -gsplit-dwarf -D_GNU_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -o objs/autotest objs/autotest.c -L/usr/local/lib -ljemalloc -Wl,-z,relro -Wl,-rpath,/usr/local/lib -lgd

checking for GeoIP library

checking for GeoIP IPv6 support

checking for atomic_ops library
make -d install
GNU Make 3.82
Built for x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu
Copyright (C) 2010  Free Software Foundation, Inc.
License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later <>
This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.
There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.
Reading makefiles...
Reading makefile `Makefile'...
Updating makefiles....
 Considering target file `Makefile'.
  Looking for an implicit rule for `Makefile'.
  Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile'.
  Trying implicit prerequisite `Makefile.o'.
  Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile'.
  Trying implicit prerequisite `Makefile.c'.
  Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile'.
  Trying implicit prerequisite `'.
  Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile'.
  Trying implicit prerequisite `Makefile.C'.
  Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile'.
  Trying implicit prerequisite `Makefile.cpp'.
  Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile'.
  Trying implicit prerequisite `Makefile.p'.
  Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile'.
  Trying implicit prerequisite `Makefile.f'.
  Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile'.
  Trying implicit prerequisite `Makefile.F'.
  Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile'.
  Trying implicit prerequisite `Makefile.m'.
  Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile'.
  Trying implicit prerequisite `Makefile.r'.
  Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile'.
  Trying implicit prerequisite `Makefile.s'.
  Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile'.
  Trying implicit prerequisite `Makefile.S'.
  Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile'.
  Trying implicit prerequisite `Makefile.mod'.
  Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile'.
  Trying implicit prerequisite `'.
  Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile'.
  Trying implicit prerequisite `Makefile,v'.
  Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile'.
  Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/Makefile,v'.
  Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile'.
  Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/Makefile'.
  Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile'.
  Trying implicit prerequisite `s.Makefile'.
  Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile'.
  Trying implicit prerequisite `SCCS/s.Makefile'.
  Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile'.
  Trying implicit prerequisite `Makefile.o'.
  Looking for a rule with intermediate file `Makefile.o'.
   Avoiding implicit rule recursion.
   Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile'.
   Trying implicit prerequisite `Makefile.c'.
   Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile'.
   Trying implicit prerequisite `'.
   Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile'.
   Trying implicit prerequisite `Makefile.C'.
   Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile'.
   Trying implicit prerequisite `Makefile.cpp'.
   Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile'.
   Trying implicit prerequisite `Makefile.p'.
   Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile'.
   Trying implicit prerequisite `Makefile.f'.
   Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile'.
   Trying implicit prerequisite `Makefile.F'.
   Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile'.
   Trying implicit prerequisite `Makefile.m'.
   Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile'.
   Trying implicit prerequisite `Makefile.r'.
   Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile'.
   Trying implicit prerequisite `Makefile.s'.
   Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile'.
   Trying implicit prerequisite `Makefile.S'.
   Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile'.
   Trying implicit prerequisite `Makefile.mod'.
   Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile.o'.
   Trying implicit prerequisite `Makefile.o,v'.
   Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile.o'.
   Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/Makefile.o,v'.
   Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile.o'.
   Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/Makefile.o'.
   Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile.o'.
   Trying implicit prerequisite `s.Makefile.o'.
   Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile.o'.
   Trying implicit prerequisite `SCCS/s.Makefile.o'.
   Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile'.
   Trying implicit prerequisite `Makefile.c'.
   Looking for a rule with intermediate file `Makefile.c'.
    Avoiding implicit rule recursion.
    Avoiding implicit rule recursion.
    Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile'.
    Trying implicit prerequisite `Makefile.y'.
    Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile'.
    Trying implicit prerequisite `Makefile.l'.
    Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile'.
    Trying implicit prerequisite `Makefile.w'.
    Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile'.
    Trying implicit prerequisite `Makefile.w'.
    Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile.c'.
    Trying implicit prerequisite `Makefile.c,v'.
    Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile.c'.
    Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/Makefile.c,v'.
    Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile.c'.
    Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/Makefile.c'.
    Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile.c'.
    Trying implicit prerequisite `s.Makefile.c'.
    Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile.c'.
    Trying implicit prerequisite `SCCS/s.Makefile.c'.
    Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile'.
    Trying implicit prerequisite `Makefile.y'.
    Looking for a rule with intermediate file `Makefile.y'.
     Avoiding implicit rule recursion.
     Avoiding implicit rule recursion.
     Avoiding implicit rule recursion.
     Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile.y'.
     Trying implicit prerequisite `Makefile.y,v'.
     Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile.y'.
     Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/Makefile.y,v'.
     Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile.y'.
     Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/Makefile.y'.
     Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile.y'.
     Trying implicit prerequisite `s.Makefile.y'.
     Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile.y'.
     Trying implicit prerequisite `SCCS/s.Makefile.y'.
    Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile'.
    Trying implicit prerequisite `Makefile.l'.
    Looking for a rule with intermediate file `Makefile.l'.
     Avoiding implicit rule recursion.
     Avoiding implicit rule recursion.
     Avoiding implicit rule recursion.
     Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile.l'.
     Trying implicit prerequisite `Makefile.l,v'.
     Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile.l'.
     Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/Makefile.l,v'.
     Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile.l'.
     Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/Makefile.l'.
     Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile.l'.
     Trying implicit prerequisite `s.Makefile.l'.
     Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile.l'.
     Trying implicit prerequisite `SCCS/s.Makefile.l'.
    Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile'.
    Trying implicit prerequisite `Makefile.w'.
    Looking for a rule with intermediate file `Makefile.w'.
     Avoiding implicit rule recursion.
     Avoiding implicit rule recursion.
     Avoiding implicit rule recursion.
     Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile.w'.
     Trying implicit prerequisite `Makefile.w,v'.
     Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile.w'.
     Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/Makefile.w,v'.
     Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile.w'.
     Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/Makefile.w'.
     Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile.w'.
     Trying implicit prerequisite `s.Makefile.w'.
     Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile.w'.
     Trying implicit prerequisite `SCCS/s.Makefile.w'.
    Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile'.
    Rejecting impossible implicit prerequisite `Makefile.w'.
   Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile'.
   Trying implicit prerequisite `'.
   Looking for a rule with intermediate file `'.
    Avoiding implicit rule recursion.
    Avoiding implicit rule recursion.
    Trying pattern rule with stem `'.
    Trying implicit prerequisite `,v'.
    Trying pattern rule with stem `'.
    Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/,v'.
    Trying pattern rule with stem `'.
    Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/'.
    Trying pattern rule with stem `'.
    Trying implicit prerequisite `'.
    Trying pattern rule with stem `'.
    Trying implicit prerequisite `SCCS/'.
   Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile'.
   Trying implicit prerequisite `Makefile.C'.
   Looking for a rule with intermediate file `Makefile.C'.
    Avoiding implicit rule recursion.
    Avoiding implicit rule recursion.
    Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile.C'.
    Trying implicit prerequisite `Makefile.C,v'.
    Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile.C'.
    Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/Makefile.C,v'.
    Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile.C'.
    Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/Makefile.C'.
    Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile.C'.
    Trying implicit prerequisite `s.Makefile.C'.
    Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile.C'.
    Trying implicit prerequisite `SCCS/s.Makefile.C'.
   Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile'.
   Trying implicit prerequisite `Makefile.cpp'.
   Looking for a rule with intermediate file `Makefile.cpp'.
    Avoiding implicit rule recursion.
    Avoiding implicit rule recursion.
    Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile.cpp'.
    Trying implicit prerequisite `Makefile.cpp,v'.
    Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile.cpp'.
    Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/Makefile.cpp,v'.
    Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile.cpp'.
    Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/Makefile.cpp'.
    Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile.cpp'.
    Trying implicit prerequisite `s.Makefile.cpp'.
    Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile.cpp'.
    Trying implicit prerequisite `SCCS/s.Makefile.cpp'.
   Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile'.
   Trying implicit prerequisite `Makefile.p'.
   Looking for a rule with intermediate file `Makefile.p'.
    Avoiding implicit rule recursion.
    Avoiding implicit rule recursion.
    Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile'.
    Trying implicit prerequisite `Makefile.web'.
    Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile.p'.
    Trying implicit prerequisite `Makefile.p,v'.
    Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile.p'.
    Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/Makefile.p,v'.
    Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile.p'.
    Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/Makefile.p'.
    Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile.p'.
    Trying implicit prerequisite `s.Makefile.p'.
    Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile.p'.
    Trying implicit prerequisite `SCCS/s.Makefile.p'.
    Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile'.
    Trying implicit prerequisite `Makefile.web'.
    Looking for a rule with intermediate file `Makefile.web'.
     Avoiding implicit rule recursion.
     Avoiding implicit rule recursion.
     Avoiding implicit rule recursion.
     Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile.web'.
     Trying implicit prerequisite `Makefile.web,v'.
     Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile.web'.
     Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/Makefile.web,v'.
     Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile.web'.
     Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/Makefile.web'.
     Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile.web'.
     Trying implicit prerequisite `s.Makefile.web'.
     Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile.web'.
     Trying implicit prerequisite `SCCS/s.Makefile.web'.
   Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile'.
   Trying implicit prerequisite `Makefile.f'.
   Looking for a rule with intermediate file `Makefile.f'.
    Avoiding implicit rule recursion.
    Avoiding implicit rule recursion.
    Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile'.
    Trying implicit prerequisite `Makefile.F'.
    Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile'.
    Trying implicit prerequisite `Makefile.r'.
    Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile.f'.
    Trying implicit prerequisite `Makefile.f,v'.
    Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile.f'.
    Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/Makefile.f,v'.
    Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile.f'.
    Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/Makefile.f'.
    Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile.f'.
    Trying implicit prerequisite `s.Makefile.f'.
    Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile.f'.
    Trying implicit prerequisite `SCCS/s.Makefile.f'.
    Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile'.
