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Created October 9, 2021 16:23
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TYPO3 Fluid SvgViewHelper
namespace Vendor\Extension\ViewHelpers;
* Copyright notice
* (c) 2016 Andrii Pozdieiev <>, Mosa Al-Husseini <>, Pixelant AB
* All rights reserved
* This script is part of the TYPO3 project. The TYPO3 project is
* free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* The GNU General Public License can be found at
* This script is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* This copyright notice MUST APPEAR in all copies of the script!
use TYPO3Fluid\Fluid\Core\ViewHelper\AbstractTagBasedViewHelper;
use TYPO3\CMS\Core\Core\Environment;
class SvgViewHelper extends AbstractTagBasedViewHelper
public function initializeArguments()
$this->registerArgument('class', 'string', 'Specifies an alternate class for the svg', false);
$this->registerArgument('width', 'float', 'Specifies a width for the svg', false);
$this->registerArgument('height', 'float', 'Specifies a height for the svg', false);
$this->registerArgument('source', 'string', 'The path to the SVG file', true);
* Generate a list from the content
public function render()
$path = Environment::getPublicPath();
$source = $path.$this->arguments['source'];
if (file_exists($source)) {
return $this->getInlineSvg($source);
* @param string $source
* @return string
protected function getInlineSvg($source)
if (!file_exists($source)) {
return '';
$svgContent = file_get_contents($source);
$svgContent = preg_replace('/<script[\s\S]*?>[\s\S]*?<\/script>/i', '', $svgContent);
// Disables the functionality to allow external entities to be loaded when parsing the XML, must be kept
$previousValueOfEntityLoader = libxml_disable_entity_loader(true);
$svgElement = simplexml_load_string($svgContent);
// remove xml version tag
$domXml = dom_import_simplexml($svgElement);
if (isset($this->arguments['class'])) {
$domXml->setAttribute('class', $this->arguments['class']);
if (isset($this->arguments['width'])) {
$domXml->setAttribute('width', $this->arguments['width']);
if (isset($this->arguments['height'])) {
$domXml->setAttribute('height', $this->arguments['height']);
return $domXml->ownerDocument->saveXML($domXml->ownerDocument->documentElement);
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