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Created February 19, 2014 13:17
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preview of Centmin Mod v1.2.3-eva2000.07 change log
v1.2.3-eva2000.07 change log
- Moved all downloads links themselves out of the download functions at inc/ to their own file at inc/ for easier management
- Changed PHP's default config scan directory variable path (CONFIGSCANDIR) from /root/centminmod/php.d to /etc/centmimod/php.d. will auto detect this and create the necessary directory and copy over any existing PHP extension .ini files from the old path. This is preparation for when chrooted user SSH/SFTP/SCP user account support comes to allow chrooted users PHP binary access to PHP extensions.
- Updated PHP upgrade routine to auto reinstall previously installed PHP extensions such as APC Cache, Xcache, Memcache/Memcached, igbinary and ImagicK. No longer will users need to manually reinstall these PHP extensions after each PHP upgrade. The script will detect what .ini files are in /root/centminmod/php.d (.07 release will be /etc/centminmod/php.d) when PHP upgrade is ran. Then at end of PHP upgrade will auto reinstall each PHP extension that was detected before PHP upgrade completed.
- Updated Nginx from v1.5.8 to v1.5.10 release
- Updated Nginx WebDav module from 0.0.2 to 0.0.3
- Updated multi-threaded compression menu with updated versions for pbzip2, lbzip2, plzip, lzip
- Updated with 4 options PHP_DISABLED=n, MYSQLSERVICE_DISABLED=n, NSD_DISABLED=n and MEMCACHED_DISABLED=n. By default they are set to NO, so that PHP-FPM, MariaDB MySQL, NSD and Memcached server are installed and enabled (running). Some users have no use for NSD for DNS hosted locally on server and/or have no use for Memcached server or want to have an Nginx only server without running PHP-FPM and MySQL services, so you can set PHP_DISABLED=y, MYSQLSERVICE_DISABLED=y, NSD_DISABLED=y and/or MEMCACHED_DISABLED=y in prior to initial Centmin Mod install, so that PHP-FPM, MariaDB MySQL, NSD and Memcached are disabled but installed. This allows for you to re-enable them if needed in future. To re-enable NSD via commands service nsd start and chkconfig nsd on and for Memcached via service memcached start and chkconfig memcached on.
- Updated ngx_pagespeed module version number in from beta to beta. Only version number changed as Centmin Mod is still currently using the work around using Github master branch to work around a bug with ngx_pagespeed_message log Change log
- Added to Nginx configuration http_image_filter_module module (--with-http_image_filter_module
- Added to Nginx configuration headers-more module ( and
- Added support for Phusion Passenger for Nginx support for Ruby, Rails and RubyGem and Python to and In default is disabled NGINX_PASSENGER='n', to enable, you need to set to NGINX_PASSENGER='y' and before reinstalling Nginx, you need to run Addon script at /addons/ to install Ruby, RubyGems, RubyRails and Nginx Passenger depedencies and then run menu option #4 to reinstall Nginx server.
- Added support for Nginx GEOIP module by updating with NGINX_GEOIP=n option for Nginx GeoIP module support NGINX_GEOIP=y will only enable and work if GeoIP database and library have been installed. You can find in Centmin Mod Addons directory a shell script at /addons/ which will install the GeoIP database and library. After installed, then set NGINX_GEOIP=y in and run menu option #4 to recompile Nginx with --with-http_geoip_module support. If you do not install GeoIP database and library before recompiling Nginx with GeoIP module, you will get the following error when restarting Nginx server.
nginx: [emerg] unknown directive "geoip_country" in /usr/local/nginx/conf/geoip.conf:2
nginx: configuration file /usr/local/nginx/conf/nginx.conf test failed
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