    Trying implicit prerequisite `Makefile.F'.
    Looking for a rule with intermediate file `Makefile.F'.
     Avoiding implicit rule recursion.
     Avoiding implicit rule recursion.
     Avoiding implicit rule recursion.
     Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile.F'.
     Trying implicit prerequisite `Makefile.F,v'.
     Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile.F'.
     Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/Makefile.F,v'.
     Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile.F'.
     Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/Makefile.F'.
     Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile.F'.
     Trying implicit prerequisite `s.Makefile.F'.
     Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile.F'.
     Trying implicit prerequisite `SCCS/s.Makefile.F'.
    Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile'.
    Trying implicit prerequisite `Makefile.r'.
    Looking for a rule with intermediate file `Makefile.r'.
     Avoiding implicit rule recursion.
     Avoiding implicit rule recursion.
     Avoiding implicit rule recursion.
     Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile'.
     Rejecting impossible implicit prerequisite `Makefile.l'.
     Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile.r'.
     Trying implicit prerequisite `Makefile.r,v'.
     Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile.r'.
     Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/Makefile.r,v'.
     Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile.r'.
     Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/Makefile.r'.
     Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile.r'.
     Trying implicit prerequisite `s.Makefile.r'.
     Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile.r'.
     Trying implicit prerequisite `SCCS/s.Makefile.r'.
   Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile'.
   Rejecting impossible implicit prerequisite `Makefile.F'.
   Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile'.
   Trying implicit prerequisite `Makefile.m'.
   Looking for a rule with intermediate file `Makefile.m'.
    Avoiding implicit rule recursion.
    Avoiding implicit rule recursion.
    Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile'.
    Trying implicit prerequisite `Makefile.ym'.
    Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile.m'.
    Trying implicit prerequisite `Makefile.m,v'.
    Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile.m'.
    Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/Makefile.m,v'.
    Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile.m'.
    Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/Makefile.m'.
    Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile.m'.
    Trying implicit prerequisite `s.Makefile.m'.
    Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile.m'.
    Trying implicit prerequisite `SCCS/s.Makefile.m'.
    Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile'.
    Trying implicit prerequisite `Makefile.ym'.
    Looking for a rule with intermediate file `Makefile.ym'.
     Avoiding implicit rule recursion.
     Avoiding implicit rule recursion.
     Avoiding implicit rule recursion.
     Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile.ym'.
     Trying implicit prerequisite `Makefile.ym,v'.
     Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile.ym'.
     Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/Makefile.ym,v'.
     Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile.ym'.
     Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/Makefile.ym'.
     Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile.ym'.
     Trying implicit prerequisite `s.Makefile.ym'.
     Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile.ym'.
     Trying implicit prerequisite `SCCS/s.Makefile.ym'.
   Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile'.
   Rejecting impossible implicit prerequisite `Makefile.r'.
   Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile'.
   Trying implicit prerequisite `Makefile.s'.
   Looking for a rule with intermediate file `Makefile.s'.
    Avoiding implicit rule recursion.
    Avoiding implicit rule recursion.
    Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile'.
    Trying implicit prerequisite `Makefile.S'.
    Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile.s'.
    Trying implicit prerequisite `Makefile.s,v'.
    Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile.s'.
    Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/Makefile.s,v'.
    Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile.s'.
    Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/Makefile.s'.
    Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile.s'.
    Trying implicit prerequisite `s.Makefile.s'.
    Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile.s'.
    Trying implicit prerequisite `SCCS/s.Makefile.s'.
    Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile'.
    Trying implicit prerequisite `Makefile.S'.
    Looking for a rule with intermediate file `Makefile.S'.
     Avoiding implicit rule recursion.
     Avoiding implicit rule recursion.
     Avoiding implicit rule recursion.
     Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile.S'.
     Trying implicit prerequisite `Makefile.S,v'.
     Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile.S'.
     Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/Makefile.S,v'.
     Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile.S'.
     Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/Makefile.S'.
     Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile.S'.
     Trying implicit prerequisite `s.Makefile.S'.
     Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile.S'.
     Trying implicit prerequisite `SCCS/s.Makefile.S'.
   Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile'.
   Rejecting impossible implicit prerequisite `Makefile.S'.
   Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile'.
   Trying implicit prerequisite `Makefile.mod'.
   Looking for a rule with intermediate file `Makefile.mod'.
    Avoiding implicit rule recursion.
    Avoiding implicit rule recursion.
    Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile.mod'.
    Trying implicit prerequisite `Makefile.mod,v'.
    Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile.mod'.
    Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/Makefile.mod,v'.
    Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile.mod'.
    Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/Makefile.mod'.
    Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile.mod'.
    Trying implicit prerequisite `s.Makefile.mod'.
    Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile.mod'.
    Trying implicit prerequisite `SCCS/s.Makefile.mod'.
  Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile'.
  Rejecting impossible implicit prerequisite `Makefile.c'.
  Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile'.
  Rejecting impossible implicit prerequisite `'.
  Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile'.
  Rejecting impossible implicit prerequisite `Makefile.C'.
  Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile'.
  Rejecting impossible implicit prerequisite `Makefile.cpp'.
  Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile'.
  Rejecting impossible implicit prerequisite `Makefile.p'.
  Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile'.
  Rejecting impossible implicit prerequisite `Makefile.f'.
  Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile'.
  Rejecting impossible implicit prerequisite `Makefile.F'.
  Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile'.
  Rejecting impossible implicit prerequisite `Makefile.m'.
  Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile'.
  Rejecting impossible implicit prerequisite `Makefile.r'.
  Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile'.
  Rejecting impossible implicit prerequisite `Makefile.s'.
  Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile'.
  Rejecting impossible implicit prerequisite `Makefile.S'.
  Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile'.
  Rejecting impossible implicit prerequisite `Makefile.mod'.
  Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile'.
  Trying implicit prerequisite `'.
  Looking for a rule with intermediate file `'.
   Avoiding implicit rule recursion.
   Trying pattern rule with stem `'.
   Trying implicit prerequisite `,v'.
   Trying pattern rule with stem `'.
   Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/,v'.
   Trying pattern rule with stem `'.
   Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/'.
   Trying pattern rule with stem `'.
   Trying implicit prerequisite `'.
   Trying pattern rule with stem `'.
   Trying implicit prerequisite `SCCS/'.
  No implicit rule found for `Makefile'.
  Finished prerequisites of target file `Makefile'.
 No need to remake target `Makefile'.
Updating goal targets....
Considering target file `install'.
 File `install' does not exist.
  Considering target file `install-libs'.
   File `install-libs' does not exist.
    Considering target file `libz.a'.
      Considering target file `adler32.o'.
       Looking for an implicit rule for `adler32.o'.
       Trying pattern rule with stem `adler32'.
       Trying implicit prerequisite `adler32.c'.
       Found an implicit rule for `adler32.o'.
        Considering target file `adler32.c'.
         Looking for an implicit rule for `adler32.c'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `adler32'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `adler32.y'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `adler32'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `adler32.l'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `adler32'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `adler32.w'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `adler32'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `adler32.w'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `adler32.c'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `adler32.c,v'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `adler32.c'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/adler32.c,v'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `adler32.c'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/adler32.c'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `adler32.c'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `s.adler32.c'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `adler32.c'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `SCCS/s.adler32.c'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `adler32'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `adler32.y'.
         Looking for a rule with intermediate file `adler32.y'.
          Avoiding implicit rule recursion.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `adler32.y'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `adler32.y,v'.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `adler32.y'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/adler32.y,v'.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `adler32.y'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/adler32.y'.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `adler32.y'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `s.adler32.y'.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `adler32.y'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `SCCS/s.adler32.y'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `adler32'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `adler32.l'.
         Looking for a rule with intermediate file `adler32.l'.
          Avoiding implicit rule recursion.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `adler32.l'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `adler32.l,v'.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `adler32.l'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/adler32.l,v'.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `adler32.l'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/adler32.l'.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `adler32.l'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `s.adler32.l'.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `adler32.l'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `SCCS/s.adler32.l'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `adler32'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `adler32.w'.
         Looking for a rule with intermediate file `adler32.w'.
          Avoiding implicit rule recursion.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `adler32.w'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `adler32.w,v'.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `adler32.w'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/adler32.w,v'.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `adler32.w'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/adler32.w'.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `adler32.w'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `s.adler32.w'.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `adler32.w'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `SCCS/s.adler32.w'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `adler32'.
         Rejecting impossible implicit prerequisite `adler32.w'.
         No implicit rule found for `adler32.c'.
         Finished prerequisites of target file `adler32.c'.
        No need to remake target `adler32.c'.
        Considering target file `zutil.h'.
         Looking for an implicit rule for `zutil.h'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `zutil.h'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `zutil.h,v'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `zutil.h'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/zutil.h,v'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `zutil.h'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/zutil.h'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `zutil.h'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `s.zutil.h'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `zutil.h'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `SCCS/s.zutil.h'.
         No implicit rule found for `zutil.h'.
         Finished prerequisites of target file `zutil.h'.
        No need to remake target `zutil.h'.
        Considering target file `zlib.h'.
         Looking for an implicit rule for `zlib.h'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `zlib.h'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `zlib.h,v'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `zlib.h'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/zlib.h,v'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `zlib.h'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/zlib.h'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `zlib.h'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `s.zlib.h'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `zlib.h'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `SCCS/s.zlib.h'.
         No implicit rule found for `zlib.h'.
         Finished prerequisites of target file `zlib.h'.
        No need to remake target `zlib.h'.
        Considering target file `zconf.h'.
         Looking for an implicit rule for `zconf.h'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `zconf.h'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `zconf.h,v'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `zconf.h'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/zconf.h,v'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `zconf.h'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/zconf.h'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `zconf.h'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `s.zconf.h'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `zconf.h'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `SCCS/s.zconf.h'.
         No implicit rule found for `zconf.h'.
         Finished prerequisites of target file `zconf.h'.
