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Last active August 10, 2018 17:21
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Export a named list in R as individual worksheets within an Excel workbook (.xlsx)
# Author: Cristian E. Nuno
# Purpose: Add list of data frames as worksheets to
# an existing Excel workbook
# Date: August 10, 2018
# create ExportXLSX function
ExportXLSX <- function( named.list, desired.file.path = getwd(), name.of.file, = FALSE ){
# Inputs:
# 1. named.list: an R list object that is named. The name of each element will be used
# to name each worksheet within the Excel workbook.
# i.e. length of named.list is equal to the number of Worksheets created
# 2. desired.file.path: a character vector specifying the file path you wish to save
# the Excel workbook. By default, the location is your current
# working directory.
# 3. name.of.file: a character vector specifying the name you assign to the Excel workbook.
# By default, the name of the file ends with ".xlsx".
# 4. a logical vector specifiying whether or not to add data as worksheets to an
# existing workbook
# Output:
# 1. An Excel workbook (.xlsx) file that contains 1 worksheet for each element
# within `named.list`` that is saved at the location specified in `desired.file.path`
# with the file named specified in `name.of.file`
# Build in checks to ensure that users
# contain the 'openxlsx' package from the CRAN
if( !require( openxlsx ) ){
install.packages( pkgs = "openxlsx" )
# load necessary package
require( openxlsx )
# build in checks to stop the function without the proper input
if( class( named.list ) != "list" ){
stop( "ExportXLSX() requires the `named.list` argument to be a list object. See ?list for more details." )
# build in checks to stop the function without the list being named
if( class( named.list ) == "list" && is.null( names( named.list ) ) ){
stop( "ExportXLSX() requires the `named.list` argument to be a named list. To be more descriptive of the data contained in each Excel sheet, see ?base::names or ?stats::setNames on how to name your list object." )
# check the existence of an existing workbook
if( ){
# load existing workbook
# note: checking for file type extension
if( grepl( pattern = ".xlsx", x = name.of.file ) ){
wb <- loadWorkbook( file = name.of.file )
} else{
wb <- loadWorkbook( file = paste0( name.of.file, ".xlsx" ) )
} # end of if-else that checks for file type extension
} else{
# create new workbook since doesn't currently exist
wb <- createWorkbook()
} # end of if-else that checks the existence of an existing workbook
# add data to each worksheet
invisible( mapply( FUN = function( i, j )
# if a name from named.list does appear in the workbook
# overwrite the worksheet
if( i %in% names( wb ) ){
writeData( wb = wb
, sheet = i
, x = j )
} else{
# if a name from named.list does not appear in the workbook
# add it as a worksheet
addWorksheet( wb = wb, sheetName = i )
# and then write data to the newly created worksheet
writeData( wb = wb
, sheet = i
, x = j )
} # end of if-else testing if names exist within the workbook
, names( named.list )
, named.list ) )
# set column widths to automatically adjust to fit the column name
invisible( mapply( FUN = function( i, j )
if( !is.null( ncol( j ) ) ){
setColWidths( wb = wb
, sheet = i
, cols = 1:ncol( j )
, widths = "auto" )
, names( named.list )
, named.list ) )
# now export the XLSX file to the desired file path
if( grepl( pattern = ".xlsx", x = name.of.file ) ){
saveWorkbook( wb = wb
, file = file.path( desired.file.path
, name.of.file )
, overwrite = TRUE )
} else{
saveWorkbook( wb = wb
, file = file.path( desired.file.path
, paste0( name.of.file, ".xlsx" ) )
, overwrite = TRUE )
} # end of ExportXLSX() function
# end of script #
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