        No need to remake target `zconf.h'.
       Finished prerequisites of target file `adler32.o'.
       Prerequisite `adler32.c' is older than target `adler32.o'.
       Prerequisite `zutil.h' is older than target `adler32.o'.
       Prerequisite `zlib.h' is older than target `adler32.o'.
       Prerequisite `zconf.h' is older than target `adler32.o'.
      No need to remake target `adler32.o'.
      Considering target file `crc32.o'.
       Looking for an implicit rule for `crc32.o'.
       Trying pattern rule with stem `crc32'.
       Trying implicit prerequisite `crc32.c'.
       Found an implicit rule for `crc32.o'.
        Considering target file `crc32.c'.
         Looking for an implicit rule for `crc32.c'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `crc32'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `crc32.y'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `crc32'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `crc32.l'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `crc32'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `crc32.w'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `crc32'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `crc32.w'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `crc32.c'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `crc32.c,v'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `crc32.c'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/crc32.c,v'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `crc32.c'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/crc32.c'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `crc32.c'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `s.crc32.c'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `crc32.c'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `SCCS/s.crc32.c'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `crc32'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `crc32.y'.
         Looking for a rule with intermediate file `crc32.y'.
          Avoiding implicit rule recursion.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `crc32.y'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `crc32.y,v'.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `crc32.y'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/crc32.y,v'.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `crc32.y'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/crc32.y'.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `crc32.y'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `s.crc32.y'.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `crc32.y'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `SCCS/s.crc32.y'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `crc32'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `crc32.l'.
         Looking for a rule with intermediate file `crc32.l'.
          Avoiding implicit rule recursion.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `crc32.l'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `crc32.l,v'.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `crc32.l'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/crc32.l,v'.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `crc32.l'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/crc32.l'.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `crc32.l'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `s.crc32.l'.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `crc32.l'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `SCCS/s.crc32.l'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `crc32'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `crc32.w'.
         Looking for a rule with intermediate file `crc32.w'.
          Avoiding implicit rule recursion.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `crc32.w'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `crc32.w,v'.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `crc32.w'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/crc32.w,v'.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `crc32.w'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/crc32.w'.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `crc32.w'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `s.crc32.w'.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `crc32.w'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `SCCS/s.crc32.w'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `crc32'.
         Rejecting impossible implicit prerequisite `crc32.w'.
         No implicit rule found for `crc32.c'.
         Finished prerequisites of target file `crc32.c'.
        No need to remake target `crc32.c'.
        Pruning file `zutil.h'.
        Pruning file `zlib.h'.
        Pruning file `zconf.h'.
        Considering target file `crc32.h'.
         Looking for an implicit rule for `crc32.h'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `crc32.h'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `crc32.h,v'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `crc32.h'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/crc32.h,v'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `crc32.h'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/crc32.h'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `crc32.h'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `s.crc32.h'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `crc32.h'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `SCCS/s.crc32.h'.
         No implicit rule found for `crc32.h'.
         Finished prerequisites of target file `crc32.h'.
        No need to remake target `crc32.h'.
       Finished prerequisites of target file `crc32.o'.
       Prerequisite `crc32.c' is older than target `crc32.o'.
       Prerequisite `zutil.h' is older than target `crc32.o'.
       Prerequisite `zlib.h' is older than target `crc32.o'.
       Prerequisite `zconf.h' is older than target `crc32.o'.
       Prerequisite `crc32.h' is older than target `crc32.o'.
      No need to remake target `crc32.o'.
      Considering target file `deflate.o'.
       Looking for an implicit rule for `deflate.o'.
       Trying pattern rule with stem `deflate'.
       Trying implicit prerequisite `deflate.c'.
       Found an implicit rule for `deflate.o'.
        Considering target file `deflate.c'.
         Looking for an implicit rule for `deflate.c'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `deflate'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `deflate.y'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `deflate'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `deflate.l'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `deflate'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `deflate.w'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `deflate'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `deflate.w'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `deflate.c'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `deflate.c,v'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `deflate.c'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/deflate.c,v'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `deflate.c'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/deflate.c'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `deflate.c'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `s.deflate.c'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `deflate.c'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `SCCS/s.deflate.c'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `deflate'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `deflate.y'.
         Looking for a rule with intermediate file `deflate.y'.
          Avoiding implicit rule recursion.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `deflate.y'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `deflate.y,v'.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `deflate.y'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/deflate.y,v'.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `deflate.y'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/deflate.y'.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `deflate.y'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `s.deflate.y'.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `deflate.y'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `SCCS/s.deflate.y'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `deflate'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `deflate.l'.
         Looking for a rule with intermediate file `deflate.l'.
          Avoiding implicit rule recursion.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `deflate.l'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `deflate.l,v'.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `deflate.l'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/deflate.l,v'.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `deflate.l'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/deflate.l'.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `deflate.l'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `s.deflate.l'.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `deflate.l'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `SCCS/s.deflate.l'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `deflate'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `deflate.w'.
         Looking for a rule with intermediate file `deflate.w'.
          Avoiding implicit rule recursion.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `deflate.w'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `deflate.w,v'.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `deflate.w'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/deflate.w,v'.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `deflate.w'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/deflate.w'.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `deflate.w'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `s.deflate.w'.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `deflate.w'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `SCCS/s.deflate.w'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `deflate'.
         Rejecting impossible implicit prerequisite `deflate.w'.
         No implicit rule found for `deflate.c'.
         Finished prerequisites of target file `deflate.c'.
        No need to remake target `deflate.c'.
        Considering target file `deflate.h'.
         Looking for an implicit rule for `deflate.h'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `deflate.h'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `deflate.h,v'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `deflate.h'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/deflate.h,v'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `deflate.h'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/deflate.h'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `deflate.h'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `s.deflate.h'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `deflate.h'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `SCCS/s.deflate.h'.
         No implicit rule found for `deflate.h'.
         Finished prerequisites of target file `deflate.h'.
        No need to remake target `deflate.h'.
        Pruning file `zutil.h'.
        Pruning file `zlib.h'.
        Pruning file `zconf.h'.
       Finished prerequisites of target file `deflate.o'.
       Prerequisite `deflate.c' is older than target `deflate.o'.
       Prerequisite `deflate.h' is older than target `deflate.o'.
       Prerequisite `zutil.h' is older than target `deflate.o'.
       Prerequisite `zlib.h' is older than target `deflate.o'.
       Prerequisite `zconf.h' is older than target `deflate.o'.
      No need to remake target `deflate.o'.
      Considering target file `infback.o'.
       Looking for an implicit rule for `infback.o'.
       Trying pattern rule with stem `infback'.
       Trying implicit prerequisite `infback.c'.
       Found an implicit rule for `infback.o'.
        Considering target file `infback.c'.
         Looking for an implicit rule for `infback.c'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `infback'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `infback.y'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `infback'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `infback.l'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `infback'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `infback.w'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `infback'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `infback.w'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `infback.c'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `infback.c,v'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `infback.c'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/infback.c,v'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `infback.c'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/infback.c'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `infback.c'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `s.infback.c'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `infback.c'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `SCCS/s.infback.c'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `infback'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `infback.y'.
         Looking for a rule with intermediate file `infback.y'.
          Avoiding implicit rule recursion.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `infback.y'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `infback.y,v'.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `infback.y'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/infback.y,v'.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `infback.y'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/infback.y'.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `infback.y'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `s.infback.y'.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `infback.y'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `SCCS/s.infback.y'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `infback'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `infback.l'.
         Looking for a rule with intermediate file `infback.l'.
          Avoiding implicit rule recursion.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `infback.l'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `infback.l,v'.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `infback.l'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/infback.l,v'.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `infback.l'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/infback.l'.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `infback.l'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `s.infback.l'.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `infback.l'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `SCCS/s.infback.l'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `infback'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `infback.w'.
         Looking for a rule with intermediate file `infback.w'.
          Avoiding implicit rule recursion.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `infback.w'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `infback.w,v'.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `infback.w'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/infback.w,v'.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `infback.w'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/infback.w'.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `infback.w'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `s.infback.w'.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `infback.w'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `SCCS/s.infback.w'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `infback'.
         Rejecting impossible implicit prerequisite `infback.w'.
         No implicit rule found for `infback.c'.
         Finished prerequisites of target file `infback.c'.
        No need to remake target `infback.c'.
        Pruning file `zutil.h'.
        Pruning file `zlib.h'.
        Pruning file `zconf.h'.
        Considering target file `inftrees.h'.
         Looking for an implicit rule for `inftrees.h'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `inftrees.h'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `inftrees.h,v'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `inftrees.h'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/inftrees.h,v'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `inftrees.h'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/inftrees.h'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `inftrees.h'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `s.inftrees.h'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `inftrees.h'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `SCCS/s.inftrees.h'.
         No implicit rule found for `inftrees.h'.
         Finished prerequisites of target file `inftrees.h'.
        No need to remake target `inftrees.h'.
        Considering target file `inflate.h'.
         Looking for an implicit rule for `inflate.h'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `inflate.h'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `inflate.h,v'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `inflate.h'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/inflate.h,v'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `inflate.h'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/inflate.h'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `inflate.h'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `s.inflate.h'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `inflate.h'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `SCCS/s.inflate.h'.
         No implicit rule found for `inflate.h'.
         Finished prerequisites of target file `inflate.h'.
        No need to remake target `inflate.h'.
        Considering target file `inffast.h'.
         Looking for an implicit rule for `inffast.h'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `inffast.h'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `inffast.h,v'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `inffast.h'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/inffast.h,v'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `inffast.h'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/inffast.h'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `inffast.h'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `s.inffast.h'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `inffast.h'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `SCCS/s.inffast.h'.
         No implicit rule found for `inffast.h'.
         Finished prerequisites of target file `inffast.h'.
        No need to remake target `inffast.h'.
        Considering target file `inffixed.h'.
         Looking for an implicit rule for `inffixed.h'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `inffixed.h'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `inffixed.h,v'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `inffixed.h'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/inffixed.h,v'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `inffixed.h'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/inffixed.h'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `inffixed.h'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `s.inffixed.h'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `inffixed.h'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `SCCS/s.inffixed.h'.
         No implicit rule found for `inffixed.h'.
         Finished prerequisites of target file `inffixed.h'.
        No need to remake target `inffixed.h'.
       Finished prerequisites of target file `infback.o'.
       Prerequisite `infback.c' is older than target `infback.o'.
       Prerequisite `zutil.h' is older than target `infback.o'.
       Prerequisite `zlib.h' is older than target `infback.o'.
       Prerequisite `zconf.h' is older than target `infback.o'.
       Prerequisite `inftrees.h' is older than target `infback.o'.
       Prerequisite `inflate.h' is older than target `infback.o'.
       Prerequisite `inffast.h' is older than target `infback.o'.
       Prerequisite `inffixed.h' is older than target `infback.o'.
      No need to remake target `infback.o'.
      Considering target file `inffast.o'.
       Looking for an implicit rule for `inffast.o'.
       Trying pattern rule with stem `inffast'.
       Trying implicit prerequisite `inffast.c'.
       Found an implicit rule for `inffast.o'.
        Considering target file `inffast.c'.
         Looking for an implicit rule for `inffast.c'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `inffast'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `inffast.y'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `inffast'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `inffast.l'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `inffast'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `inffast.w'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `inffast'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `inffast.w'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `inffast.c'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `inffast.c,v'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `inffast.c'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/inffast.c,v'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `inffast.c'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/inffast.c'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `inffast.c'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `s.inffast.c'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `inffast.c'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `SCCS/s.inffast.c'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `inffast'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `inffast.y'.
         Looking for a rule with intermediate file `inffast.y'.
          Avoiding implicit rule recursion.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `inffast.y'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `inffast.y,v'.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `inffast.y'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/inffast.y,v'.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `inffast.y'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/inffast.y'.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `inffast.y'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `s.inffast.y'.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `inffast.y'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `SCCS/s.inffast.y'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `inffast'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `inffast.l'.
         Looking for a rule with intermediate file `inffast.l'.
          Avoiding implicit rule recursion.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `inffast.l'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `inffast.l,v'.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `inffast.l'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/inffast.l,v'.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `inffast.l'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/inffast.l'.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `inffast.l'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `s.inffast.l'.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `inffast.l'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `SCCS/s.inffast.l'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `inffast'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `inffast.w'.
         Looking for a rule with intermediate file `inffast.w'.
          Avoiding implicit rule recursion.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `inffast.w'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `inffast.w,v'.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `inffast.w'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/inffast.w,v'.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `inffast.w'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/inffast.w'.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `inffast.w'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `s.inffast.w'.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `inffast.w'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `SCCS/s.inffast.w'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `inffast'.
         Rejecting impossible implicit prerequisite `inffast.w'.
         No implicit rule found for `inffast.c'.
         Finished prerequisites of target file `inffast.c'.
        No need to remake target `inffast.c'.
        Pruning file `zutil.h'.
        Pruning file `zlib.h'.
        Pruning file `zconf.h'.
        Pruning file `inftrees.h'.
        Pruning file `inflate.h'.
        Pruning file `inffast.h'.
       Finished prerequisites of target file `inffast.o'.
       Prerequisite `inffast.c' is older than target `inffast.o'.
       Prerequisite `zutil.h' is older than target `inffast.o'.
       Prerequisite `zlib.h' is older than target `inffast.o'.
       Prerequisite `zconf.h' is older than target `inffast.o'.
       Prerequisite `inftrees.h' is older than target `inffast.o'.
       Prerequisite `inflate.h' is older than target `inffast.o'.
       Prerequisite `inffast.h' is older than target `inffast.o'.
      No need to remake target `inffast.o'.
      Considering target file `inflate.o'.
       Looking for an implicit rule for `inflate.o'.
       Trying pattern rule with stem `inflate'.
       Trying implicit prerequisite `inflate.c'.
       Found an implicit rule for `inflate.o'.
        Considering target file `inflate.c'.
         Looking for an implicit rule for `inflate.c'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `inflate'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `inflate.y'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `inflate'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `inflate.l'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `inflate'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `inflate.w'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `inflate'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `inflate.w'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `inflate.c'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `inflate.c,v'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `inflate.c'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/inflate.c,v'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `inflate.c'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/inflate.c'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `inflate.c'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `s.inflate.c'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `inflate.c'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `SCCS/s.inflate.c'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `inflate'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `inflate.y'.
         Looking for a rule with intermediate file `inflate.y'.
          Avoiding implicit rule recursion.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `inflate.y'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `inflate.y,v'.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `inflate.y'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/inflate.y,v'.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `inflate.y'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/inflate.y'.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `inflate.y'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `s.inflate.y'.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `inflate.y'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `SCCS/s.inflate.y'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `inflate'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `inflate.l'.
         Looking for a rule with intermediate file `inflate.l'.
          Avoiding implicit rule recursion.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `inflate.l'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `inflate.l,v'.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `inflate.l'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/inflate.l,v'.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `inflate.l'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/inflate.l'.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `inflate.l'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `s.inflate.l'.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `inflate.l'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `SCCS/s.inflate.l'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `inflate'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `inflate.w'.
         Looking for a rule with intermediate file `inflate.w'.
          Avoiding implicit rule recursion.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `inflate.w'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `inflate.w,v'.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `inflate.w'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/inflate.w,v'.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `inflate.w'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/inflate.w'.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `inflate.w'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `s.inflate.w'.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `inflate.w'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `SCCS/s.inflate.w'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `inflate'.
         Rejecting impossible implicit prerequisite `inflate.w'.
         No implicit rule found for `inflate.c'.
         Finished prerequisites of target file `inflate.c'.
        No need to remake target `inflate.c'.
        Pruning file `zutil.h'.
        Pruning file `zlib.h'.
        Pruning file `zconf.h'.
        Pruning file `inftrees.h'.
        Pruning file `inflate.h'.
        Pruning file `inffast.h'.
        Pruning file `inffixed.h'.
       Finished prerequisites of target file `inflate.o'.
       Prerequisite `inflate.c' is older than target `inflate.o'.
       Prerequisite `zutil.h' is older than target `inflate.o'.
       Prerequisite `zlib.h' is older than target `inflate.o'.
       Prerequisite `zconf.h' is older than target `inflate.o'.
       Prerequisite `inftrees.h' is older than target `inflate.o'.
       Prerequisite `inflate.h' is older than target `inflate.o'.
       Prerequisite `inffast.h' is older than target `inflate.o'.
       Prerequisite `inffixed.h' is older than target `inflate.o'.
      No need to remake target `inflate.o'.
      Considering target file `inftrees.o'.
       Looking for an implicit rule for `inftrees.o'.
       Trying pattern rule with stem `inftrees'.
       Trying implicit prerequisite `inftrees.c'.
       Found an implicit rule for `inftrees.o'.
        Considering target file `inftrees.c'.
         Looking for an implicit rule for `inftrees.c'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `inftrees'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `inftrees.y'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `inftrees'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `inftrees.l'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `inftrees'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `inftrees.w'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `inftrees'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `inftrees.w'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `inftrees.c'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `inftrees.c,v'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `inftrees.c'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/inftrees.c,v'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `inftrees.c'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/inftrees.c'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `inftrees.c'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `s.inftrees.c'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `inftrees.c'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `SCCS/s.inftrees.c'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `inftrees'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `inftrees.y'.
         Looking for a rule with intermediate file `inftrees.y'.
          Avoiding implicit rule recursion.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `inftrees.y'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `inftrees.y,v'.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `inftrees.y'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/inftrees.y,v'.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `inftrees.y'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/inftrees.y'.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `inftrees.y'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `s.inftrees.y'.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `inftrees.y'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `SCCS/s.inftrees.y'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `inftrees'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `inftrees.l'.
         Looking for a rule with intermediate file `inftrees.l'.
          Avoiding implicit rule recursion.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `inftrees.l'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `inftrees.l,v'.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `inftrees.l'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/inftrees.l,v'.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `inftrees.l'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/inftrees.l'.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `inftrees.l'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `s.inftrees.l'.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `inftrees.l'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `SCCS/s.inftrees.l'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `inftrees'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `inftrees.w'.
         Looking for a rule with intermediate file `inftrees.w'.
          Avoiding implicit rule recursion.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `inftrees.w'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `inftrees.w,v'.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `inftrees.w'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/inftrees.w,v'.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `inftrees.w'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/inftrees.w'.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `inftrees.w'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `s.inftrees.w'.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `inftrees.w'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `SCCS/s.inftrees.w'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `inftrees'.
         Rejecting impossible implicit prerequisite `inftrees.w'.
         No implicit rule found for `inftrees.c'.
         Finished prerequisites of target file `inftrees.c'.
        No need to remake target `inftrees.c'.
        Pruning file `zutil.h'.
        Pruning file `zlib.h'.
        Pruning file `zconf.h'.
        Pruning file `inftrees.h'.
       Finished prerequisites of target file `inftrees.o'.
       Prerequisite `inftrees.c' is older than target `inftrees.o'.
       Prerequisite `zutil.h' is older than target `inftrees.o'.
       Prerequisite `zlib.h' is older than target `inftrees.o'.
       Prerequisite `zconf.h' is older than target `inftrees.o'.
       Prerequisite `inftrees.h' is older than target `inftrees.o'.
      No need to remake target `inftrees.o'.
      Considering target file `trees.o'.
       Looking for an implicit rule for `trees.o'.
       Trying pattern rule with stem `trees'.
       Trying implicit prerequisite `trees.c'.
       Found an implicit rule for `trees.o'.
        Considering target file `trees.c'.
         Looking for an implicit rule for `trees.c'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `trees'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `trees.y'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `trees'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `trees.l'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `trees'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `trees.w'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `trees'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `trees.w'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `trees.c'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `trees.c,v'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `trees.c'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/trees.c,v'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `trees.c'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/trees.c'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `trees.c'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `s.trees.c'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `trees.c'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `SCCS/s.trees.c'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `trees'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `trees.y'.
         Looking for a rule with intermediate file `trees.y'.
          Avoiding implicit rule recursion.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `trees.y'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `trees.y,v'.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `trees.y'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/trees.y,v'.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `trees.y'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/trees.y'.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `trees.y'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `s.trees.y'.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `trees.y'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `SCCS/s.trees.y'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `trees'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `trees.l'.
         Looking for a rule with intermediate file `trees.l'.
          Avoiding implicit rule recursion.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `trees.l'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `trees.l,v'.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `trees.l'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/trees.l,v'.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `trees.l'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/trees.l'.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `trees.l'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `s.trees.l'.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `trees.l'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `SCCS/s.trees.l'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `trees'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `trees.w'.
         Looking for a rule with intermediate file `trees.w'.
          Avoiding implicit rule recursion.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `trees.w'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `trees.w,v'.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `trees.w'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/trees.w,v'.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `trees.w'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/trees.w'.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `trees.w'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `s.trees.w'.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `trees.w'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `SCCS/s.trees.w'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `trees'.
         Rejecting impossible implicit prerequisite `trees.w'.
         No implicit rule found for `trees.c'.
         Finished prerequisites of target file `trees.c'.
        No need to remake target `trees.c'.
        Pruning file `deflate.h'.
        Pruning file `zutil.h'.
        Pruning file `zlib.h'.
        Pruning file `zconf.h'.
        Considering target file `trees.h'.
         Looking for an implicit rule for `trees.h'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `trees.h'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `trees.h,v'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `trees.h'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/trees.h,v'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `trees.h'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/trees.h'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `trees.h'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `s.trees.h'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `trees.h'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `SCCS/s.trees.h'.
         No implicit rule found for `trees.h'.
         Finished prerequisites of target file `trees.h'.
        No need to remake target `trees.h'.
       Finished prerequisites of target file `trees.o'.
       Prerequisite `trees.c' is older than target `trees.o'.
       Prerequisite `deflate.h' is older than target `trees.o'.
       Prerequisite `zutil.h' is older than target `trees.o'.
       Prerequisite `zlib.h' is older than target `trees.o'.
       Prerequisite `zconf.h' is older than target `trees.o'.
       Prerequisite `trees.h' is older than target `trees.o'.
      No need to remake target `trees.o'.
      Considering target file `zutil.o'.
       Looking for an implicit rule for `zutil.o'.
       Trying pattern rule with stem `zutil'.
       Trying implicit prerequisite `zutil.c'.
       Found an implicit rule for `zutil.o'.
        Considering target file `zutil.c'.
         Looking for an implicit rule for `zutil.c'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `zutil'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `zutil.y'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `zutil'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `zutil.l'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `zutil'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `zutil.w'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `zutil'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `zutil.w'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `zutil.c'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `zutil.c,v'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `zutil.c'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/zutil.c,v'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `zutil.c'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/zutil.c'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `zutil.c'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `s.zutil.c'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `zutil.c'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `SCCS/s.zutil.c'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `zutil'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `zutil.y'.
         Looking for a rule with intermediate file `zutil.y'.
          Avoiding implicit rule recursion.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `zutil.y'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `zutil.y,v'.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `zutil.y'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/zutil.y,v'.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `zutil.y'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/zutil.y'.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `zutil.y'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `s.zutil.y'.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `zutil.y'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `SCCS/s.zutil.y'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `zutil'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `zutil.l'.
         Looking for a rule with intermediate file `zutil.l'.
          Avoiding implicit rule recursion.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `zutil.l'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `zutil.l,v'.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `zutil.l'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/zutil.l,v'.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `zutil.l'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/zutil.l'.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `zutil.l'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `s.zutil.l'.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `zutil.l'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `SCCS/s.zutil.l'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `zutil'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `zutil.w'.
         Looking for a rule with intermediate file `zutil.w'.
          Avoiding implicit rule recursion.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `zutil.w'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `zutil.w,v'.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `zutil.w'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/zutil.w,v'.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `zutil.w'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/zutil.w'.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `zutil.w'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `s.zutil.w'.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `zutil.w'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `SCCS/s.zutil.w'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `zutil'.
         Rejecting impossible implicit prerequisite `zutil.w'.
         No implicit rule found for `zutil.c'.
         Finished prerequisites of target file `zutil.c'.
        No need to remake target `zutil.c'.
        Pruning file `zutil.h'.
        Pruning file `zlib.h'.
        Pruning file `zconf.h'.
       Finished prerequisites of target file `zutil.o'.
       Prerequisite `zutil.c' is older than target `zutil.o'.
       Prerequisite `zutil.h' is older than target `zutil.o'.
       Prerequisite `zlib.h' is older than target `zutil.o'.
       Prerequisite `zconf.h' is older than target `zutil.o'.
      No need to remake target `zutil.o'.
      Considering target file `compress.o'.
       Looking for an implicit rule for `compress.o'.
       Trying pattern rule with stem `compress'.
       Trying implicit prerequisite `compress.c'.
       Found an implicit rule for `compress.o'.
        Considering target file `compress.c'.
         Looking for an implicit rule for `compress.c'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `compress'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `compress.y'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `compress'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `compress.l'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `compress'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `compress.w'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `compress'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `compress.w'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `compress.c'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `compress.c,v'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `compress.c'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/compress.c,v'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `compress.c'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/compress.c'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `compress.c'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `s.compress.c'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `compress.c'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `SCCS/s.compress.c'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `compress'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `compress.y'.
         Looking for a rule with intermediate file `compress.y'.
          Avoiding implicit rule recursion.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `compress.y'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `compress.y,v'.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `compress.y'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/compress.y,v'.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `compress.y'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/compress.y'.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `compress.y'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `s.compress.y'.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `compress.y'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `SCCS/s.compress.y'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `compress'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `compress.l'.
         Looking for a rule with intermediate file `compress.l'.
          Avoiding implicit rule recursion.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `compress.l'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `compress.l,v'.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `compress.l'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/compress.l,v'.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `compress.l'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/compress.l'.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `compress.l'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `s.compress.l'.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `compress.l'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `SCCS/s.compress.l'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `compress'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `compress.w'.
         Looking for a rule with intermediate file `compress.w'.
          Avoiding implicit rule recursion.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `compress.w'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `compress.w,v'.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `compress.w'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/compress.w,v'.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `compress.w'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/compress.w'.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `compress.w'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `s.compress.w'.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `compress.w'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `SCCS/s.compress.w'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `compress'.
         Rejecting impossible implicit prerequisite `compress.w'.
         No implicit rule found for `compress.c'.
         Finished prerequisites of target file `compress.c'.
        No need to remake target `compress.c'.
        Pruning file `zlib.h'.
        Pruning file `zconf.h'.
       Finished prerequisites of target file `compress.o'.
       Prerequisite `compress.c' is older than target `compress.o'.
       Prerequisite `zlib.h' is older than target `compress.o'.
       Prerequisite `zconf.h' is older than target `compress.o'.
      No need to remake target `compress.o'.
      Considering target file `uncompr.o'.
       Looking for an implicit rule for `uncompr.o'.
       Trying pattern rule with stem `uncompr'.
       Trying implicit prerequisite `uncompr.c'.
       Found an implicit rule for `uncompr.o'.
        Considering target file `uncompr.c'.
         Looking for an implicit rule for `uncompr.c'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `uncompr'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `uncompr.y'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `uncompr'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `uncompr.l'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `uncompr'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `uncompr.w'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `uncompr'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `uncompr.w'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `uncompr.c'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `uncompr.c,v'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `uncompr.c'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/uncompr.c,v'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `uncompr.c'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/uncompr.c'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `uncompr.c'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `s.uncompr.c'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `uncompr.c'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `SCCS/s.uncompr.c'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `uncompr'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `uncompr.y'.
         Looking for a rule with intermediate file `uncompr.y'.
          Avoiding implicit rule recursion.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `uncompr.y'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `uncompr.y,v'.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `uncompr.y'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/uncompr.y,v'.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `uncompr.y'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/uncompr.y'.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `uncompr.y'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `s.uncompr.y'.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `uncompr.y'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `SCCS/s.uncompr.y'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `uncompr'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `uncompr.l'.
         Looking for a rule with intermediate file `uncompr.l'.
          Avoiding implicit rule recursion.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `uncompr.l'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `uncompr.l,v'.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `uncompr.l'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/uncompr.l,v'.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `uncompr.l'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/uncompr.l'.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `uncompr.l'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `s.uncompr.l'.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `uncompr.l'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `SCCS/s.uncompr.l'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `uncompr'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `uncompr.w'.
         Looking for a rule with intermediate file `uncompr.w'.
          Avoiding implicit rule recursion.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `uncompr.w'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `uncompr.w,v'.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `uncompr.w'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/uncompr.w,v'.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `uncompr.w'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/uncompr.w'.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `uncompr.w'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `s.uncompr.w'.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `uncompr.w'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `SCCS/s.uncompr.w'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `uncompr'.
         Rejecting impossible implicit prerequisite `uncompr.w'.
         No implicit rule found for `uncompr.c'.
         Finished prerequisites of target file `uncompr.c'.
        No need to remake target `uncompr.c'.
        Pruning file `zlib.h'.
        Pruning file `zconf.h'.
       Finished prerequisites of target file `uncompr.o'.
       Prerequisite `uncompr.c' is older than target `uncompr.o'.
       Prerequisite `zlib.h' is older than target `uncompr.o'.
       Prerequisite `zconf.h' is older than target `uncompr.o'.
      No need to remake target `uncompr.o'.
      Considering target file `gzclose.o'.
       Looking for an implicit rule for `gzclose.o'.
       Trying pattern rule with stem `gzclose'.
       Trying implicit prerequisite `gzclose.c'.
       Found an implicit rule for `gzclose.o'.
        Considering target file `gzclose.c'.
         Looking for an implicit rule for `gzclose.c'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `gzclose'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `gzclose.y'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `gzclose'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `gzclose.l'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `gzclose'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `gzclose.w'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `gzclose'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `gzclose.w'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `gzclose.c'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `gzclose.c,v'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `gzclose.c'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/gzclose.c,v'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `gzclose.c'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/gzclose.c'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `gzclose.c'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `s.gzclose.c'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `gzclose.c'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `SCCS/s.gzclose.c'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `gzclose'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `gzclose.y'.
         Looking for a rule with intermediate file `gzclose.y'.
          Avoiding implicit rule recursion.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `gzclose.y'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `gzclose.y,v'.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `gzclose.y'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/gzclose.y,v'.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `gzclose.y'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/gzclose.y'.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `gzclose.y'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `s.gzclose.y'.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `gzclose.y'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `SCCS/s.gzclose.y'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `gzclose'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `gzclose.l'.
         Looking for a rule with intermediate file `gzclose.l'.
          Avoiding implicit rule recursion.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `gzclose.l'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `gzclose.l,v'.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `gzclose.l'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/gzclose.l,v'.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `gzclose.l'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/gzclose.l'.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `gzclose.l'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `s.gzclose.l'.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `gzclose.l'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `SCCS/s.gzclose.l'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `gzclose'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `gzclose.w'.
         Looking for a rule with intermediate file `gzclose.w'.
          Avoiding implicit rule recursion.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `gzclose.w'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `gzclose.w,v'.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `gzclose.w'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/gzclose.w,v'.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `gzclose.w'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/gzclose.w'.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `gzclose.w'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `s.gzclose.w'.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `gzclose.w'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `SCCS/s.gzclose.w'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `gzclose'.
         Rejecting impossible implicit prerequisite `gzclose.w'.
         No implicit rule found for `gzclose.c'.
         Finished prerequisites of target file `gzclose.c'.
        No need to remake target `gzclose.c'.
        Pruning file `zlib.h'.
        Pruning file `zconf.h'.
        Considering target file `gzguts.h'.
         Looking for an implicit rule for `gzguts.h'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `gzguts.h'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `gzguts.h,v'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `gzguts.h'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/gzguts.h,v'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `gzguts.h'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/gzguts.h'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `gzguts.h'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `s.gzguts.h'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `gzguts.h'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `SCCS/s.gzguts.h'.
         No implicit rule found for `gzguts.h'.
         Finished prerequisites of target file `gzguts.h'.
        No need to remake target `gzguts.h'.
       Finished prerequisites of target file `gzclose.o'.
       Prerequisite `gzclose.c' is older than target `gzclose.o'.
       Prerequisite `zlib.h' is older than target `gzclose.o'.
       Prerequisite `zconf.h' is older than target `gzclose.o'.
       Prerequisite `gzguts.h' is older than target `gzclose.o'.
      No need to remake target `gzclose.o'.
      Considering target file `gzlib.o'.
       Looking for an implicit rule for `gzlib.o'.
       Trying pattern rule with stem `gzlib'.
       Trying implicit prerequisite `gzlib.c'.
       Found an implicit rule for `gzlib.o'.
        Considering target file `gzlib.c'.
         Looking for an implicit rule for `gzlib.c'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `gzlib'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `gzlib.y'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `gzlib'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `gzlib.l'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `gzlib'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `gzlib.w'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `gzlib'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `gzlib.w'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `gzlib.c'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `gzlib.c,v'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `gzlib.c'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/gzlib.c,v'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `gzlib.c'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/gzlib.c'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `gzlib.c'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `s.gzlib.c'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `gzlib.c'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `SCCS/s.gzlib.c'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `gzlib'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `gzlib.y'.
         Looking for a rule with intermediate file `gzlib.y'.
          Avoiding implicit rule recursion.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `gzlib.y'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `gzlib.y,v'.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `gzlib.y'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/gzlib.y,v'.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `gzlib.y'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/gzlib.y'.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `gzlib.y'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `s.gzlib.y'.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `gzlib.y'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `SCCS/s.gzlib.y'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `gzlib'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `gzlib.l'.
         Looking for a rule with intermediate file `gzlib.l'.
          Avoiding implicit rule recursion.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `gzlib.l'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `gzlib.l,v'.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `gzlib.l'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/gzlib.l,v'.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `gzlib.l'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/gzlib.l'.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `gzlib.l'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `s.gzlib.l'.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `gzlib.l'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `SCCS/s.gzlib.l'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `gzlib'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `gzlib.w'.
         Looking for a rule with intermediate file `gzlib.w'.
          Avoiding implicit rule recursion.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `gzlib.w'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `gzlib.w,v'.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `gzlib.w'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/gzlib.w,v'.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `gzlib.w'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/gzlib.w'.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `gzlib.w'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `s.gzlib.w'.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `gzlib.w'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `SCCS/s.gzlib.w'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `gzlib'.
         Rejecting impossible implicit prerequisite `gzlib.w'.
         No implicit rule found for `gzlib.c'.
         Finished prerequisites of target file `gzlib.c'.
        No need to remake target `gzlib.c'.
        Pruning file `zlib.h'.
        Pruning file `zconf.h'.
        Pruning file `gzguts.h'.
       Finished prerequisites of target file `gzlib.o'.
       Prerequisite `gzlib.c' is older than target `gzlib.o'.
       Prerequisite `zlib.h' is older than target `gzlib.o'.
       Prerequisite `zconf.h' is older than target `gzlib.o'.
       Prerequisite `gzguts.h' is older than target `gzlib.o'.
      No need to remake target `gzlib.o'.
      Considering target file `gzread.o'.
       Looking for an implicit rule for `gzread.o'.
       Trying pattern rule with stem `gzread'.
       Trying implicit prerequisite `gzread.c'.
       Found an implicit rule for `gzread.o'.
        Considering target file `gzread.c'.
         Looking for an implicit rule for `gzread.c'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `gzread'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `gzread.y'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `gzread'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `gzread.l'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `gzread'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `gzread.w'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `gzread'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `gzread.w'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `gzread.c'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `gzread.c,v'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `gzread.c'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/gzread.c,v'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `gzread.c'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/gzread.c'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `gzread.c'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `s.gzread.c'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `gzread.c'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `SCCS/s.gzread.c'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `gzread'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `gzread.y'.
         Looking for a rule with intermediate file `gzread.y'.
          Avoiding implicit rule recursion.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `gzread.y'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `gzread.y,v'.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `gzread.y'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/gzread.y,v'.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `gzread.y'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/gzread.y'.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `gzread.y'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `s.gzread.y'.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `gzread.y'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `SCCS/s.gzread.y'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `gzread'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `gzread.l'.
         Looking for a rule with intermediate file `gzread.l'.
          Avoiding implicit rule recursion.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `gzread.l'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `gzread.l,v'.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `gzread.l'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/gzread.l,v'.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `gzread.l'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/gzread.l'.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `gzread.l'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `s.gzread.l'.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `gzread.l'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `SCCS/s.gzread.l'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `gzread'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `gzread.w'.
         Looking for a rule with intermediate file `gzread.w'.
          Avoiding implicit rule recursion.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `gzread.w'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `gzread.w,v'.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `gzread.w'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/gzread.w,v'.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `gzread.w'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/gzread.w'.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `gzread.w'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `s.gzread.w'.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `gzread.w'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `SCCS/s.gzread.w'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `gzread'.
         Rejecting impossible implicit prerequisite `gzread.w'.
         No implicit rule found for `gzread.c'.
         Finished prerequisites of target file `gzread.c'.
        No need to remake target `gzread.c'.
        Pruning file `zlib.h'.
        Pruning file `zconf.h'.
        Pruning file `gzguts.h'.
       Finished prerequisites of target file `gzread.o'.
       Prerequisite `gzread.c' is older than target `gzread.o'.
       Prerequisite `zlib.h' is older than target `gzread.o'.
       Prerequisite `zconf.h' is older than target `gzread.o'.
       Prerequisite `gzguts.h' is older than target `gzread.o'.
      No need to remake target `gzread.o'.
      Considering target file `gzwrite.o'.
       Looking for an implicit rule for `gzwrite.o'.
       Trying pattern rule with stem `gzwrite'.
       Trying implicit prerequisite `gzwrite.c'.
       Found an implicit rule for `gzwrite.o'.
        Considering target file `gzwrite.c'.
         Looking for an implicit rule for `gzwrite.c'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `gzwrite'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `gzwrite.y'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `gzwrite'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `gzwrite.l'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `gzwrite'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `gzwrite.w'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `gzwrite'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `gzwrite.w'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `gzwrite.c'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `gzwrite.c,v'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `gzwrite.c'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/gzwrite.c,v'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `gzwrite.c'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/gzwrite.c'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `gzwrite.c'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `s.gzwrite.c'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `gzwrite.c'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `SCCS/s.gzwrite.c'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `gzwrite'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `gzwrite.y'.
         Looking for a rule with intermediate file `gzwrite.y'.
          Avoiding implicit rule recursion.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `gzwrite.y'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `gzwrite.y,v'.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `gzwrite.y'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/gzwrite.y,v'.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `gzwrite.y'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/gzwrite.y'.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `gzwrite.y'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `s.gzwrite.y'.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `gzwrite.y'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `SCCS/s.gzwrite.y'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `gzwrite'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `gzwrite.l'.
         Looking for a rule with intermediate file `gzwrite.l'.
          Avoiding implicit rule recursion.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `gzwrite.l'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `gzwrite.l,v'.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `gzwrite.l'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/gzwrite.l,v'.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `gzwrite.l'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/gzwrite.l'.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `gzwrite.l'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `s.gzwrite.l'.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `gzwrite.l'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `SCCS/s.gzwrite.l'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `gzwrite'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `gzwrite.w'.
         Looking for a rule with intermediate file `gzwrite.w'.
          Avoiding implicit rule recursion.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `gzwrite.w'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `gzwrite.w,v'.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `gzwrite.w'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/gzwrite.w,v'.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `gzwrite.w'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/gzwrite.w'.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `gzwrite.w'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `s.gzwrite.w'.
          Trying pattern rule with stem `gzwrite.w'.
          Trying implicit prerequisite `SCCS/s.gzwrite.w'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `gzwrite'.
         Rejecting impossible implicit prerequisite `gzwrite.w'.
         No implicit rule found for `gzwrite.c'.
         Finished prerequisites of target file `gzwrite.c'.
        No need to remake target `gzwrite.c'.
        Pruning file `zlib.h'.
        Pruning file `zconf.h'.
        Pruning file `gzguts.h'.
       Finished prerequisites of target file `gzwrite.o'.
       Prerequisite `gzwrite.c' is older than target `gzwrite.o'.
       Prerequisite `zlib.h' is older than target `gzwrite.o'.
       Prerequisite `zconf.h' is older than target `gzwrite.o'.
       Prerequisite `gzguts.h' is older than target `gzwrite.o'.
      No need to remake target `gzwrite.o'.
      Considering target file `crc32-pclmul_asm.o'.
        Considering target file `contrib/amd64/crc32-pclmul_asm.S'.
         Looking for an implicit rule for `contrib/amd64/crc32-pclmul_asm.S'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `crc32-pclmul_asm.S'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `contrib/amd64/crc32-pclmul_asm.S,v'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `crc32-pclmul_asm.S'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `contrib/amd64/RCS/crc32-pclmul_asm.S,v'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `crc32-pclmul_asm.S'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `contrib/amd64/RCS/crc32-pclmul_asm.S'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `crc32-pclmul_asm.S'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `contrib/amd64/s.crc32-pclmul_asm.S'.
         Trying pattern rule with stem `crc32-pclmul_asm.S'.
         Trying implicit prerequisite `contrib/amd64/SCCS/s.crc32-pclmul_asm.S'.
         No implicit rule found for `contrib/amd64/crc32-pclmul_asm.S'.
         Finished prerequisites of target file `contrib/amd64/crc32-pclmul_asm.S'.
        No need to remake target `contrib/amd64/crc32-pclmul_asm.S'.
       Finished prerequisites of target file `crc32-pclmul_asm.o'.
       Prerequisite `contrib/amd64/crc32-pclmul_asm.S' is older than target `crc32-pclmul_asm.o'.
      No need to remake target `crc32-pclmul_asm.o'.
     Finished prerequisites of target file `libz.a'.
     Prerequisite `adler32.o' is older than target `libz.a'.
     Prerequisite `crc32.o' is older than target `libz.a'.
     Prerequisite `deflate.o' is older than target `libz.a'.
     Prerequisite `infback.o' is older than target `libz.a'.
     Prerequisite `inffast.o' is older than target `libz.a'.
     Prerequisite `inflate.o' is older than target `libz.a'.
     Prerequisite `inftrees.o' is older than target `libz.a'.
     Prerequisite `trees.o' is older than target `libz.a'.
     Prerequisite `zutil.o' is older than target `libz.a'.
     Prerequisite `compress.o' is older than target `libz.a'.
     Prerequisite `uncompr.o' is older than target `libz.a'.
     Prerequisite `gzclose.o' is older than target `libz.a'.
     Prerequisite `gzlib.o' is older than target `libz.a'.
     Prerequisite `gzread.o' is older than target `libz.a'.
     Prerequisite `gzwrite.o' is older than target `libz.a'.
     Prerequisite `crc32-pclmul_asm.o' is older than target `libz.a'.
    No need to remake target `libz.a'.
    Considering target file `'.
      Considering target file `adler32.lo'.
       Looking for an implicit rule for `adler32.lo'.
       Trying pattern rule with stem `adler32'.
       Trying implicit prerequisite `adler32.c'.
       Found an implicit rule for `adler32.lo'.
        Pruning file `adler32.c'.
        Pruning file `zutil.h'.
        Pruning file `zlib.h'.
        Pruning file `zconf.h'.
       Finished prerequisites of target file `adler32.lo'.
       Prerequisite `adler32.c' is older than target `adler32.lo'.
       Prerequisite `zutil.h' is older than target `adler32.lo'.
       Prerequisite `zlib.h' is older than target `adler32.lo'.
       Prerequisite `zconf.h' is older than target `adler32.lo'.
      No need to remake target `adler32.lo'.
      Considering target file `crc32.lo'.
       Looking for an implicit rule for `crc32.lo'.
       Trying pattern rule with stem `crc32'.
       Trying implicit prerequisite `crc32.c'.
       Found an implicit rule for `crc32.lo'.
        Pruning file `crc32.c'.
        Pruning file `zutil.h'.
        Pruning file `zlib.h'.
        Pruning file `zconf.h'.
        Pruning file `crc32.h'.
       Finished prerequisites of target file `crc32.lo'.
       Prerequisite `crc32.c' is older than target `crc32.lo'.
       Prerequisite `zutil.h' is older than target `crc32.lo'.
       Prerequisite `zlib.h' is older than target `crc32.lo'.
       Prerequisite `zconf.h' is older than target `crc32.lo'.
       Prerequisite `crc32.h' is older than target `crc32.lo'.
      No need to remake target `crc32.lo'.
      Considering target file `deflate.lo'.
       Looking for an implicit rule for `deflate.lo'.
       Trying pattern rule with stem `deflate'.
       Trying implicit prerequisite `deflate.c'.
       Found an implicit rule for `deflate.lo'.
        Pruning file `deflate.c'.
        Pruning file `deflate.h'.
        Pruning file `zutil.h'.
        Pruning file `zlib.h'.
        Pruning file `zconf.h'.
       Finished prerequisites of target file `deflate.lo'.
       Prerequisite `deflate.c' is older than target `deflate.lo'.
       Prerequisite `deflate.h' is older than target `deflate.lo'.
       Prerequisite `zutil.h' is older than target `deflate.lo'.
       Prerequisite `zlib.h' is older than target `deflate.lo'.
       Prerequisite `zconf.h' is older than target `deflate.lo'.
      No need to remake target `deflate.lo'.
      Considering target file `infback.lo'.
       Looking for an implicit rule for `infback.lo'.
       Trying pattern rule with stem `infback'.
       Trying implicit prerequisite `infback.c'.
       Found an implicit rule for `infback.lo'.
        Pruning file `infback.c'.
        Pruning file `zutil.h'.
        Pruning file `zlib.h'.
        Pruning file `zconf.h'.
        Pruning file `inftrees.h'.
        Pruning file `inflate.h'.
        Pruning file `inffast.h'.
        Pruning file `inffixed.h'.
       Finished prerequisites of target file `infback.lo'.
       Prerequisite `infback.c' is older than target `infback.lo'.
       Prerequisite `zutil.h' is older than target `infback.lo'.
       Prerequisite `zlib.h' is older than target `infback.lo'.
       Prerequisite `zconf.h' is older than target `infback.lo'.
       Prerequisite `inftrees.h' is older than target `infback.lo'.
       Prerequisite `inflate.h' is older than target `infback.lo'.
       Prerequisite `inffast.h' is older than target `infback.lo'.
       Prerequisite `inffixed.h' is older than target `infback.lo'.
      No need to remake target `infback.lo'.
      Considering target file `inffast.lo'.
       Looking for an implicit rule for `inffast.lo'.
       Trying pattern rule with stem `inffast'.
       Trying implicit prerequisite `inffast.c'.
       Found an implicit rule for `inffast.lo'.
        Pruning file `inffast.c'.
        Pruning file `zutil.h'.
        Pruning file `zlib.h'.
        Pruning file `zconf.h'.
        Pruning file `inftrees.h'.
        Pruning file `inflate.h'.
        Pruning file `inffast.h'.
       Finished prerequisites of target file `inffast.lo'.
       Prerequisite `inffast.c' is older than target `inffast.lo'.
       Prerequisite `zutil.h' is older than target `inffast.lo'.
       Prerequisite `zlib.h' is older than target `inffast.lo'.
       Prerequisite `zconf.h' is older than target `inffast.lo'.
       Prerequisite `inftrees.h' is older than target `inffast.lo'.
       Prerequisite `inflate.h' is older than target `inffast.lo'.
       Prerequisite `inffast.h' is older than target `inffast.lo'.
      No need to remake target `inffast.lo'.
      Considering target file `inflate.lo'.
       Looking for an implicit rule for `inflate.lo'.
       Trying pattern rule with stem `inflate'.
       Trying implicit prerequisite `inflate.c'.
       Found an implicit rule for `inflate.lo'.
        Pruning file `inflate.c'.
        Pruning file `zutil.h'.
        Pruning file `zlib.h'.
        Pruning file `zconf.h'.
        Pruning file `inftrees.h'.
        Pruning file `inflate.h'.
        Pruning file `inffast.h'.
        Pruning file `inffixed.h'.
       Finished prerequisites of target file `inflate.lo'.
       Prerequisite `inflate.c' is older than target `inflate.lo'.
       Prerequisite `zutil.h' is older than target `inflate.lo'.
       Prerequisite `zlib.h' is older than target `inflate.lo'.
       Prerequisite `zconf.h' is older than target `inflate.lo'.
       Prerequisite `inftrees.h' is older than target `inflate.lo'.
       Prerequisite `inflate.h' is older than target `inflate.lo'.
       Prerequisite `inffast.h' is older than target `inflate.lo'.
       Prerequisite `inffixed.h' is older than target `inflate.lo'.
      No need to remake target `inflate.lo'.
      Considering target file `inftrees.lo'.
       Looking for an implicit rule for `inftrees.lo'.
       Trying pattern rule with stem `inftrees'.
       Trying implicit prerequisite `inftrees.c'.
       Found an implicit rule for `inftrees.lo'.
        Pruning file `inftrees.c'.
        Pruning file `zutil.h'.
        Pruning file `zlib.h'.
        Pruning file `zconf.h'.
        Pruning file `inftrees.h'.
       Finished prerequisites of target file `inftrees.lo'.
       Prerequisite `inftrees.c' is older than target `inftrees.lo'.
       Prerequisite `zutil.h' is older than target `inftrees.lo'.
       Prerequisite `zlib.h' is older than target `inftrees.lo'.
       Prerequisite `zconf.h' is older than target `inftrees.lo'.
       Prerequisite `inftrees.h' is older than target `inftrees.lo'.
      No need to remake target `inftrees.lo'.
      Considering target file `trees.lo'.
       Looking for an implicit rule for `trees.lo'.
       Trying pattern rule with stem `trees'.
       Trying implicit prerequisite `trees.c'.
       Found an implicit rule for `trees.lo'.
        Pruning file `trees.c'.
        Pruning file `deflate.h'.
        Pruning file `zutil.h'.
        Pruning file `zlib.h'.
        Pruning file `zconf.h'.
        Pruning file `trees.h'.
       Finished prerequisites of target file `trees.lo'.
       Prerequisite `trees.c' is older than target `trees.lo'.
       Prerequisite `deflate.h' is older than target `trees.lo'.
       Prerequisite `zutil.h' is older than target `trees.lo'.
       Prerequisite `zlib.h' is older than target `trees.lo'.
       Prerequisite `zconf.h' is older than target `trees.lo'.
       Prerequisite `trees.h' is older than target `trees.lo'.
      No need to remake target `trees.lo'.
      Considering target file `zutil.lo'.
       Looking for an implicit rule for `zutil.lo'.
       Trying pattern rule with stem `zutil'.
       Trying implicit prerequisite `zutil.c'.
       Found an implicit rule for `zutil.lo'.
        Pruning file `zutil.c'.
        Pruning file `zutil.h'.
        Pruning file `zlib.h'.
        Pruning file `zconf.h'.
       Finished prerequisites of target file `zutil.lo'.
       Prerequisite `zutil.c' is older than target `zutil.lo'.
       Prerequisite `zutil.h' is older than target `zutil.lo'.
       Prerequisite `zlib.h' is older than target `zutil.lo'.
       Prerequisite `zconf.h' is older than target `zutil.lo'.
      No need to remake target `zutil.lo'.
      Considering target file `compress.lo'.
       Looking for an implicit rule for `compress.lo'.
       Trying pattern rule with stem `compress'.
       Trying implicit prerequisite `compress.c'.
       Found an implicit rule for `compress.lo'.
        Pruning file `compress.c'.
        Pruning file `zlib.h'.
        Pruning file `zconf.h'.
       Finished prerequisites of target file `compress.lo'.
       Prerequisite `compress.c' is older than target `compress.lo'.
       Prerequisite `zlib.h' is older than target `compress.lo'.
       Prerequisite `zconf.h' is older than target `compress.lo'.
      No need to remake target `compress.lo'.
      Considering target file `uncompr.lo'.
       Looking for an implicit rule for `uncompr.lo'.
       Trying pattern rule with stem `uncompr'.
       Trying implicit prerequisite `uncompr.c'.
       Found an implicit rule for `uncompr.lo'.
        Pruning file `uncompr.c'.
        Pruning file `zlib.h'.
        Pruning file `zconf.h'.
       Finished prerequisites of target file `uncompr.lo'.
       Prerequisite `uncompr.c' is older than target `uncompr.lo'.
       Prerequisite `zlib.h' is older than target `uncompr.lo'.
       Prerequisite `zconf.h' is older than target `uncompr.lo'.
      No need to remake target `uncompr.lo'.
      Considering target file `gzclose.lo'.
       Looking for an implicit rule for `gzclose.lo'.
       Trying pattern rule with stem `gzclose'.
       Trying implicit prerequisite `gzclose.c'.
       Found an implicit rule for `gzclose.lo'.
        Pruning file `gzclose.c'.
        Pruning file `zlib.h'.
        Pruning file `zconf.h'.
        Pruning file `gzguts.h'.
       Finished prerequisites of target file `gzclose.lo'.
       Prerequisite `gzclose.c' is older than target `gzclose.lo'.
       Prerequisite `zlib.h' is older than target `gzclose.lo'.
       Prerequisite `zconf.h' is older than target `gzclose.lo'.
       Prerequisite `gzguts.h' is older than target `gzclose.lo'.
      No need to remake target `gzclose.lo'.
      Considering target file `gzlib.lo'.
       Looking for an implicit rule for `gzlib.lo'.
       Trying pattern rule with stem `gzlib'.
       Trying implicit prerequisite `gzlib.c'.
       Found an implicit rule for `gzlib.lo'.
        Pruning file `gzlib.c'.
        Pruning file `zlib.h'.
        Pruning file `zconf.h'.
        Pruning file `gzguts.h'.
       Finished prerequisites of target file `gzlib.lo'.
       Prerequisite `gzlib.c' is older than target `gzlib.lo'.
       Prerequisite `zlib.h' is older than target `gzlib.lo'.
       Prerequisite `zconf.h' is older than target `gzlib.lo'.
       Prerequisite `gzguts.h' is older than target `gzlib.lo'.
      No need to remake target `gzlib.lo'.
      Considering target file `gzread.lo'.
       Looking for an implicit rule for `gzread.lo'.
       Trying pattern rule with stem `gzread'.
       Trying implicit prerequisite `gzread.c'.
       Found an implicit rule for `gzread.lo'.
        Pruning file `gzread.c'.
        Pruning file `zlib.h'.
        Pruning file `zconf.h'.
        Pruning file `gzguts.h'.
       Finished prerequisites of target file `gzread.lo'.
       Prerequisite `gzread.c' is older than target `gzread.lo'.
       Prerequisite `zlib.h' is older than target `gzread.lo'.
       Prerequisite `zconf.h' is older than target `gzread.lo'.
       Prerequisite `gzguts.h' is older than target `gzread.lo'.
      No need to remake target `gzread.lo'.
      Considering target file `gzwrite.lo'.
       Looking for an implicit rule for `gzwrite.lo'.
       Trying pattern rule with stem `gzwrite'.
       Trying implicit prerequisite `gzwrite.c'.
       Found an implicit rule for `gzwrite.lo'.
        Pruning file `gzwrite.c'.
        Pruning file `zlib.h'.
        Pruning file `zconf.h'.
        Pruning file `gzguts.h'.
       Finished prerequisites of target file `gzwrite.lo'.
       Prerequisite `gzwrite.c' is older than target `gzwrite.lo'.
       Prerequisite `zlib.h' is older than target `gzwrite.lo'.
       Prerequisite `zconf.h' is older than target `gzwrite.lo'.
       Prerequisite `gzguts.h' is older than target `gzwrite.lo'.
      No need to remake target `gzwrite.lo'.
      Considering target file `crc32-pclmul_asm.lo'.
        Pruning file `contrib/amd64/crc32-pclmul_asm.S'.
       Finished prerequisites of target file `crc32-pclmul_asm.lo'.
       Prerequisite `contrib/amd64/crc32-pclmul_asm.S' is older than target `crc32-pclmul_asm.lo'.
      No need to remake target `crc32-pclmul_asm.lo'.
      Pruning file `libz.a'.
     Finished prerequisites of target file `'.
     Prerequisite `adler32.lo' is older than target `'.
     Prerequisite `crc32.lo' is older than target `'.
     Prerequisite `deflate.lo' is older than target `'.
     Prerequisite `infback.lo' is older than target `'.
     Prerequisite `inffast.lo' is older than target `'.
     Prerequisite `inflate.lo' is older than target `'.
     Prerequisite `inftrees.lo' is older than target `'.
     Prerequisite `trees.lo' is older than target `'.
     Prerequisite `zutil.lo' is older than target `'.
     Prerequisite `compress.lo' is older than target `'.
     Prerequisite `uncompr.lo' is older than target `'.
     Prerequisite `gzclose.lo' is older than target `'.
     Prerequisite `gzlib.lo' is older than target `'.
     Prerequisite `gzread.lo' is older than target `'.
     Prerequisite `gzwrite.lo' is older than target `'.
     Prerequisite `crc32-pclmul_asm.lo' is older than target `'.
     Prerequisite `libz.a' is older than target `'.
    No need to remake target `'.
   Finished prerequisites of target file `install-libs'.
  Must remake target `install-libs'.
Invoking recipe from Makefile:198 to update target `install-libs'.
Putting child 0x1e28430 (install-libs) PID 21409 on the chain.
Live child 0x1e28430 (install-libs) PID 21409 
Reaping winning child 0x1e28430 PID 21409 
Live child 0x1e28430 (install-libs) PID 21410 
Reaping winning child 0x1e28430 PID 21410 
Live child 0x1e28430 (install-libs) PID 21411 
Reaping winning child 0x1e28430 PID 21411 
Live child 0x1e28430 (install-libs) PID 21412 
Reaping winning child 0x1e28430 PID 21412 
Live child 0x1e28430 (install-libs) PID 21413 
Reaping winning child 0x1e28430 PID 21413 
cp libz.a /usr/local/lib
Live child 0x1e28430 (install-libs) PID 21414 
Reaping winning child 0x1e28430 PID 21414 
chmod 644 /usr/local/lib/libz.a
Live child 0x1e28430 (install-libs) PID 21415 
Reaping winning child 0x1e28430 PID 21415 
Live child 0x1e28430 (install-libs) PID 21416 
Reaping winning child 0x1e28430 PID 21416 
Live child 0x1e28430 (install-libs) PID 21419 
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